Let’s talk about why feeling good matters for business success.
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In this episode of The Art of Online Business, we are going to be taking a break from the ads, the copy, the sales, and funnels and instead talk about something that doesn’t get talked about too often: confidence as a business owner.
I sat down with Judith Gaton to talk about creating confidence in yourself and all of the feelings and emotions that go into that. When you show up as your best self, you are able to create a bigger impact in your business, help more people, and show up differently online in a major way.
Judith Gaton is a stylist, master certified life coach, and lawyer. Her signature course, Style Masterclass, teaches that thought work is the key to a lasting makeover. By using both confidence coaching and mindset work, Judith helps her clients to see that they can dress and love the body they are in right now.
Judith believes that when style & confidence are dialed in, women are free to go do their work in the world. Her ultimate style philosophy: Confident Women Change the World.
I hope this episode encourages you to embrace your best self and let it show in all aspects of your life and business.
Remember, 80% of the success of your business is your mindset! You will be amazed at the results you get when you are more deliberate about what you think about yourself, how you dress, and what you do.
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Judith Gaton’s Links:
- Judith’s book: www.judithgaton.com/book
- Follow Judith on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/judithgaton
- Youtube Style Masterclass with Miss J: www.youtube.com/channel/UCLtfJvACCPxoc5zOFhMfyLQ
- Book a call with Judith: https://www.judithgaton.com/style-school/
[00:00:00] Rick
My friends, if you are looking for a faster, a better way to grow and scale your online business, you very likely do not need another
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business without more anxiety, without more stress and hours spent in front of the computer. Accelerator is about thinking differently
and bigger about your business, about your team, your funnels, your ads, your vision, etc., so that you can create more profit, more
impact with less hustle. So accelerator is application only. And again, this is rolling ongoing open enrollment. So if you want to learn
more and apply, just go to Rick Mul Radio.com forward slash accelerator. Hey, my friend, welcome to the Art of Online Business
Podcast. My name is Rick Mullaney and I’m an online business coach. I’m an ads expert, and most importantly, I’m a dad. And this
show is where we help established online course creators and coaches create more profit, more impact with less hustle.
[00:01:56] Rick
All right, let’s get into it. Hey. Hey. What’s up, my friend Rick here. Welcome to episode number 598 here on the podcast. And if you
are listening right now and you’re like, dude, your voice is super deep. Yes, I do have a little bit of the late night DJ voice going right
now because my allergies have been crushing me this week here in San Diego. I’m recording this on a Friday and I lost my voice
earlier in the week. This is like as good as it’s been all week. And I’ve had several people telling me they’re like, Dude, you got to
record an episode like this because this voice is amazing. So here I am. This is at least I’m recording the intro and outro for my
episode here with Judith. So for today’s episode, we are going to be talking about why feeling good matters for the success of your
business. For business success, we are going to sort of take a little bit of a departure today from the funnels and the ads and the
copy and selling and, you know, team building and all that other stuff so that we can focus on a topic that doesn’t get talked about
enough. And absolutely, I am super honored to bring my guest on to the show here today to share her expertize.
[00:03:15] Rick
We’re essentially going to be talking about confidence, creating confidence in yourself right through a multiple step process. We’re
talking about feelings. We’re talking about emotions all linked to how you feel about yourself, more confident that you are and why
this is important, right? The more confident that you are, you are going to show up as your best self. And when you show up as your
best self, you are able to create a bigger impact in your business. You are able to help more people, help more people deeply help
your students show up differently on a podcast, whether it’s a YouTube channel, whether it’s your videos, whatever it might be when
you are showing up as your best self as a result of feeling confident and just super dialed in, that’s when the magic happens. And as
you have heard me say a million times here in the podcast, that 80%, as I say, 80% of the success of your business is your mindset.
And we’re really going to be leaning into all of that here today with Judith Gaytan. We are also going to be talking about because
Judith is a stylist, we’re going be talking about your style and how you dress and how that affects your confidence. So as you can see
here, we’re taking a big departure from, you know, the funnels and the ads and team building and being a leader and all that stuff.
