Hi, we're Jamie & QUĀY.jo


Hi, We're Jamie & QUĀY.jo


Laura Peters

Mike and Laura Travel
Kwadwo helped us reach our first six figure month in January of 2024. We did over $124,000 in sales during that month. And I can attribute a lot of that to Kwadwo's ad expertise. My name is Laura Peters. I am the CEO of a seven figure consultant agency.

And I was put in touch with Kwadwo about a year ago through a mutual friend. Now this mutual friend was a high level business coach and expert and he said that if I wanted to get my ads done correctly, the right way, I needed to go with Kwadwo. I was a little bit hesitant at first because I had worked with several other ad agencies in the past. They did not provide what I needed for them to provide. Some agencies even overspent my budget without even asking me. So I had a lot of apprehensions before working with Kwadwo and luckily I found somebody that truly knows what he's talking about. If you're looking for somebody who will truly put the work in to understand your audience and get you higher conversion rates, there's no better person than Kwadwo.


You can leverage my 3 years of Facebook ads management, sales & leads funnel fixing and online business strategy experience.


Years of Online Course Experience


Happy & Satisfied Clients


Years of Facebook Ads Experience

“Judy’s online art program launches went from - $30,000 to upwards of $90,000.”

"The knowledge that he had and the ability to go into the nuts and bolts of it and improve the figures and test things and just go much deeper than I was able to do was brilliant. And his reporting was always very professional and regular. It made Facebook and Instagram ads very easy. I could just basically forget about them, which was brilliant. It's exactly what I wanted to do."

"What I liked most about working with Kwadwo was he was always polite and patient with me. No question was ever silly. And the time that he took in going through things with me and explaining things was just always, you know, there was no, always the same, it's rock solid. And I knew that I could rely on him when he said he was going to do something, I knew it would get done. The other thing I really liked about him was that he would think about solutions that would work for my business and my audience. It's not like he would come up with some sort of cookie cutter solution that he applied to everybody's online businesses, but he would actually tailor things to my business. And I really appreciated the thoughtfulness and the depth in which he would go to, to think about my audience and what was particular to them. I couldn't recommend him highly enough. He was always pleasant. He would get in touch with me no matter what time of day it was, and our time zones were always sort of slightly conflicting, but that doesn't seem to worry him. And I would just thoroughly recommend him. He's such a lovely person to work with and his knowledge is incredibly valuable to tap into."
Judy Woods
Intuitive Abstract Artist


Apply For Facebook Ads Management


With over 3 years of experience in Facebook ads management, sales and leads funnel optimization, and online business strategy coaching (with Rick Mulready), I provide the expert support you need achieve your growth goals.

“I started working with Kwadwo on my Facebook ads because I was tearing my hair out trying to do them myself…”

The business coaching was a huge bonus. We uncovered massive issues in my messaging that were undercutting the value of my programs and targeting completely wrong pain points. Kwadwo helped me feel confident in my pricing, sort out funnels that worked both organically and via paid ads, and learn how to track it all so it doesn’t just feel like throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something sticks, but having no idea why it worked.

I’ve been able to use what I learned to scale my business massively and feel more confident in how it’s running. It was a pleasure to work with him and get honest feedback on things I was doing wrong, and get challenged to think about my business in a different way when he’d ask challenging questions."
Nina Clapperton
She Knows SEO
I can't say enough good things about working with him and his team from his assistants to his graphic designers, to his copywriters, the strategy calls that we get with them, the guidance that we get.

He never makes us feel stupid for not already knowing these things. He's such a wonderful person to work with. And the fact that I can get this evergreen funnel working so flawlessly in between my regular launch strategy is just amazing because this is just set it up one time, perfect it and now every month when it's running, it's driving revenue for the business where I really don't have to do anything. It's been a phenomenal success all the way around.
Karin Carr
Karin Carr Coaching
"I was so excited to work with Kwadwo because he came highly recommended and I really needed somebody who was an expert in both Facebook Ads and Google Analytics.

Kwadwo did an amazing job with me and talked me through all of the steps with everything I've completed so far, the gaps of the things that I was missing and how to complete that setup in a really efficient time, which gave me so much confidence in knowing it was going to be correct. And then he guided me through how to make sure that was connected with Facebook, how I could pull the different reports in Google Analytics 4 to be able to really now accurately measure every single ad campaign, every single ad set result, and every single ad result too."
Mim Jenkinson
Digital Products Expert, Host of The Planner Podcast
Hey Kwadwo, I just wanted to send you a little message to let you know how the launch was going. I sold gold! I sold a gold course today, £2,100. That's like $3,000. I sold one today, yes! And I've sold eight courses, so I'm on track. I've done, so far, I've made £10,000, plus VIPs, so £12,000. That's equivalent to about 18,000, 17,000, 18,000 US dollars.

I just wanted to let you know the call that I had with you was incredible. I've got so clear about what I'm doing. I've enrolled all of my students into renaming the program. I've enrolled 12 students to become affiliates. My Facebook ads are doing fantastic the past two days.
Sam De La Haye
Acoustic Wedding Singer & Pianist
"Kwadwo has truly been my secret weapon as my FB ads coach. He took time to truly understand my business and what I wanted to achieve and helped me put my launch plans in place for the year. We then met weekly (virtually via Zoom as I'm in the UK) when he helped me set up my ad campaigns, understand the results and how to optimise both my ad results and my funnels, even when my budgets were excruciatingly low.

My business is growing and I could not have got where I am without Kwdawo's brilliant and patient help. Thank you Kwadwo!"

Kim Reynolds
CRNA Founder and CEO of CRNA School Prep Academy