Have you ever felt frustrated trying to figure out how to create a funnel that actually converts?
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Funnels are incredibly effective marketing tools when optimized correctly. But how can you make that happen? In today’s episode of The Art Of Online Business, I sat down with Neill Williams who created a funnel for her business that converts like crazy.
Neill is a former member of my Accelerator program and is currently a coach inside of the program where she helps members uplevel their businesses on their own terms just as she did.
Neill is a Master Certified Life Coach through The Life Coach School, specializing in Time, $$, and Business. She is the host of The Unbusy Your Life podcast and creator of the $10K in 10 Hours Mastermind.
Only after ditching her own belief that success was measured by the number of hours worked was Neill able to achieve true lifestyle freedom while juggling her roles as a mom, wife, Master Certified Coach, entrepreneur, and employee. Now she helps coaches build their side hustle coaching businesses in 10 hours a week.
Neill knows that the secret to getting crazy high conversion rates is to know your audience really well. Now it’s like everything she touches turns to gold. She’s here today to talk about how you can turn your business into a conversion machine with an excellent niched-down funnel.
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[00:00:00] Speaker1
Hey, my friends, if you were looking for a faster, a better way to grow and scale your online business, you very likely do not need another course or to be reading more books about how to grow your business. What you need instead is a personalized, cohesive growth strategy for your business, along with one on one coaching and group coaching, support and accountability to help you every step of the way. Well, that’s exactly what my accelerator coaching program delivers for you. Accelerator is an intimate 12 month rolling open enrollment, so it’s ongoing open enrollment, personalized coaching program and mastermind experience for established online course creators and coaches who want to take the guesswork out of optimizing and grow towards a profitable seven figure plus business without more anxiety, without more stress and hours spent in front of the computer, accelerator is about thinking differently and bigger about your business, about your team, your funnels, your ads, your vision, etc., so that you can create more profit, more impact with less hustle. So accelerators application only. And again, this is rolling ongoing open enrollment. So if you want to learn more and apply, just go to Rick Mul Radio.com forward slash accelerator. Hey my friend, welcome to the Art of Online Business Podcast. My name is Rick Mullaney and I’m an online business coach. I’m an ads expert, and most importantly, I’m a dad. And this show is where we help established online course creators and coaches create more profit, more impact with less hustle. All right, let’s get into it. A few years ago, I was in an Airbnb here in San Diego overlooking the beach, and it was for one of our live retreats that we do in my accelerator coaching program.
[00:02:15] Speaker1
And I was having a conversation with one of the members and it was about their their funnel and they were selling coaching. The funnel wasn’t converting, it wasn’t doing really well. If anybody did book a call with our member, you know, they either didn’t show up or which was most of the case, they either didn’t show up or the people who did show up were just not the right fit at all. So their funnel was not working. Well, fast forward a few years here and Neil Williams, who is a regular guest here in the show, she’s a master life coach. She is one of our accelerator coaches and she has created an amazing business for herself, multiple, multiple six figure business in a very short amount of time. And she has a funnel in her business that converts super, super highly. It’s a high ticket funnel for coaches that she has created. She has a 99% show up rate, 99% show up rate on her calls where she presents the opportunity for people to join her 10-K and 10 hours group coaching and mastermind. She sells the program out months in advance and I said, Hey, would you come on the podcast here and share what this funnel is? Because you’ve got a secret sauce going here that people need to learn about. She’s like, Yeah, I’ll break it down for people. So, my friend, that is exactly what you’re going to hear today. A breakdown of Neil Williams entire funnel where she takes people from cold traffic, cold Facebook ads into purchasing a strategy, call with her and then presents the opportunity to join a program and all of her conversion rates in show up rates are just ridiculously high.