[00:04:36] Rick
But it’s all related to that because again, especially as a leader, when you’re showing up as your best self as a result of how you feel
about yourself, that’s when you’re showing up as the optimized CEO that you are. And so Judith Kattan, who is a member of our
accelerator coaching program, she is amazing. She’s a stylist. She’s a master certified life coach, and she’s also a lawyer. And she
has a signature course called Style Masterclass, where she teaches that the thought work is the key to a lasting makeover in terms
of style. And by using both confidence coaching and mindset work, Judith helps her clients to see that they can dress and love the
body that they’re in right now. And Judith believes that when style and confidence are super dialed in, that’s when women are free to
do their true work in the world. And her style philosophy is confident women change the world. So let’s dove into this discussion,
really excited to share this with you. So without further ado, here’s Judith Clayton. I am beyond excited, and I’m not just telling you
that because I’m talking to you and I can see you on video here. I forgot to hit Do not disturb my phone. And I was just saying before
we hit record, I’m going to keep this in here. That was my wife calling me from literally upstairs.
[00:06:00] Judith
But anyway, real life.
[00:06:02] Rick
It’s real life. It happens. We’re going to keep going here. Welcome to the podcast. How the heck are you?
[00:06:08] Judith
I’m good. I’m so excited. Thank you for having me.
[00:06:11] Rick
Absolutely. I was just telling you before we hit record that like this whole online space needs more people like you and the work that
you’re doing, the values that. Make up Judith. Like, seriously? Me This whole space needs more of what you do and how you show
up in the type of person that you are. So thank you for doing that. Thank you for seriously not just blowing smoke here like this. Like
what you how you help people and what you were able to bring to this space and how the different types of people to that you help
and we’re going to get into all this. But just as an example, you help a lot of doctors, for example and so forth in your in your programs
and so forth. I just think it’s so necessary. Right. And you’re doing you’re having a very deep impact on so many people and making
the world a better place in your way. So I just want to acknowledge you.
[00:07:10] Judith
Thank you. I appreciate all receive it. Thank you.
[00:07:13] Rick
All right. So with that, people are like, well, what the heck does do to do? Yeah.
[00:07:17] Judith
Yeah. All right. The mystery.
[00:07:20] Rick
How do you help people?
[00:07:21] Judith
Yeah. So I am a master certified coach and a personal stylist. So the brain baby that comes from those two of my favorite things is
I’m a style coach, so I help women in shorthand, love and dress the body they’re in right now. So we help women up level their
confidence, their body image through style. So like style is a conduit to their heart in mind. And that’s how we get their confidence up
leveled and fulfill the mission that confident women change the world. They’re going to build legacies that change the world.
[00:07:55] Rick
So what about. I love that. And what about what comes up for me? As you say, that is this whole. It starts from the inside out. Yeah,
but yet what we’re talking about here is when you feel more comfortable with yourself, that is exuding the confidence. Talk about that
a little bit.
[00:08:16] Judith
Yeah. So I like to teach. And this is this going to be a sort of a paradigm shift for a lot of people? Because naturally somebody might
hear me say I’m a style coach and then roll their eyes and be like, Oh, this is what coaching has come to the industry. Oh my God.
Like, I’ve heard those comments and I appreciate them. I get where they’re coming from, but the way that I teach style is it’s your
thoughts and your feelings about yourself, outwardly reflected. So it’s based on the cognitive model where your thoughts produce a
feeling from your feeling. You take action or don’t take action. The same is true for your style. The clothing that you put on your body
is a result of how you’re feeling about yourself and what you’re thinking about yourself at any particular moment. So when I say it’s a
conduit to your heart and mind, Will, what are you wearing? Is it physically comfortable? Does it bring up some janky emotions in
you? And it really is reflecting outward what’s going on internally. So yeah, I think like that’s where the confidence piece comes in
because if we can get you comfortable physically in your clothing, that’s not a distraction you have to worry about now and then we
can worry about all the other mess that comes up for you because you’re a human having a human experience and we can upload all
your confidence by just eliminating a distraction for you. It’s kind of fascinating to see that work very quickly.
[00:09:33] Rick
Does that where is that a piece of you here? People, they wear one type of t shirt or one color t shirt or whatever. It’s like the same
thing over and over and over. Is that part of what we’re talking about here?
[00:09:47] Judith
It can be. I mean, you can uniform you can make anything uniform, right? You can you can make a routine and a habit in a uniform
out of anything, any particular set of actions. Now, a lot of people have adopted that in clothing. Steve Jobs is a famous example.
Edith Head, famous designer, also famous example of this. There are some actresses who only choose to wear gray in varying
shades of gray. So yeah, there’s there’s something to that I like to think of it. And the analogy I often use for my people is you’re the
leading lady, and I coach mostly women. So apply this to yourself. If you’re a man or represented by they, you know, you’re the
leading lady. This is you only get one movie. This is your life. So all the clothes are auditioning for you. The clothing is a supporting
cast member to whatever it is we’re trying to show or produce. And this movie that is your life, we could be a lot less serious about it.
