Coaching Call: Working Less, Making More, Setting a $2M “Reach” Goal | w/ Laura Peters

Rick Mulready with Guest Hallie Sherman

Coaching Call: Working Less, Making More, Setting a $2M “Reach” Goal | w/ Laura Peters

Rick Mulready with Guest Hallie Sherman         Rick Mulready with Guest Hallie Sherman        
Coaching Call: Working Less, Making More, Setting a $2M “Reach” Goal | w/ Laura Peters           Coaching Call: Working Less, Making More, Setting a $2M “Reach” Goal | w/ Laura Peters          
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    On today’s quick tip episode, I’m sharing a recording of a recent coaching call that I had with one of our Accelerator coaching members.   This call is a 1-on-1 coaching call with Laura Peters from   Laura and her husband are travel bloggers who teach other people how to be travel bloggers.  

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    Not too long ago, Laura’s business was ruling everything in her life.  She was working 80 hours a week, was super unhappy, and had no systems or processes in her business.    

    As you will hear in this short episode, everything has completely turned around in her business.   She is off the charts happy and is working less than she ever has before.  

    The main thing I want you to take away from today’s coaching call is the mindset shifts Laura’s made and how it’s shifted her business in tremendous ways. 

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