[00:04:03] Speaker1
She also runs webinars where her conversion rate is just. I was like, everything you’re touching right now is turning to gold, and so she’s going to share it with you all today. So regardless of whether you’re a coach, if you have a a high ticket offer, even if you don’t, there’s going to be gold in here when it comes to what makes for a high converting sales funnel in your business. And so she’s going to break it down here for you today. Now, before we do, we only accept a few people into my accelerator coaching program each month. So if you’re an established online course creator or you’re an online coach, maybe have a membership program and you’re looking to optimize your sales and marketing, optimize your systems and processes. Increase your revenue and your profit have a bigger impact, all while working no more than 25 hours a week. That’s what we help you do. Inside of Accelerator, it’s one on one coaching, group coaching and a mastermind experience. So if you want to learn more here from people, current and past members and apply its application only go to Rick Mulroy, forward slash accelerator. All right, let’s go learn about the high converting, high ticket coaching funnel from Neil Williams. Dear Williams. Welcome back to the show, my friend. How are we doing today?
[00:05:25] Speaker2
Amazing. So excited to be back here with you, Rick.
[00:05:28] Speaker1
Absolutely. Yeah. We were just talking here before we hit record and you got stuff going on. You have a lot of stuff going on. And I was sharing sharing an example of a conversation I was having with somebody where it was the same conversation I was having a month ago, and they were kind of in the same spot they were a month ago. Whereas you were sharing example, you said, Oh yeah, that’s already being built. And I was thinking to myself, Wait a minute, I think we just had that conversation like a week ago and it’s already being built. You’re like, Oh yeah, this is how I get stuff done. I love.
[00:06:05] Speaker2
It totally.
[00:06:07] Speaker1
So for those few people, very few people in my audience who do not know who Neil Williams is, why don’t we start right there? Who are you and what do you do?
[00:06:18] Speaker2
So I am a master certified, deep dove, certified coach. I have the honor of being the mindset coach inside of your accelerator mastermind, which is so fun. And I also have my own private practice where I teach coaches, teachers educate people who educate other people online, basically how to create a successful business in a ten hour work week.
[00:06:50] Speaker1
I want to repeat that again. That last part there. You teach. To. To create what?
[00:06:57] Speaker2
In what? A successful business in a ten hour workweek.
[00:07:02] Speaker1
Yeah, I love it.
[00:07:03] Speaker2
Yeah. And yes. From my experience, yeah.
[00:07:07] Speaker1
I was just going to say it’s very possible because you are you were you teach it from your own experience.
[00:07:11] Speaker2
[00:07:12] Speaker1
You built that. You built an amazingly successful business. And and I will say a shell of what what it is now while you’re working full time.
[00:07:24] Speaker2
Yeah. In fact, it was really only about eight months ago that I stopped working my corporate job. I had made, oh, half a million, $600,000 in my business before I even let my full time corporate job go. And I did that with a very small time budget every single week. Yeah.
[00:07:45] Speaker1
And now you’re teaching other coaches how to do the same thing.
[00:07:48] Speaker2
Yeah. And I’m doing that because what I started to see, I saw more coaches following me because that is that was my story. And for a long time, I thought time was the obstacle to why I couldn’t have the business that I wanted or why I wouldn’t be successful. And once I understood how to create a business in a very small time budget every single week, I just decided I didn’t want time to be the obstacle for other coaches to not be successful in their business. Because in my mind, a coach who is not being successful means that there are people in the world who aren’t being served, who are being helped by that person. And coaching has so radically changed my life. I want everyone to get the help that they need from the coach that’s going to serve them best. That’s my goal.
[00:08:34] Speaker1
Yeah. And Fred, we listening you’ve heard me talk about so often here on the podcast, I think everybody should have a coach. Yeah. I mean, the rock has a a trainer.
[00:08:45] Speaker2
You know.
[00:08:46] Speaker1
It’s like we all need coaches of some sort.
[00:08:49] Speaker2
[00:08:49] Speaker1
And I was just going to ask you and I think you pretty much answered it, but is that why you’re so passionate about what you do?
[00:08:57] Speaker2
Yeah, it really is. Like, I love to. It’s super fun for me. Like business is just this fun game that I think we all get to play, but so that’s amazing and I love that. But at the end of the day, what’s really important to me is that people are served. And I think part of that mission is getting the coaches and the teachers out in the world to serve the people who need them. Hmm. Yeah.
