Mindi Huebner is an Intuitive Mindset Mastery Coach, certified NLP practitioner and Clinical Hypnotherapist. She knows rewiring your brain is the key to creating a soul aligned business and extraordinary life.
She shares her journey of building a soul-aligned business by rewiring the brain to break free from self-sabotage and limiting beliefs. Mindy also gives us a peek into her current offerings and how she’s helping high-achieving women step into their power.
Plus, we talk about the seven keys to success in our next episode. Join us for an episode of transformative power of mindset mastery!
Watch the next episode on YouTube ‘7 Keys to Getting All the Course Sales You Want with Mindi Huebner‘
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Speaker 1:
So on this episode of the Art of.
Speaker 1:
Online Business podcast, you’re going to meet Mindy Huebner, who is an intuitive mindset mastery coach, certified NLP practitioner and clinical hypnotherapist. She knows that rewiring your brain is the key to creating a soul-aligned business and extraordinary life. Her number one mission is helping high-achieving women to release their limiting beliefs that keep them in the sneaky cycle of self-sabotage so they can embody their favorite versions of themselves. And I’m happy to have Mindy on this episode because we’re going to get to see how she built her business, some of the high points and some of the points that were really challenging for her as she built it up to its current level of success. You’re going to get to hear what her current offer suite is, and in the next episode we’re going to listen to Mindy share with us the seven keys to success, ie getting all the core cells you want. Sounds good.
Speaker 3:
I like it. Thank you for being here with us, Mindy. I am thrilled to be here and get to know you both better and share this journey with the audience.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, we’re going to get to know you too and your business, Speaking of us both. If you can’t see us, then click in the show notes below and you will be on the or you will find the YouTube channel, and then you can see my new co-host. Well, you’re not really new.
Speaker 2:
I’m not new anymore. Not new anymore, it’s already been like three almost four months maybe.
Speaker 1:
Right yeah, time flies when you’re having fun.
Speaker 2:
We do have fun together. Right, speaking of time flying.
Speaker 1:
This is my wife, Jamie, of 15 years and co-host of four months At the time that you’re hearing this episode. She’s been managing Facebook ads behind the scenes, and now she’s not so behind the scenes, and so thanks for being on the show with me too, Jamie.
Speaker 3:
Thanks for having me. I can attest to you both having fun, because behind the scenes we were having lots of fun.
Speaker 1:
So everybody know that’s the truth when they say that they absolutely are having fun, the fun that we had before we hit record, before we hit record for this episode, yeah Right. So, mindy, how many years have you been in business? Let’s start there, and then please give us a snapshot of what your current business looks like before we rewind and get into all the nitty gritty fun journey.
Speaker 3:
Yes, I have been teaching, coaching, mentoring my entire adult life, so I have been in business over 25 years.
Speaker 1:
Your entire adult life.
Speaker 3:
Yes, yes, I have always been the person that people tell way too much to.
Speaker 2:
You seem like a good listener. Is that it?
Speaker 3:
Yes, yes, yes, exactly, exactly. So that has always happened and it has easily fallen into mentoring, coaching, teaching for me, like just the side of that and no go ahead, no you please. So since I’ve done that my entire adult life, that, like mostly started out as some form of sales from the very beginning, and then I was in sales for many years. I led a large team. I trained locally, regionally, nationally for my company. I was the face of their online training. So there was lots of even though I never technically called it coaching which came in the next part of the journey training, always training, and teaching is what it was. And literal coaching, right. So that company, my division, closed in. It’s a little foggy now, but I think 2015, around there or so and that presented me with what most people would call a challenge, but it was an opportunity to look back on the business and then create something new in an even better way.
Speaker 3:
And that’s when I said oh yeah, I am now Right, and that was the precipice of diving into all things habit, brain, mindset, why do we do what we do? And just having this, then insatiable like desire to understand more and more and put it into practice.
Speaker 1:
Out of those three, which has helped you the most?
Speaker 3:
I would say understanding the brain because it just feeds into everything else, right, like brain slash, conscious, subconscious. I work a ton in the subconscious because we operate. Here’s a little factoid, right. Statistically we’ll say 95% of what we do is out of our subconscious, like we didn’t even think about it Breathing, the way we drive to work, like all of these things and way more things. And 5% we do consciously. And yet most of us are trying to achieve things just through the conscious side and not tapping into the unconscious side.
Speaker 1:
I was about to point at my wife. Not me, not me at all.
Speaker 2:
Wow, yeah, I remember.
Speaker 1:
I don’t remember the author, but I remember reading about. It was in one of these books, I think it had a yellow cover and it was about habits and it had like Charles Duhigg, charles Duhigg.