After all, it’s a pile of fabric constructed a particular way that we call clothing. It doesn’t have any magical abilities. And I think that’s
sometimes where people get things wrong, that somehow if I make this a uniform, then that imbues me with some sense of
confidence. It’s No, you created this a uniform. Uniform you already like have this down as a habit in your mind. The confidence
came from you because of the thought you were thinking about yourself. It was never the clothes. It was never Steve Jobs turtleneck
that made him creative. Like, that’s that’s kind of silly. But I think we think that sometimes, like, if I systematize this thing in my life,
then I’ll be imbued with some sort of superpower of creativity or organization and less overwhelm. Let’s not do that to ourselves. Like,
yes, let’s remove a distraction of something that’s physically uncomfortable. But let’s always recognize that whatever magic,
whatever confidence, you’re the magic bringer, you’re the confidence creator.
[00:11:34] Rick
I’m just I’m pausing for a second because I’m thinking, like and I know that I’m not your ideal person from who you serve in your
business, but yet, like, it’s hitting home for me because I’m as I’m as I’m as I’m standing here interviewing, right? As we’re talking
right now, I have this t shirt on, which is just like whatever. And I have Nike running pants on and I have my I have you’re going to
laugh at this, but I feel way more comfortable when I’m working in shoes.
[00:12:12] Judith
[00:12:13] Rick
I don’t know so but we what we’re we’re a no shoes inside household so I have shoes that they’re like, I don’t know, like slip ons or
whatever van slip ons or whatever that I only wear inside. Is that is this weird?
[00:12:31] Judith
No, it’s really common, actually. So I have clients who the shoes are the thing for them. So I kind of think of it. And if you do any, if
you’ve heard any work on alter egos and the idea of a token or some article to kind of drop you into this better version of yourself that
you envision, right? So we could say Beyonce, Sasha Fierce and her particular costumes that she wore, Sasha Fierce. She became
Sasha fierce when she got on stage. This was her persona. Superman in his cape, Wonder Woman and her bracelets. Right. Like
there are certain things as humans that were like, oh, this thing represents this cascade of thoughts in my brain where I’m now more
productive and more useful and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So it’s really normal. I have some clients who it’s shoes, I have some
clients, it’s a scent. They’ll actually wear men’s cologne just a little bit under their nose to kind of feel more powerful, like there’s
something to this. Otherwise articles of clothing wouldn’t matter. They just simply wouldn’t. But they do.
[00:13:32] Rick
Why is this important in terms of business? Like as a CEO wanting to run a successful business and grow a successful business.
Why does why is this important?
[00:13:41] Judith
I think it’s important for like layers of reasons. But the most simplified version and we can sort of pick it apart is if you get into any self
image work and you read the work of Carl Rogers who’s like the forefront of this. Some people disagree with him, but we just use him
as a model for now. One of the things he says is that for humans to self actualize like their self image has to be backed up by their
behavior. And I’m paraphrasing him grossly, but essentially our thoughts and feelings have to be backed up by action. The CBT
model at work. So when we envision our future self and I love talking about vision and the future version of you that you imagine
when we think about our future self, very rarely and I’ve never encountered a person who’s ever told me their future self is shoeless
and all of jeans and their janky clothes. That never happened when they envision their future self, who’s accomplished the thing that
they want to accomplish, whatever it is, the person is usually fully dressed in some form or fashion. Now, that doesn’t mean they’re
dressed to the nines or they’re so far removed from the person that exists. But part of the behavior that backs up our thoughts and
feelings is dressing in such a way that supports whatever it is we’re trying to actualize. And it’s hard to support that when you’re low
key. Kind of like, okay, Judith, here’s what I’m wearing, let me tell you. Right. Like there’s these funny little things that happen. Even
my dude clients. I’m like, when you imagine yourself winning the award or the accolade in your industry, doing whatever you do, are
you in your basketball shorts? No.
[00:15:22] Rick
Hmm. So how does that align with, like, branding? So here’s a perfect example of what comes up for me. The day we’re recording
this tomorrow I’m going down to social media marketing world, which is just downtown San Diego here, and I’ll spend a few hours
down there. I’m going to support a couple of people who are speaking and know, meet up with some people. But what comes up for
my mind is like, I’m very much like a jeans and t shirt kind of person. Like that question comes up for me. Is this like, what type of
things am I wearing?
