Hey there, welcome to another episode of the Art of Online Business podcast! In this episode, we dive into the world of Facebook ads and Google Analytics 4. If you’re a business owner or marketer, you won’t want to miss this one!
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Our guest, an unnamed Facebook ads manager, shares their expertise on the importance of installing Google Analytics 4 on websites before the deadline of July 1st, 2023. They explain how GA4 can help measure traffic sources and optimize sales pages and email campaigns.
We also have Kwadwo Sampany-Kessie, a Facebook and Instagram ads expert, who emphasizes the importance of GA4 and shares his expertise in setting up analytics dashboards for his clients. Kwadwo encourages listeners to fill out a form on his website to schedule a chat with him and improve their marketing strategies.
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As a Facebook ads manager, I feel like it’s my responsibility to tell you to please install Google Analytics four on your website now. And if you don’t have Google Analytics set up, now is the time to set that up.
What’s up my friend? Welcome to episode number 704 here of the podcast, Rick already here. And on today’s episode, this is a guest teaching, another guest teaching episode, I should say, from Kwadwo Kwadwo Samani Kessie Kwadwo. If you remember from a couple of episodes ago where he talked about Facebook and Instagram ads, how do you know when you’re ready to scale? Well, Kwadwo is one of our longtime coaches inside my accelerator coaching program. He’s an expert in Facebook and Instagram ads, but also I’ve been mentoring Kwadwo and teaching him pretty much everything I know about coaching for online business owners for several years now. And part of what he does for his ads management clients is setting up analytics dashboards because if, as you know, hopefully you should know by now, if you don’t know how well your ads are doing in terms of converting leads into sales, which ads are actually performing well, et cetera.
If you don’t have that kind of insight, then you know you’re just spending money on ads and you’re not really knowing how they’re actually performing. Well, if you don’t know this yet, you need to know, but Google Analytics is sunset. Their universal Google Analytics, which is what we’ve been using and known for a long time now, in favor of Google Analytics for as of July 1st coming up here, 2023, universal Google Analytics is going away in favor of GA four. And so I asked Kwadwo to come on to the podcast here and share with you what you need to know about GA four, what do you need to do about it, et cetera, why it’s important to make the switch over, and also what the differences are between GA four and Universal Google Analytics that we’ve been using for several years now. So without further ado, here’s Kwadwo talking about Google Analytics four, what you need to know and what you need to do about it.
Hey, Kwadwo here, and like Rick said, I’m a Facebook ads manager, but while other Facebook ads managers only focus on ads, I can actually troubleshoot and fix leads and sales funnels too. It’s a benefit of having coached with Rick inside of his accelerator for quite a while. So as a Facebook ads manager, I feel like it’s my responsibility to tell you to please install Google Analytics four on your website now. And if you don’t have Google Analytics set up, now is the time to set that up. And of course, I’ll give you some reasons why your business will thank you for doing so in a moment. I just wanna encourage you, listen to this podcast, take action because the deadline is coming soon, and I’ll explain the implications of the deadline and what that means for your business in a moment. But first, if you’re not sure what Google Analytics is, let me explain.
Google Analytics in a nutshell allows you to understand the kind of person and about them and who they are, the kind of person who’s interacting with your business, the kind of person who enters your business ecosphere. It allows you to understand their website behavior. And we all know how important having data, especially in this day and age is so that you can make data driven decisions in your business. The current version of Google Analytics is called Universal Analytics. That is what is coming to an end very soon here. It’s being replaced by Google Analytics four, actually, Google Analytics four is already here. It’s just that Universal analytics soon will stop processing data. I’ll explain that in a moment, but Universal Analytics is like if you’re playing hide and seek at night and you are it and you’re searching around for your friends, Google Analytics four is like having military grade night vision goggles, like it’s not even a game anymore.
So here’s several reasons just why you want to have Google Analytics installed that are gonna really help your business. Number one is measuring traffic sources. Let’s say you’re like me and you have a Facebook business page, you have a YouTube channel, you have an Instagram account, you also have TikTok and you have a website. But unlike me, you blog on your website and you want to know simply where are most of your leads coming from and one step further, which of those sources converts most into sales for your business? Well, this is the kind of thing that Google Analytics could tell you, and it’s definitely why you should take time or have your team take time to install Google Analytics. Speaking of sales, let’s talk about your sales page for a moment. Like what buttons are people clicking on on your sales page to get to your checkout page?