Speaker 3:
Atomic Habits. No, that’s Charles Duhigg, the book you’re talking about. That’s his name and I can’t think of the title. However, it was the very first habit book I ever read the Power of Habit. Yes, there’s two.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, I’m trying to remember which one I was talking about, this gentleman who had an unfortunate brain injury and lost I think lost a bunch of certain kinds of function and memory. Yet he would like still go along the same habits, and at least that was the part of the book that really caught my attention.
Speaker 3:
Atomic habits is an all-time favorite of mine, though, and I reread it every year.
Speaker 1:
Yeah. Yeah, it’s fascinating 95% of what we’re doing is just routines.
Speaker 3:
It’s subconsciously programmed and the way your subconscious thinks in pictures and sounds and feelings. I mean we’ll keep it really basic. It stores memories and there’s a lot of symbolism there. Where your conscious brain is logic, it makes decisions. However, it makes them based on how your brain is deleting, distorting and generalizing through the filter of what you believe. And those beliefs are subconscious, they’re subconsciously held. So when we’re not tapping into the subconscious, we are leaving so much on the table. That’s when we’re muscling our way to six figures. That’s when we’re muscling our way to six figures. That’s when we’re muscling our way to course creation. We’re muscling our way, and that is just not sustainable.
Speaker 1:
I feel like I’ve had conversations over the past three years about mindset, but I’ve never had a conversation about the science behind it, and it looks like you’re definitely going there.
Speaker 3:
Yes, absolutely. Well, this was my own journey. After I had a very successful career in sales, I was exhausted and making great money and building a dream home and doing all the things, traveling, and what I didn’t realize was that I had a limiting belief that rest was lazy, and so, because my brain was filtering based on that number one, it wouldn’t bring me proof that that wasn’t true, because we’re always winning the game, we’re playing my friends, and it showed me proof that, yes, rest was lazy. If I rested, then I was lazy. If this, then that, without logic being put in there, right, this was just the automatic thing that will come up and again your subconscious thinks and pictures and sounds and feelings. So it would feel bad, I would feel guilt like pulsing through me laying on the couch, taking a well-deserved rest, and that moment understanding how that was stopping me.
Speaker 3:
That was like game changer that everything shifted when I came into the realization that, number one, I had this limiting belief and number two, that I could change it.
Speaker 1:
I just questions keep coming up. Do you have a question?
Speaker 2:
Yeah, I mean, just how did you start, I guess like on the journey of studying this? You said around 2015 or so, but like how did you just dive into that more to be like I think this is my mindset holding me back?
Speaker 3:
And I didn’t even know. I don’t even think I knew to call it mindset in the very beginning and it was like I said, it was that very first habit book that then led to many more habit books and goal planning and setting and I could already see now, looking back right Hindsight, always 2020. So many things are about muscling through and you just set the goal and you just do it and it just doesn’t work that way. I mean sometimes, right Again, not sustainable, the whole sleeping when you’re dead and all of those. You know those mindsets. So let’s just define first, yeah, let’s define for a second, for your audience, mindset is your relationship with something. So my relationship with rest not good back then, right, my mindset around it.
Speaker 3:
See, we do this with money, we do this with creation, we do this with risk. Our relationship with our identity, just so you know, because habits come from our repeated way of being, being. Yes, to quote James Clear, right, like that’s, that’s we. We repeatedly act in a way. These are habits. They can be thought habits, they can be physical habits. This is our identity and our identity is who we are being in relationship to what we want and who we say we are. Wow.
Speaker 1:
Okay, I’m taking some notes here actually.
Speaker 2:
This is good.
Speaker 1:
Well, because I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that. Habits come from a repeated way of being.
Speaker 3:
Yes, yes, this is so. Think about it. If you exercise regularly, if you read regularly, if you do personal development regularly, if you speak a different language and you practice it since I know you’re multilingual, right. So here’s a perfect example for you as you practice those languages and and you put this into you, think a thought. Over and over again, it becomes an I am statement. Here’s where identity comes in. I am multilingual, I am right, like I am a learner of new languages. I am.
Speaker 3:
And then it creates a feeling and emotion in us, and then we create habits to prove it to ourselves. So that’s how powerful we are. That’s why I say we’re always winning the game we’re playing. So whatever you’re saying after I am, this is huge, because you’re going to prove it to yourself. You’re going to habituate it. You’re going to stop questioning it self. You’re going to habituate it. You’re going to stop questioning it, especially if it’s disempowering, because you’ll just again winning the game you’re playing. I am a terrible time manager. I am very risk averse. I am like think about the things that we say after I am, and then we’ll prove it, because our brain again del, deletes, distorts and generalizes based on our beliefs. There has to be a filtering system. So much data is coming at you every day that if we didn’t have some sort of filtering system, we would be that exploding head emoji.