[00:15:58] Judith
Yeah. And jeans and t shirt may be it. But then let’s get you the best jeans and t shirts that are the most physically comfortable for you
and representative of your brand. Now, let’s say your brand is jeans and t shirt and you’re very personable. Like we hear about like
your dad, we hear that you’re like, those are things we know about you. And that’s part of your brand. Like part of being an optimized
CEO like you talk about is less time in your business. You have more time with your loved ones and things that you love and want to
do. So that’s very much on brand for you. If I met you and you were like in a three piece suit with like some wingtip shoes, I’d be a
little off put. I’m like, What the hell? Who’s this dude? And where did Rick go? Like, that’s kind of strange. So for each of us, like our
brand image, the only thing that we really need to worry about. And this is something we don’t need to imitate so and so we don’t
need to aspire to be like insta jones. So and so it’s really important that you’re just consistent with however you show up. I like and I
like to talk about like a dinner party. If you’re starting a dinner party for your favorite clients, we want you to open the door and have
them recognize who you are. We want the same person who shows up on the socials, on the podcast, in client calls to be the same
human who opens a door for us is that disconnect is very jarring for clients that’s that’s what we want for your brand we want it to be
you but the best version of you that you’re capable of producing.
[00:17:31] Rick
How do we make that? And you kind of touched on it earlier. How do we make that as easy as possible to be able to find? That
feeling, because in a minute I want to talk you talk about two types of feelings, but I want to talk about first, like for for everybody. And
again, I’ll just keep saying, like, I’m not I’m not your ideal, quote unquote person that you serve in the business. However, you do
have, as you say, dude clients. Like what I’m what I think about is like, how do you how do we make this as easy as possible for
people to have that great feeling in what they’re putting on their bodies, for example, so that they can show up differently in their
business. Does that make sense?
[00:18:15] Judith
Yeah. No, no, I think it’s a great question. So let’s bring it down to a practical level, because we’ve been talking about in sort of very
broad stroke, esoteric kind of ways. So let’s make it real. It’s really something as simple as and I call it the Genco Meter, but really like
anything that’s janky, meaning holes, stain, something you’d be embarrassed to sign a deal with on your body. Like that’s what we
want to eliminate because there’s a low level of harm that happens that starts a thought cascade when you’re wearing janky ass
clothes. So like at a very modicum minimum requirement, let’s just make sure your stuff’s not janky. And then like the next level of
practicality, we’re going to keep it very practical. We want to make sure your clothes fit you. I mean, it’s so amazing to me the amount
of humans running around in clothing that doesn’t fit. And their rationale for this shows up in their business. How we do one things,
how we tend to do everything. So the excuses you make as to why you’re not investing in a proper fitting t shirt that’s not janky likely
is going to show up that same decision making there with the t shirt shows up and whether or not you’re going to spend in your
Facebook ads or whether you’re going to invest in this or that thing, that would really help you, that mentality that I’ll just get by. This
isn’t necessary. It’s okay. I can eke by a few more months that shows up also in your business. So again, conduit to your heart and
mind, what’s going on with your clothes? What’s the decision making process? We can identify there because that’s likely going to
show up in other areas of your business.
[00:19:49] Rick
It’s so interesting and I like this was another reason why I wanted to have you on the show here, because this is something that
doesn’t get talked about a whole lot and I think is so I think is so important. Now, you talk to you, you talk about two types of feelings,
right? A physical sensation and the emotional type of feeling. Can you kind of break those down? What is what what are those things
mean in this from from this perspective?
[00:20:20] Judith
From this perspective, yeah. So there’s a physical sensation, which I was talking about your clothing fitting you that’s being super
important because the famous example I talk about is I was in court once wearing Spanx that were way too small and any female
client of yours right now can relate. I’m in the middle of giving amazing oral argument. I mean, like, I’m in like the depths of, like, being
a bad ass. And I literally felt my Spanx slip and my belly pop out and like, blue bloop, I was like, Oh, shit. So I’m like, Let me talk about
a distraction. And like, it’s like a kind of hyperbolic example. But this is this kind of thing I’m talking about in terms of physical
distraction. Y’all have better things in the world to be doing than picking out wedgies or messing with droopy drawers or lifting up your
pants that are too big. Or oftentimes I see dudes with the shoulder roll because their shoulder like their shoulder, they’re like this little
thing or picking their t shirts out of their armpits because they’re just like a little too snug around their arm. Like these little things that
we think are so silly. They’re distraction. Y’all got better things to do. So that’s like the feeling part in terms of physical sensation. Now
the second part of feelings is the emotional component. So let’s go back to the thought, feeling, do cycle. So how I’m feeling is going
to help dictate what actions I take or don’t take. So we need to care for both. We need to do the practical style stuff where we get
clothing that fits you. But we also have to work on confidence and body image issues which dudes have to all the humans have them.
