Quick Tip: How to Set Your Ad Budget for a Webinar Launch

I am back with another quick tip episode.  These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process.

In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about something that I get asked about all the time- how to set your ad budget for a webinar launch. There are a lot of different thoughts on this, but I am sharing what has been really successful for me over the past seven years and what I teach in my programs.

I discuss warming up your audience, creating your lead magnet, and building that know, like, and trust factor.  Building this relationship will help convert your audience into your webinar and afterward into a sale.

Wondering how to set your ad budget for a webinar launch?  Tune in to find out what I recommend as a general rule when it comes to setting your budget during each phase.  If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out on Instagram @rickmulready.  I would love to connect!

Just a reminder that I have a new training available.  If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed when it comes to Facebook and Instagram ads and you’re ready for your ads to consistently bring in leads for your business,  I have a new on-demand training you should check out. Three Simple, Yet Often Overlooked Facebook and Instagram Ad Strategies for Increasing Conversions and Boosting Sales.  Head to www.rickmulready.com/adstraining to watch it on demand right now.

Links & Resources Mentioned: 


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