Speaker 2:
Wow. So my next question, because it sounds like a lot of what you were saying, like when I don’t know that 5% or so where we’re trying to like muscle through a lot of what you were saying, like when I don’t know that 5% or so where we’re trying to like muscle through a lot of things. So I just heard a statistic yesterday at church actually, that he was saying that 75% of Mexicans anyway, and I’m sure the rate is quite high in the States as well.
Speaker 1:
Hold on a second, give context. We live in Mexico which is why we go to church, and it’s in Spanish and we’re talking about Mexicans. I think everyone listening right now should know that.
Speaker 2:
I think people know that. But if you’re new, we live in Mexico, yes, but we are American living here. But I’m sure that it’s high in the States as well. But you were saying they have a high rate of burnout and so. But so I’m just curious how I guess how you, as a mindset coach, would address that, because that is like a huge thing, Like so many people just talk about. I’m just burned out because they’re probably trying to through all of this, you know business stuff.
Speaker 2:
I got to make this work, I got to have this offer. I have to make the sale. I have to write, rewrite this email, Like we’ve seen that you know, even in other people, not before.
Speaker 3:
No, absolutely. Burnout is all the things that you’re talking about. We’re now, we’re talking about symptoms of self-sabotage and and this is how we, again, your brain is so powerful, this is how we keep ourselves in the known your subconscious wants to take the path of least effort. It has no like oh, this goal is going to be amazing, for the no least effort is what it’s looking for. And so, again, that’s why we want to put those symbols, picture, sounds and feelings, the symbols in of the achieving of the thing, so that we get our subconscious on board and it’s casting votes towards that and it’s finding that has least effort in it.
Speaker 3:
Burnout is a huge. So many of the women that I work with, high achieving women, why do they burn out? What makes them burn out? They overwork, and overworking is and this was my like personal poison of choice. Right, this is based ultimately, subconsciously, in being worthy and tying your worth to your production, tying your worth to your output, not just believing just that worth comes stock on your model, right, like there’s nothing I could do to make me any more worthy or make me any less worthy. I am just worthy and achievements don’t equal that. And so those types of overthinking here.
Speaker 3:
This is rooted in perfectionism, which is rooted in well, will I be loved if I’m wrong? Right, everything comes down to fear, love, fear, love, like, and it’s all in our subconscious, it’s all programmed into our subconscious so, as people with children and any of your listeners with children or anyone that you’re around, your, your words are your wand be speaking power and life over them all the time, because they’re always taking it in and they’re making those subconscious, like the neural pathways, the neurons that fire together, wire together. They’re firing those together right now, and it happens without us even knowing and it happens without us even knowing, right, you know that that we’re, we don’t even realize. Maybe that we’re, we’re, maybe we’re speaking neutrally or not quite empowering, but it’s like right there, like just flipping the switch on that, just turning up the volume a little bit so it’s more empowered, so they can step into that.
Speaker 1:
So much more beneficial that I want to know a snapshot of your business, please, before we continue. I feel like we’re giving. We’re already almost into it.
Speaker 2:
I feel like we’re jumping ahead. We’re jumping ahead into the next episode. This is so good. Okay, snapshot of business.
Speaker 1:
As you’re listening to Mindy and Jamie and me talk, we’re going to have the next episode, which is specifically about the seven keys to getting all the core sales you want, but it’s like I feel like this is such a new topic to me that I can’t help but ask these questions. Mindy, thank you for entertaining me, but now Okay. Snapshot of your business. Keep it together, okay.
Speaker 3:
So, after my division closed, opportunity to do something new and I dove into all the things. One, I did start a business with my best friend. That lasted a couple of years and only ended because, life right, Her kids are much younger than mine and so just got busy, busy, busy and and that was amazing. And at the same time I decided, okay, this next part of my journey, let’s get some certification in this coaching thing. So I became a health coach. That was the first certification that I got and I can remember this so clearly. I remember to work with me as a health coach. So this was 2016,. Maybe it was $400 a month is what I was charging when I first started. And cause he said he’s snapshot of business, so I want to take you to where we are now. And and I did that for like one or two months, maybe three, while I got some people. But I remember talking to someone who was like that’s a car payment, not giving you a car payment, like that’s a car payment, I’m not giving you a car payment.
Speaker 1:
I was like, okay, note to self, not my ideal client Also, we’d all cool for a $400 car payment at this point, I’m sure right.