[00:21:54] Judith
So when we say we want you to be like a confident CEO, we want you to be in CEO Energy. You’ll hear this sometimes in our circle,
right? But what do we mean by that? We want you to get into a feeling state that’s intentional so you can take action more
deliberately. And a lot of CEOs like myself totally admit to this. I’m all about taking action, but I’ll take action from a funky ass like
janky feeling state just for the sake of checking boxes and getting stuff done. So part of like really stepping into the person who does
blah blah blah that you envision is not just dressing the part. I think we all know that part. We all talk about that part a little bit, but the
deeper part of that is feeling the part really embodying the person who blah, blah, blah is how do you imagine they’d feel? And when I
run through like future exercises with clients or we talk about their future self, I tell them it’s not always confident. Don’t assume that
you’re going to feel confident. It might actually be like calm, deliberate, wise, savvy. It’s some other emotion. But if we don’t stop to be
deliberate about the emotions we’re creating when we’re taking action, we may get what we want. And it will have no impact. And
then you are on to the next thing. And you didn’t become the person who you were, just a person who did a thing. And then you’re on
to the next chasing a feeling that you’re not creating deliberately and it never comes.
[00:23:26] Rick
I think that what’s coming up for me is you’re talking about this. Number one, I will I’ve never talked about this before, but I struggle
with body image from like my own personal self, especially. We were before we get recording, we’re talking about like dad bod and
stuff like that. Like ever since Mya was born three years ago, that for me, in my own personal way, this is something that I that I
struggle with. And you’re I mean, it’s totally right. And where I was going to go with that is like you talk about like this is much deeper
than what you put, like the clothes you put on your body. But, and, and I said more. I think this is a topic that isn’t talked about very
much. Yet is so important. And what comes up for me right now is I think that because it’s it’s work like it’s working through that the
work that you just mentioned there to get to that point, does that make sense?
[00:24:29] Judith
Yeah, absolutely. This is it’s funny because I, I kind of giggle with my clients sometimes. They’re like, Judith, I thought you were just
going to give me a list of clothes to buy. And I’m like, No, I love you too much to do that to you. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I would be doing
you a disservice if I just slapped a cute outfit on you and sent you on your merry way. Female or male or in between all the clients I’ve
had, like, I’d be doing you a disservice. Part of, like, the real transformation, a real makeover that lasts the kind that we all hope for
when we see a movie montage is the kind that when I’m alone with my thoughts. How do I think and feel about myself? No one else
is watching. This is the entrepreneur’s dilemma. If I’m not in front of my client and there’s no one else watching, how do I think and
feel about myself?
[00:25:20] Rick
Yeah, when I’m working from home, like so many, so many people.
[00:25:25] Judith
Yeah. And for the body image, stuff like. I’ll just say this, my friend. Like, you’re not alone in that. I’m glad you brought it up, because it
does affect men, it affects women, it affects humans. And I think the if I could give you any just like a starting off point on that journey,
if you want to go, there is there’s four things to recognize when you have a negative body image, because we all have a body image.
It’s the thoughts we think about our body. The first thing is to separate it out from the truth. Because oftentimes when we’re doing
body image work, we’re like, but it feels so true. This is what I hear my clients say. It just feels so true. And we have to just like if we
could get a little space between you and the thought is the thoughts I think about my body are not truisms. They’re not objective
criteria, they’re not gospel truth. It is just a thought I’m thinking. And if you can wrap your arms around that, then the next three that I’ll
say get a little bit easier. The feelings that you feel when you think this negative thought, although they feel intolerable, there really
aren’t. If you sit with it long enough, it’s not going to be this heightened state that you keep perpetuating by avoiding the emotion
that’s coming up. Because you’re thinking the thought you’re thinking this goes for men and women. It’s not as intolerable as you
think because it’s not the truth and you are not broken. Nothing is fundamentally wrong with you. And really, this is a process. There’s
a lot of unlearning that has to happen for you to gain some agency and authority over those thoughts. But it just starts with. It’s
possible this isn’t true.