How far down your sales page to people scroll? How long are they staying on your page? And as far as interacting with their page, are they watching that video sales letter that you might have there? And if they are watching it, what percentage of the video are they completing? This is the power of Google Analytics, which can answer all of those questions for you, by the way, to really help you make those decisions that will optimize your sales page. I e improve the user experience, help you convey a better understanding of your offer, and ultimately lead to higher conversions, which would mean more sales. Same thing goes for your email campaigns. Let’s say you have a sales email campaign. It has six emails inside of it. You want to know which email is converting into sales the best, right? Well use Google Analytics to get that information so that you know what emails are working effectively for your business, and then you can go and optimize those other emails.
You know, they say success leaves clues. So you take what’s working in one email and you apply it to the other emails. Next thing you know, because of these three types of data-driven decisions that you’ve made, your overall ROI is improving in your business, and that’s what you want, right? I mean, imagine how different your business could look 12 months from now because of its increased revenue, because of the decisions that you made in those three areas. And let’s not even forget that as a Facebook ads manager, of course, I’m going to tell you, use Google Analytics to get the accurate number of leads. That way you can accurately decide how well your Facebook ads campaigns are working on behalf of your business. You remember back in 2021 was it when Apple rolled out iOS 14.5 and it had that privacy update that allowed iPhone users to opt out of tracking when they left the platform and pretty much sent all of us online marketers into a tizzy, and especially Facebook ads managers.
Lots of our analytics were just compromised. We couldn’t depend on them anymore. Well, Google Analytics fixes that because it allows you to have accurate lead data, which means you can go back to your Facebook ads campaigns and calculate the right cost per lead, and then you can know what’s working and optimize from there. The main takeaway that I want you to get here is take the guesswork out of who’s doing business with you, who’s coming to your website, who’s going to your landing pages, your opt-in pages, and track exactly what they’re doing so that you know the conversion rates that really matter for your business. And this is what Google Analytics helps you do, but this is what Google Analytics for will help you do better. So the deadline to upgrade to Google Analytics for is July 1st, 2023. In Google’s words, and I quote, we strongly encourage you to make the switch to Google Analytics for as soon as possible, unquote, or whatever you say when you’re done reading quotes.
Your Universal analytics account, the current version of Google Analytics, if you have one, will stop sending data. It will stop working on July 1st, 2023. Go and get Google Analytics for now. So here’s the simple steps you can follow to set up Google Analytics for. First you need to know what you currently have. So go to analytics.google.com, see if you have a universal analytics account or Google Analytics account or Google Analytics four account or anything. Actually, the key here is you look in the top left-hand corner, and if you see a Google site ID that starts with UA and then has a dash, well, you’re looking at a universal analytic site id, they start with ua, they have a dash, then nine digits, then another dash, and then one digit. At least that’s what I’m seeing inside of my Facebook ads clients accounts. You can tell a Google Analytics four property because it doesn’t start with letters and it has 10 digits and no dashes.
Okay, now that you know what you have, the next step is install Google Analytics four. If you don’t have it, and you would be putting that on your website, you would integrate it with the software that your business uses. For example, your email, CRM, your checkout cart software, your landing page software, your sales page software. So the next step is if you wanna have like a step-by-step walkthrough of how to set up Google Analytics four, then go to my website. I literally created a video that you can watch and it doesn’t sit behind an opt-in or anything. Just go and watch it and follow the instructions. That’s at Kwadwo.com. That’s Q U A Y J O.com/rick GA four. The link is also in the description of this podcast. And if you want help setting up GA four, like you want me to do it for you, or take a look at your Facebook ads, take a look at your sales funnel, your leads funnel, or even manage your Facebook ads for you, head to my website, Q U A Y J O.com.
Fill out the form there. It’s a really simple one. You can share a bit about your business, and I’ll be in touch and we’ll find a time to chat. Uh, listen, I just wanted to say I believe your business gives you such a unique opportunity to share your talent and your passion, but not only share leverage that to serve more and more people. Now we can talk in somewhat cold marketing terms, essentially installing Google Analytics, improving your ads, improving your funnels, those work together to give you the opportunity to serve more and more people. That means your clients are winning, your business is winning, we’re all winning, and there are a lot more people who need your help. So I hope you take action on what you heard today. It’s been an honor sharing with you and be blessed. Take care. Bye.
Hey, thanks so much for tuning into this episode here with Kwadwo. Obviously super important that you get your Google Analytics, I should say squared away prior to the July 1st deadline. Go watch the video that Kwadwo put together for you. Again, it’s Kwadwo.com/rick Q U A Y J O.com/rick. And if you wanna work directly with Kwadwo or schedule a session with him to pick his brain, get some answers, and also get some ads help in the process, or if you want him to manage your ad campaigns, just go to quayjo.com and there’s information right there which he can fill out and get connected with. . Thanks again for tuning in today. As always my friend, I appreciate you and until next episode, be well and I’ll chat with you soon.