[00:09:25] Speaker1
And I mean, we’re not going to this isn’t the topic that we’re going to dove into here today, but I do. You just mentioned something really important that I think a lot of people who maybe haven’t heard previous episodes where you’ve been on the show here. You just mentioned you don’t want time to be the obstacle to creating a successful business. Yeah, I know a lot of people are saying listening right now. They’re like, well, how is that possible? Like, how is that even? How is time not an issue? Okay. Can you explain what you mean by that?
[00:09:53] Speaker2
Yeah. So I think, again, going back to my experience, I did use time as the justification, the reason why I couldn’t have the business that I wanted to. And once I just started. Well, it just sounded like maybe I was wrong about that. And then once I did that, then I was thinking, okay, if I am wrong, then how do I build a successful business in the time that I do have every single week? And so I intentionally carved out about 10 hours every single week. And I made it pretty consistent. I mean, there are weeks where it didn’t happen, but for the most part, I was dedicated to those 10 hours being my business building hours, and I was like, I’m just going to see what I can do here. And my goal was in my coaching community, we have this brand of metric of 100,000, and we all make this being like, That’s what success is, right? Yeah. So of course I was like, Well, I have to make $100,000. That will prove my success. Now I look at that number now and I kind of laugh at it, but at the time it was a really good goal for me to go after. And I it was interesting because once I decided like, I’m just going to see what I can do in my 10 hours and just figure out how do you do 100 K business in a ten hour work week? I actually far exceeded that in that year. I created 110,000 in that ten hour workweek. So once I did that, I was like, Oh, okay, so time isn’t the thing here. I just have to figure out how to do business in a way that allows me to be successful in the time budget that I have every week.
[00:11:31] Speaker1
If you all want to dove into that topic a little more. We did talk about it. We have we have done an episode where we do dove into that. I think this is a conversation, though, that we can continue to dove into because, you know, just as an example, it’s not just for people who are starting out. For example, I was on a coaching call with one of our accelerators yesterday and they’re doing half a million 600,000 right now. And when we they’re always saying that they don’t have time to do their passion right now, I’ll just kind of leave it at that. And we actually dove into because they’re looking at like an exit plan. So what is the business look like in X number of years? So that’s what that’s what the coaching call was about. And we first started with OC. How much time are you spending? Like, what’s going on in the business right now? And we it was funny. Not funny, right? But because they started laughing. And when I know where they’re like, I know where you’re going with this. We figured out that their what they just what they listed out, what they’re spending their time on or what needs to happen, I should say, is about 5 hours per week.
[00:12:45] Speaker2
[00:12:45] Speaker1
And they were saying they’re continuously saying, I don’t have time to do my passion. It’s like, wait a minute. Where’s all that time going? Yeah, that’s 5 hours. Right. So anyway, if this is a conversation that you all would like to dove more deeply into, just shoot me a message over on Instagram at Rick Moretti. Likewise. Message Neil at is it at Neil Williams?
[00:13:10] Speaker2
Right. At Neil Williams coach.
[00:13:12] Speaker1
At Neil Williams coach. And it’s Neil Williams coach. But anyway, so part two of our conversation here, which is really what we’re talking about here today.
[00:13:23] Speaker2
[00:13:23] Speaker1
You have done this amazing job of creating a funnel, if you will. People call it different, different things. And it’s very high converting. Your conversion rates are off the charts. And I want us to break this down here today, because as we were talking about reminiscing a little bit before we hit record here today, so, you know, your former member of Accelerator and now coaching inside of Accelerator. Yeah, I remember a conversation that we had at one of our retreats here in San Diego. It was this house overlooking the ocean Pacific Beach here. And we were talking about a funnel that you were running and you were frustrated because it wasn’t you know, it wasn’t producing what you wanted to. And we started to dove into all that. But anyway, that was a few years ago. I don’t remember exactly how many years ago, but it really wasn’t that long in Internet years. It was a long time ago, but it really wasn’t like years.