[00:27:00] Rick
Thank you for that. I’m sort of just processing, processing all that. And I want to go back to like you, what you were talking about,
what how you show up when no one’s looking. So many of us work from home. How can we use what we’re talking about here? From
a I love that. Like, you know, the clothing that we put on our bodies for for example, and the types of feelings that can give us and
thus the confidence and how we’re going to show up differently. How do we how do we, no pun intended here, how do we embody
that when we’re not going out to an office or you know what, I’m not going to a co-working space like I’m just working from home here.
[00:27:44] Judith
Yeah. And this comes across, like, at heart. This is about your relationship with yourself. Sure. So so many of us are externally
motivated. We get the dopamine hit from the likes on socials. We get the dopamine hit from our clients saying they we did a good job
or we get dopamine hits from payments and things that have come in. Right, like all this external validation. But I daresay for some of
us, at a certain point we become numb to it. And it’s kind of not enough. It’s not enough to fuel you to the next action. Like my clients
telling me how I’ve changed their life, it doesn’t have the same ring to it, and that’s just normal, natural human stuff that it did when I
first started. So if you’re any few years down the road, you’re going to need more than all this external dopamine hits and a validation.
You have to have a relationship with yourself such that when no one’s looking, when you’re alone, you’re still going to take care of
yourself. For some of us, that might mean we’re going to wear fresh pair of jammies. That’s. That’s that’s how we’re going to roll.
We’re at least going to wash our ass, and we’re going to put on some fresh jammies. And that’s how we’re going to roll. There’s a
benefit to that.
[00:28:51] Judith
I have some clients who literally the entire time they spend with me, we upload their loungewear and their pajamas. That’s all we do.
We don’t buy them a whole new fancy wardrobe. We’re literally like, we’re going to embody 1930s Hollywood dream queens who
walked around and they’re silk pajamas. That’s how we’re going to roll, right? Like insert your version of that. So you’re going to be
rocking like tees and basketball shorts. Let’s just make sure they’re the best damn version of that that’s going to help support your
work today. And like, that’s how we make this practical. For some of us, it’s like, I shower today. Yep, yeah, I shower today. Like real
life. Right? And for some of you, it’s like full face makeup, hair, all the things however you want a role is fine, just as long as you’re
doing it with intention in support of your best self care. Without having to have the external dopamine hit like kind of boosting you
along because it’s not going to be enough. You’re going to have to have your own back and a much, much more fierce way to do this
entrepreneur journey for the decades that I hope all of you are envisioning being on this journey, and at some point that external
validation is just not going to be enough.
[00:30:04] Rick
Yeah, and it has to start from there. I know I had taken a note earlier about we’re not talking about Law of Attraction. And I’ll talk the
woo woo stuff all day long. I love it. But this is not what we’re talking about here is not law of attraction. So talk. Talk a little bit about
that. Why? Why isn’t that the case?
[00:30:25] Judith
Yeah, I think I get that comment sometimes. Like, this is just law of attraction repackage in a clothing form. I’m like, That’s not what
I’m saying. I’m not saying that like think it and you’ll be it. I’m really saying to you think things feel things on purpose so you can take
action on purpose. I think sometimes we’re a law of attraction. Bodies maybe lose sight of reality on this plane. I’ll just put it in those
terms is action has to be taken like for most of us and the way we’re wired, like we’ve got to do something. So what I’m not
suggesting is you put on a suit and hope the clients will come by osmosis. Like that’s not what we’re saying here, friends. We’re
saying to really be the best version of yourself that you hope to be to be the CEO that’s optimized and running things for decades to
come and thinking about legacy and longevity. We’ve got to take care of you first. We’ve got to take care of your thoughts first, your
feelings first, both physical and emotional, so that you’re taking action from a place that feels good, that can fuel you from next step
to next step. If you’re just taking action for the sake of taking action, then you’re going to be burnt out. If you’re all up in your emotions
and not doing a damn thing, then what was good? What good was any of this like? We need both. Because you’re a whole human
being of a whole human experience.
[00:31:48] Rick
I love this so much. I think when you shared a couple of examples earlier of people that you’ve worked with, it really like just here’s an
example of what we’re talking about here. Can you share any more? Obviously not to name names or anything like that, but like my
audience loves case. I mean, I love case studies. But like, what are some examples of some people that you’ve worked with where
it’s like, this is where they were, this is where they were when they started with you. This is where they were when like they’ve gone
through the transformation.
[00:32:20] Judith
Yeah. Oh, I love this like and I like, adore my clients. Like, I love them so much. So I totally could.