Speaker 3:
I think now it’s like $800 something, yeah, $700. Exactly, exactly. I’m laughing because now, right, to do a one-off like hypnosis session with me, you know it’s, it’s $500. So I was just giving like some context of where the business has grown to from that, so I did help.
Speaker 1:
What are your other offers now, though?
Speaker 3:
Well, now I do. My favorite offer is a 12 month container. Where it’s it’s called Mindset Mastery mastery unlimited laser coaching. So you get unlimited 20 minute sessions with me to achieve what you want to achieve. Avoid what you want to avoid. Lock in habits, identities and mindsets that serve you and are propelling you forward, and uproot the ones that aren’t.
Speaker 3:
And there’s more to the offer, but that’s the momentum side of the offer the unlimited sessions. And so my one-on-one clients, can they see me? They can see me once a week, maybe more. If so, they have a session. They get aligned action. Once the aligned action is complete, they book another session, so they could see me more than once a week. They also have Voxer access in order to get through when life happens, and you know a reframe.
Speaker 3:
They need a reframe or that kind of thing. Rarely do I tell my clients what to do, like very rarely, because you have all the magic inside you. I’m the guide.
Speaker 1:
All right when you say aligned action. I’m hearing accountability. Okay, All right when you say aligned action.
Speaker 3:
I’m hearing accountability. Well, and I take this from my personal experience. Normally, I don’t like to be told what to do Now if I think it’s my idea, I’m way more on board.
Speaker 2:
Sounds like your kids.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, us too, I think everyone, yeah, clients, right when we talk through. Okay, here’s what the pattern of success looks like moving forward. Does this feel aligned? Does it feel aligned to do X Y Z, yes or no? Yes, okay, great. So I’m hearing you say you’re going to do X Y Z and then I want to see you again after that kind of thing.
Speaker 1:
Okay. Is that your sole offer now, or what else?
Speaker 3:
I also do a group coaching that I launched three times a year. That’s called a seven-week sprint and that meets entrepreneurs in a little bit different space because my one-on-one offer is really established, successful entrepreneurs six figures or more, really wanting to grow and scale with ease. They realize that it isn’t another external strategy that’s going to make the difference, that it’s time to lean in Like I know all the things and now it’s time to get out of my own way. That’s the women that I work with in my one-on-one container and then the group coaching program are. They’re aspiring to be those successful, established entrepreneurs and so they’re earlier in the journey, maybe haven’t even started a business yet, but usually they’ve got something going in there. They’re in that first year, maybe first couple of years, and I find that that program they come back and they do it again, and so I created an alumni program that goes with it as well, so they can go deeper.
Speaker 1:
Wow, 100% women.
Speaker 3:
It is 100% women. I have worked one-on-one with men in the past. I’m not adverse to it, it’s just I find that the sweet spot for me is with high achieving women.
Speaker 1:
That’s cool.
Speaker 2:
We still love you.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, it’s like fine, I didn’t want to go to college anyway. It’s an inside joke between me and Jamie, because our daughter always has these. We get upset and she’ll say she doesn’t want to play with us anyway or she didn’t want to do this with us anyways, if she’s hurting us. After we brought down some correction on her.
Speaker 3:
Well, I’m laughing because we have also an inside joke that the way that you and I met is, you know, Kwejo and the ladies in the Mixer Mind.
Speaker 1:
Yes, the new rock band, as I think it’s Heather, as Heather Sager said she was on Exactly, exactly.
Speaker 2:
He’s used to being the only guy around. I don’t know, it just seems to happen that way. I don’t know. Some do you do. Yeah, you do so, mindy, I have a question for you as far as in your journey business, like what do you personally do as a mindset coach when, when you do get in these sort of slumps or a low point, like how do you get yourself out of that? You know and like, do what you know to do, but like life is happening, or or business is happening.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, no, great question, great question. So so I went from health coaching to then get a certification in life coaching, and what I noticed in both is it all comes down to mindset. And so, after I got the life coaching certification, then I got NLP, then I became a clinical hypnotherapist. I got all kinds of energy healing, because, while mindset isn’t the only thing, it is the thing, it is the key to unlock all the other things. And so I wanted to be really well-rounded in my toolbox for my clients that way, and that’s how I niched down into mindset from those places and collected tons of certifications and modalities for my clients to really move them through the blocks that they’re experiencing.
Speaker 2:
I’m going to interrupt you really quick. Can you tell us what NLP practitioner is for people who are not, yeah, neuro-linguistic programming, so you’ll find tons of definitions for that.
Speaker 3:
Two that I love are it’s really the study of excellence or the study of patterns of success, and it is like words, brain connection, those types of things.