[00:14:25] Speaker2
[00:14:26] Speaker1
And here you are now. You just sold out your next cohort of your 10-K and 10 hours mastermind. Five weeks in advance.
[00:14:38] Speaker2
[00:14:39] Speaker1
And have all your sold out your previous one and you’re already pre-selling the one in October. And we’re recording this right now in the middle of May.
[00:14:49] Speaker2
Yeah. I already have a spot sold for the October one.
[00:14:52] Speaker1
Yeah. And that one will sell out well in advance all due to this. Well, one, one big piece of it. It’s not everything, but one big piece of it is this funnel that you have created. And I don’t I want you to break the funnel down and I want to caveat this for everybody. You all. The funnel that Neil is going to share here is not something that like she created and it just worked. Right. It’s through many iterations as we have to do when we create something, we test things out, what works, what didn’t keep iterating, so on and so forth. So why don’t we start there? Like, how many iterations has this funnel gone through, do you think?
[00:15:31] Speaker2
You know, it’s interesting. This funnel is actually gone only gone through a couple of iterations. I launched it in January.
[00:15:41] Speaker1
This specific.
[00:15:42] Speaker2
Funnel. This specific funnel, yes. For this specific program. So when we’re talking about this funnel, it’s for one niche or one offer is what we’re talking about, which is what a funnel should be. Yeah. Specifically targeted, right? Yeah. So it it really has only gone through one or two like main revisions I would say. And I think maybe it would be helpful for us to talk about like the breakdown of it. Yeah. To see like where that is. So in many coaching funnels, the idea is we first want to get people, we want like a high converting lead magnet, right? Converting freebie because if we have that, then we get people on our email list for a lesser amount of money, smaller marketing budget. So that’s the idea. Number one, we would like it to convert, period. Number one, can we get people to say yes to it and give us their email address? Right. And then beyond that, can we get our cost per lead in in a range that we feel comfortable with? So that lead magnet that we’ve used, the first one we launched was in January and it converted about like five ish dollars per lead, which I was like thrilled with of like the best I had ever been able to create. And that worked really well for a few months as lead magnets do. And then the cost started to increase a little bit like end of March, maybe April. So basically, like we said it, we just like let it kind of run and then when the lead cost started increase, I was like, okay, well let’s see what we can do to kind of like to maybe like move it back. And then we did iteration number two of that lead magnet and now it’s converting at about $3. And we have like the landing page conversion rate is somewhere between 40 and 50%.
[00:17:40] Speaker1
Cool traffic.
[00:17:41] Speaker2
Cool traffic, yeah.
[00:17:43] Speaker1
So what was the first iteration of there’s people right now like turning us off right now they’re like, I don’t even want to hear this because my limited classes.
[00:17:50] Speaker2
I don’t even want to hear you.
[00:17:51] Speaker1
Yeah, like, oh, poor Neil. $5 lead cost, that goes up a little bit. So what was the first iteration of the lead magnet?
[00:17:58] Speaker2
So really like what I want to say first before I want to answer that question. But what I did, my approach is to create my paid offer first. And I think that’s a little bit different approach than I have ever done before, because when I the process that I go through to create my paid offer reveals to me things that might be good lead magnets or maybe good webinar topics or good sales call topics, good email headlines, good email content. So the way that I go through the paid offer process kind of gives me everything else that I need for the whole funnel. So when I think about that and and doing the paid offer, I’m always looking at like step one or two of what I’m taking people through to get the result that the offer promises. And I’m looking for really like juicy things, compelling things that people are struggling with in their in my niche that are that are going to want this offer. So I know my person pretty well who’s going to do this offer because I was them. Yeah. And time is a big obstacle for them, right? So I’m like, okay, what can I do to create something that would help them with the time constraint? So I created a 30 day planner. Everybody loves planters. I love planters.
[00:19:20] Speaker1
I have this right here. It’s so good.