[00:32:25] Rick
You really do?
[00:32:26] Judith
Yeah, I like, love them fiercely and like, I tell them, like, I’m obsessed with you all and they kind of look at me funny, but by the end
they’re like, Yeah, I get it. You’re totally obsessed with this great example. So I had a client who is a hedge fund manager in charge of
multiplied millions of dollars top of her game, mid fifties, petite and wore all beige and navy all the damn time. Talk about a uniform.
So women had it down to a science and she was in a room with mostly men. So this is how she kind of made sure she didn’t attract
the male gaze in a way that she didn’t want to, that she felt safe, that she felt comfortable and like a boss was very beige, very navy. I
don’t know where she got it in her head. Her mama told her at some point in time that this is how professional women dress. So this
is what she did. So when she came to me, she was like, I’ve reached the peak of my career. There’s nowhere else to go up from
here. I’m now mentoring women to do what I do. And these were her words. My outsides don’t match my insides. And the inside. I am
fierce, I am hilarious, I am irreverent, like I command rooms and the outside. I am so vanilla and I don’t know how I got here or when
this happen, but I don’t feel like myself when I look in the mirror and I was just like, Oh girl, it’s about to get crazy. And it’s funny
because we didn’t go buy her a bunch of she didn’t need.
[00:33:47] Judith
We were very strategic to purchase clothes that were in line with her vision, and this was her vision when we did her personal style
statement, which is partly how we do vision in my program, is like Boss Rebel. That was her personal style statement. So we still
want to embody that boss energy. We’re not going to make her a caricature of herself or so far removed from who she is. But there’s
a rebellious streak that she wasn’t honoring and the clothes could be boss. But you bring the rebel or we can have a little bit more
rebel in the clothing and you bring the boss. It’s not prescriptive. It’s just a different way of being. I want you to show up in the world
the work that you do from this place. And we bought a little like a few things that were a little like zebra stripe and some cheetah print,
and they were secret. It wasn’t like we blasted all over her. It was like a well-placed scarf, a really fantastic velvet shoe. Like we
played with this idea of like when you become the woman who embodies Boss Rebel, how do you show up? Well, it wasn’t that
vanilla pantsuit gal. We needed a little bit more. We need all of her in the room, not just pieces of her that she had compartmentalize.
We needed all of her in the room. And she actually gave this really amazing talk at a major try not to let go, like give any hints,
financial institution. And there were women in the room and she gave her her talk.
[00:35:09] Judith
And then the women kind of gathered around her afterward and were like, What’s the biggest piece of advice that you could give us?
And she goes, I’m going to let you in on a secret that I just learned. And they all like, she’s like, buy a bra that fits. And she’s like, there
was like hysteric. She goes, But Judith, that was a game changer for me and I needed them to know. And then she gave them
practical advice about their careers, but like that was the first thing she led with was like, buy a bra that fits. And, and of course, she
was like giving me all the stories. Like everybody was showing her down their shirts. And here’s what’s happening for me. And like,
women are hilarious in this way, but I have had this same thing with men. You talk about underwear in a room full of humans and
they’re like, Look what’s going on with me. Like, it’s a thing, right? So once we got her comfortable, we got we got her to show up
more as herself. I didn’t prescribe it. I didn’t dictate what her style statement was going to be. I didn’t pigeonhole her into classic
bohemian. Wow. I hate that. Like I let her brain decide based on how she really was already showing up. We just kind of gave it some
names so that she has a quick way to conjure that up and get in that state before she enters any room. Hmm. I could go on. There’s,
like, millions of.
[00:36:19] Rick
These, but I’m just going to say, like, it makes it super tangible, right? Like. Like I can. I’m picturing you’re telling that story, like I
picturing all of that. And this person was in the financial space, but yet everything that you just said, like, and this might sound funny,
but like what I’m thinking about and granted, you know, I do the podcast on both where it’s video, also audio. But even if I were doing
just video or excuse me, just audio, I would probably want to do the same thing because I’m showing up differently on the
microphone. Yeah. And, you know, and yeah. Like I’m being. A different person when I’m feeling that way, even though somebody
can’t see me. And so for anybody listening right now who’s doing a podcast, who’s doing certainly doing any kind of video, doing
social media doing, reels doing. Webinars, whatever it might be. This is what we’re talking about. This is what you just talking about.
