Launch Review: How I Got a $113 EPL In My ‘Offer to Optimized’ Launch

Do you do launch reviews after your launches to see how everything went?

Well, it’s super important that you do, and I am going to tell you why.

In this episode, I am taking you behind the scenes of my Offer to Optimized launch and giving you the breakdown of what I learned from it. 

My team and I did a launch review once it was over to figure out what worked, what didn’t, and what we’re going to do differently (and better) next time around.

On Today’s Show You’ll Learn: 

  • Why I created the Offer to Optimized program
  • The value of scalable intimacy 
  • Why I’m okay with not hitting my goal for the launch 
  • The importance of looking at earnings per lead 
  • The numbers behind my Offer to Optimized launch 
  • How to calculate your earnings per lead 
  • Why these numbers are so important
  • The value of personal connection 
  • Things that did and did not work well in the launch 
  • The importance of doing a review of your launch shortly after it ends

I hope this episode gives you some inspiration for your own launches and shows you how you can learn and improve after each one. 

If you’re a course creator, you’ve got a membership, or you’re an online coach looking to scale to six or seven figures, I want to invite you to join us in our free Optimized CEO Community Facebook group. Go to to get inside. 

Register for the free training where I’ll be teaching you my optimized launch method! The first training will be on Monday, January 25th. Get registered at

Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Optimized CEO Facebook Group 

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