[00:19:22] Speaker2
I know, right? This planter did really well, and I had some videos that went along with it and. But nobody was really watching the videos is what I learned. So in iteration number two, I created I left the planter as it was because that piece was really working. And then I added on this business crash course because what I was learning as I was going through this is was people don’t really know some of the basic decisions to make in their business to set themselves up for success. So that’s what I teach them through that business crash course. So now we have the 30 day planner with this three hour business crash course. It’s a super fast little course you can go through. And that’s what’s converting at the $3 lead cost and at like 40 to 50% conversion.
[00:20:08] Speaker1
So can you give an example of what type of thing is in the business? Business crash course, I must add. Business crash course. Business crash course.
[00:20:18] Speaker2
Yes. So it’s things like setting a money goal, like having a target to work towards which almost everybody they get on the strategy call. It’s one of the 1 to 1 calls that I do. They don’t think about like the money piece of it. So it’s super interesting. But when you’re working in a ten hour schedule, you have to be thinking about that because the way that you, the business model you choose matters and it determines the price. And so we want to make sure that we set it up so it’s actually possible to hit your money goal. So that is number one. The second thing is really thinking about like what you want your schedule to look like. Like most people don’t think about their business model. And when I say that, I’m referring to especially for the coaches, teachers, teachers, educators in the online space, you’re you’re doing one of three options. You’re like a11. It’s just like me and you individually, that business model or a small group, which is like two to maybe 30 ish people or a large group which would be more than 30, which is typically a course or membership type of model. So it’s important to think about which of those you want to do because it dictates what your 10 hours is spent. So the ratio of time that you spend being the coach or fulfilling on coaching and teaching to the entrepreneur is different in those business models. So it’s really important that people think about that and what they want to do in their business. So that’s part of it as well. And then picking their niche. The other thing.
[00:21:51] Speaker1
Be a good start.
[00:21:52] Speaker2
A good start, yeah. I don’t think you have to have any to be successful. But what I do believe is if you’re doing a ten hour a week business, you’re going to probably need to do go the niche route because you’re going to need to constrain your focus and you’re going to need to learn pretty easily what works for your group of people and what doesn’t versus being the generalist. Yeah, and you just need a bigger time budget every single every week in order to do it that route. So yeah, picking the niche is the other thing I take them through.
[00:22:23] Speaker1
In in in the new strategy call.
[00:22:26] Speaker2
So I give them a way to like to do that in the crash course. And I offer my help to do that. Like I will either review the niche that you chose or I’ll help you come up with one if you’re stuck on it in the strategy call.
[00:22:43] Speaker1
Gotcha. Okay.
[00:22:44] Speaker2
[00:22:44] Speaker1
So just a recap here real quick. I love how you said I work backwards from the offer.
[00:22:51] Speaker2
[00:22:52] Speaker1
So you and and by the way, we’ve talked about iterations of this funnel. You said, well, it’s basically only gone through two iterations. Well, this is a new program. Mm hmm. You launched it. When was it? Was it in last year.
[00:23:04] Speaker2
So. Yeah, seven months ago.
[00:23:06] Speaker1
Yeah. It’s not old, so it’s. The funnel hasn’t gone through many iterations to get to where we are today. You work backwards from the offer? You got clear in the offer. It’s called ten K and 10 hours.
[00:23:18] Speaker2
[00:23:19] Speaker1
The promise is very clear. It’s like the greatest name ever. And so we outline you outlined what the program was. And then, as you mentioned, you work backwards from there, giving you email ideas, subject lines, headlines, and then it’s like, all right, what is the first step? Or What is a first step that people will really need to get clear on that will help them make that next step into the program?
[00:23:47] Speaker2
Totally right. I’m always thinking about like at the end of the day, this is what I want to deliver to them. How do I help them take the first step and then maybe the next step and then maybe the next step after that? And I think inside of those first steps, for anybody who’s thinking about doing this approach for their own offer, in their own business, finding like the thing that people trip up on the most, like what are the obstacles that they struggle with? And these are the things that I know about my people, right? It’s time not understanding, like how to lay out a schedule or what they’re doing inside of that schedule or that time. Besides just coaching, they don’t know what what they’re even supposed to do in the business piece of that and the entrepreneur piece of that. And then also being able to pick a niche is kind of like a joke in my community about niche drama.