[00:37:20] Judith
Showing up as your full self like. And for some of you, literally, you’re not going to dress all that differently. That’s not the prescription
here, but you’re being deliberate. That’s what we’re calling you into. And this like secret club that’s now going to show up like bosses
everywhere. Like that’s what we want for you to just be more deliberate about what you’re thinking about yourself, what you’re
feeling, and therefore what you do.
[00:37:44] Rick
Because, like, my brain was just like, Wait, I want to hear more stories, but I want like, I think that’s a really good place to to wrap this
conversation up. I know there’s people listening who are like, wait, I want more of this for me. So who let’s talk about who you
specifically help in your business. And then what does it look like for you to help them? How do you help them?
[00:38:09] Judith
Yeah. So I, I help lady bosses. It’s like sort of the shorthand for it. So I help women who are professionals, who are really wicked
smart, super intelligent lady producers, people who love what they do. They’re very passionate but can relate to what my client said.
They’re amazing up top and in the inside, but they got disconnected from their body somewhere along the way. So we want your
insides and your outsides to match each other. So but we are size inclusive. We welcome everyone into the fold.
[00:38:40] Rick
It’s not like it’s the whole I can give you the fish or I can teach you how to fish for everything we were just talking about here today as
the, the journey that you’re building your business.
[00:38:54] Judith
Yeah. And part of I tell them a lot is like I don’t after our time together, I don’t want you to need me. I don’t believe in hierarchy and
coaching relationships. I don’t believe in that cycle where I get my clients codependent on me. I really I think that’s not ethical. The
way I coach and the associate I coach from is really important to me that I give you what you need so you can replicate these results
on your own. Yeah, you just need some tools and you need to get your mind straight and maybe some mind trash cleaned up. And
that’s why we have coaches. But it’s super important to me that you be able to replicate the results on your own when our time
together has ended. It’s so important.
[00:39:32] Rick
Yeah, I love it. So where can people connect with you? Learn more from you, learn more about you, all the things.
[00:39:39] Judith
Judith Yeah, so you can come hang out on the podcast too. I have a podcast, it’s called Style Masterclass, and they’re really short,
actionable episodes. So part of it is like 8 minutes. And then I give you a glam gal mission and you go execute the mission and then
you come back for more. That’s how my podcast rolls, so definitely come hang out there.
[00:39:59] Rick
I love it. So is that the best place? Check out the yeah, that’s the.
[00:40:02] Judith
Best place podcast. Yeah. To enter into my world. And then if you do want to work with me, of course come to my website, Judith
Guitar, CNN.com, and just click the work with me button.
[00:40:11] Rick
Awesome. I’ll link I’ll link those links up for for everybody guys in the show notes here for today’s episode. Judith, thank you so much.
I feel like they’re like some of the things that we talked about could be like an episode in and of itself. Oh yeah, like five episodes from
this. But I think that again, thank you for coming on and sharing this because I think this is such an important topic that A doesn’t get
talked about a lot, as I mentioned earlier. And B, people like this is real like you were like you were mentioning before, but yet people
don’t want to talk about that they feel that way.
[00:40:45] Judith
Yeah, I think there’s a little shame around it. Like it’s silly.
[00:40:48] Rick
[00:40:49] Judith
So not my friends. Yeah.
[00:40:51] Rick
I appreciate you. Thanks for coming on.
[00:40:53] Judith
Thank you. Thank you for having me.
[00:40:55] Rick
All right. So good here with Judith. I’d love your feedback, by the way, if you want to send me a message over on Instagram, I’m at
Rick already if you want to. I’d love just to get your feedback on the show here today and the topics that we talked about. If you have
not already left a rating review for the show or on Apple Podcasts and subscribe to the show. All those things really help the podcast
here and help us have a greater impact here with the podcast. And as I mentioned at the top of the show, we are accepting three new
applicants per month right now and we are almost full in accelerator depending on when you apply. And so when you go to Rick,
multi-car forward accelerator, there will be a note right there at the top that was a little top bar. We used to call it a low bar back in
back in my day, we used to call it a hello bar. And there’s a message there telling you how many spots are open. And so if you are an
established online course creator, online coach, and you’re feeling stuck in your business, you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re not
really sure what next steps to take in order to grow your business and get out of the weeds. If you want to increase your profit and
have a bigger impact with your business with less hustle, right? That’s what this is all about. Then my accelerator coaching program
may be exactly what you need to get you unstuck and optimizing your business towards seven figures and beyond it’s application
only. And if you’re interested in learning more and applying for one of these few open spots, go to Rick Mulraney for Accelerator. All
right, my friend of an amazing rest of your day. I’ll talk to you soon.