Speaker 3:
Just a really simple example of something that we do in NLP is a reframe. So I said before, like when my company closed, lots of people would look at that as a challenge and I know that it was an opportunity. Okay, that’s a reframe. That is literally creating a different connection in our brain for the relationship that we’re having with that moment, right, that experience, out words with my clients all the time, because the way that your brain filters, deletes, distorts and generalizes based on your belief and the feelings that you experience, it will bring you more of what you’re believing. And so if I’m believing that challenges are opportunities, then I’m going to see more opportunities. Right, like that’s N NLP. It also allows you to really shift uprooted, uproot beliefs, subconscious beliefs, into this next level for you, so moving through, so you can step into the identity of have a new mindset would that be kind of like?
Speaker 2:
like when we were teaching we’d always talk about growth mindset with the kids. Like I can’t do this, like teaching them to change what they say, like I can’t do this yet or like I’m not good at this yet or things like that um brilliant yeah you said I thought okay.
Speaker 1:
So I guess I should say something like when we got stuck outside of China like and locked, locked out of our 12 year home there. Many people would say that that was a challenge, but we would say it was an opportunity.
Speaker 3:
Exactly, exactly Now. It was a challenge and and it was. It was a challenge you leaned into because people here’s the next thing, right. You leaned into Because people here’s the next thing right, we pay for challenges. We pay to go run 5Ks, 10ks, half full marathon we pay. We pay to be challenged many times. And so there’s nothing wrong with a challenge. Where I love it’s when we’re seeing a struggle right, that was a struggle to get locked out of your 12-year home, except that immediately you’ve reframed it to a challenge. This is a challenge very different than a struggle. And then when we turn up the volume on that, then how do we get to become the people who, when they’re presented with a challenge, can immediately see the opportunity in it? That is NLP. That’s like rewiring your brain for success, patterns of success, to see patterns of excellence.
Speaker 3:
And that’s a very like basic definition of it. You’ll find lots of definitions.
Speaker 1:
So I think the last question for this episode gets to be mine. Is that okay, sure? Or do you want me to tell you it, so you can? You can ask it to be no, you can.
Speaker 2:
I feel like I’ve asked a lot actually.
Speaker 1:
So I just said this reframing of our China debacle, in response to what you told me, is a good example of NLP Neuralistic Programming. That was like very cerebral. How do you get it to go from here down to hearts on this side here?
Speaker 2:
For those of you who are watching the youtube channel I’m like figuring out where my heart is.
Speaker 1:
Basic human anatomy here and and then and then.
Speaker 3:
Can you tease the upcoming episode and we’ll, we’ll switch over to there yeah, well, actually your question is teasing the upcoming episode because, again, your subconscious thinks in pictures and sounds and feelings. So when you picture the challenge of the struggle of being locked out and you see where you have stepped up, where you found some ease in the struggle, where, because you spoke X number of languages, xyz, where, because you were together, there was ease in it and you made, you know lemons out of or lemonade out of lemons, kind of thing, right Like this is. This is training your brain to see possibility and opportunity and and this is part of NLP as well we have. Again I’m going to give a really basic definition of your RAS, your reticular activating system. It brings you what you anticipate and what you expect. And so if you anticipate and expect struggle and lemons and no joy and no ease, you win. You’re always winning the game you’re playing.
Speaker 3:
If you anticipate that you are the humans who know how to step out of struggle into challenge with way more ease than in the past, then guess what? You’re going to get proof that you’re those humans. And then it will create emotions and body sensations in here. Now you’re connecting it to your subconscious so that you’re like, oh, I want to cast this vote, I want to do this thing because this is how it makes me feel. And now you’ve created that new neural pathway. And you did talk about growth mindset, jamie. This is neuroplasticity and this is this is our brain’s ability to adapt and overcome all the time. So, technically, everyone has growth mindset. They just don’t tap into it Like everyone has growth mindset because, everyone has neuroplasticity.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, that whole. Whether you can or you can’t, you’re right, exactly, yeah, exactly, exactly.
Speaker 1:
Wow, this is so good so I can’t wait to hear the seven keys to success. To sell as much of your course as you want.
Speaker 2:
You can either huh yeah, let’s, I want, I want to dive into the next one that’s the next episode.
Speaker 1:
Listen. So for you then it’s going to be in the show notes below and a thank you to you, mindy, for being here and giving us this basic I feel like basic, because I really didn’t know much about nlp. Thank you for breaking this down to us and sharing a little bit about your business journey absolutely all right.
Speaker 2:
Well, until you see us or hear from us next time, be blessed, and we’ll see you in the next episode. Bye.