[00:24:34] Speaker1
Niche drama.
[00:24:35] Speaker2
[00:24:36] Speaker1
Yeah. Now, but all this stuff works though. If somebody has a niche, correct?
[00:24:41] Speaker2
It works if you have a niche, totally. Yes.
[00:24:44] Speaker1
So. You all. This is so like on the creation of a lead magnet. What Neil is sharing here, like, I want to bottle this. I’m going to I’m going to actually take this clip. And this is what creating a high converting lead magnet. So top of the funnel, getting people into your world, if you will, introducing yourself to them, building value, building trust, building you, starting to create the relationship. And as Neil is saying, like, I know this audience because this was me and I know what they need and this is a first step that will help them in this journey towards this program. And so if you’re stuck on creating a lead magnet or if you have a lead magnet that is not, you know, doing as well as you’d hoped, ask yourself these questions that we’re talking about here. Is it a logical first step or is it. Allowing somebody like, you know, does it allow somebody to believe what they need to believe in order to make the next step?
[00:25:51] Speaker2
[00:25:52] Speaker1
And so so you create it. So the second iteration, 30 day planner, business.
[00:25:58] Speaker2
Guide, course.
[00:25:59] Speaker1
Crash course, and you made a comment to me, I think it was like a week and a half or so ago. You said people are people are watching all the videos. People are actually going through the content and doing the worksheets. I think you said that’s what it was. Yes. Why do you think why do you think that’s happening?
[00:26:17] Speaker2
I think because they know that they need to be doing that. And I think also I’ve made it as simple as possible for them to be able to do it. I think this is like if anybody who’s listening, if you want to create more value inside of a funnel and make it higher converting, you want to think about how you can make it easier for your person to do the things that they probably already know that they need to do. But there are some things in their way as the reasons why they’re not so understanding their obstacles and solving the obstacles for them makes it easier for them to take those steps. So like, for instance, I know my person is super time sensitive, so my videos are like 2 to 5 minutes long in this crusher, like literally like easily consumed. And I have like little worksheets that you can download and answer the questions with, right? So I think my people already know that they need to do this. They just need like the fast, easy way that works for them, not like this super long workbook or like need to read a book kind of thing. Like that’s not helpful for them when you’re working on a ten hour workweek. So I think it’s a matter of understanding your audience really well and knowing like what is standing in their way when you identify those obstacles and then you further solve those for them. That’s where the value creation comes from. And I think that’s what makes something converting.
[00:27:43] Speaker1
Yeah, something that. So again, just to reiterate what Neil said. Quick action, they can consume it, take action on it, get a win in a matter of minutes.
[00:27:55] Speaker2
[00:27:56] Speaker1
So. All right. So once people opt in the second iteration, you’re doing about a $3 lead cost. And I think, like I asked you a week and a half, how long is this ad been running? You’re like, I don’t know, several weeks now. Most people again now, if they didn’t turn off earlier, now they’re turning off. You’re like, Wait, my ads, like my frequency jumps up after a few days. So your ads are running roughly $3 ish cost per lead on this version of the lead magnet. Once somebody opts in, then what happens?
[00:28:27] Speaker2
So then the typical coaching sales funnel, right? It’s like Facebook ad to lead magnet. You get on the email list and there’s an email nurture sequence right again. And if you do the process, the way that I just talked about, like doing the paid offer and working backwards, you’re thinking about in your nurture sequence helping them use the lead magnet that you just created for them, right? Knowing like where they’re going to stumble and fall and then in your email sequence, moving them to the next step. So for my people in, I like to think about like just like we have cold traffic, then we have warm traffic and then we have hot traffic, right? So the traffic is like people who don’t even know us, but the lead magnet is so interesting to them or create some sort of curiosity that they’re willing to give us their email address as payment for that thing to come into our world. Sure. And then our goal is to move them into the warm traffic bucket, which means they know us, they like us. Maybe we’ve given them some more value. And for me it’s like thinking about what is okay. So I help them solve the time piece like that obstacle. What’s the next thing that they’re going to struggle with? And I just know coaches so well that I know that this is going to be the thing. So many coaches spend months. I mean, years even thinking about this or picking one and then trying it for a hot second and then deciding that’s not the right niche and changing it.
[00:29:52] Speaker2
And over and over again you just like stall out, you don’t move forward. So my idea was that’s the way that I need. I need to help them solve that because if they can’t get to the niche, it’s going to be really challenging for them to get to a successful coaching business in a ten hour workweek. So I’m very like, I know the obstacles that are in their way and I’m just constantly like solving those obstacles through the funnel. So that’s the next major piece. So I’ve given them this quick little video of how to pick their niche, but I know that’s probably not enough. They’re probably still kind of like stuck in questioning. So then I offer my next piece is, which is typical of many coaching funnels, a one on one call. Now I do not call it a free mini session, a console call, a discovery call. I think it’s so funny. This is like the biggest place where I see coach coaching sales funnels, not work, is breaking down, is not being able to get people to book a call. And then even if you do get them to book a call, having them show up like there’s a ghosting problem that happens a lot, which I experienced for a long time. I’m very familiar with it.
[00:30:58] Speaker1
But you don’t anymore. I don’t. And that’s so go on. We’re going to we’re going to talk about that. But go on.
[00:31:06] Speaker2
So, I mean, think about this. Like it’s it’s not like. You ask some random person off the internet to show up on a call with you? Random person they don’t even know. How likely is that actually to happen?
[00:31:25] Speaker1
Very unlikely.
[00:31:27] Speaker2
Yeah. Which is why we don’t get sales calls booked is because it’s like, no, I don’t want to hop on a call with you. I don’t have time for that. And I don’t know who the hell you are. Why would I want to get on a call? Right, right. It makes me laugh that we are expecting people to do that. We said we think about. Would you do that? Probably not. Yeah. Right. The only reason someone would invest their time and show up on a call with you, they don’t even really know that well is because there’s something that you’re going to deliver to them that’s so good on the call that they’re willing to go through that. And that is the number one like to create a high converting coaching sales funnel after you get the high converting lead magnet. This is the piece that you want to focus your time and energy on. What could you offer to someone on this call that would be so enticing to them that they would be willing to show up for it?
[00:32:20] Speaker1
What’s your show up rate?
[00:32:23] Speaker2
[00:32:24] Speaker1
Like literally. It’s literally.
[00:32:26] Speaker2
Literally. I think I’ve had one no show and we’ve had well, we’re approaching 100 calls since January.
[00:32:33] Speaker1
That’s amazing. Yeah. And one no show.
[00:32:36] Speaker2
Just proof that this works, right? When you give people something they want, they’re going to want to show up to the call.
[00:32:42] Speaker1
Yeah. I love it. And just to clarify, again, this is a recap. You’re offering a niche strategy call.
[00:32:50] Speaker2
[00:32:50] Speaker1
So it basically. And how long is the call? 30 minutes. 30 minutes. But you get them.
[00:32:58] Speaker2
I get them. They’re in the first 15, typically 15 minutes.
[00:33:01] Speaker1
Like you had this process down.
[00:33:03] Speaker2
Yeah, it’s dialed like I know how to get. There’s four questions that I asked and I know how to move them through and I know how to pull out from them. What it is that they’re really saying that they sometimes they just have a hard time articulating it. Sure. But it’s really easy for me to, like, pull it out and just use simple, concise, direct words to help them.
[00:33:23] Speaker1
And they walk away from this like with their like they have clarity on their niche.
[00:33:28] Speaker2
Yep. Totally.
[00:33:30] Speaker1
Do you is this a free call or do you charge them for the call?
[00:33:34] Speaker2
Now, the thing I think is so interesting, right? In the coaching world, many times we’re told that we have to offer these calls for free, which is totally fine. Nothing wrong with that. But you can also make them pay calls if you want to. Like, there’s no rules around this. Actually, you people are either going to invest their time with you or their time and money with you. So yeah, my call is a paid call, but I know that it’s such a valuable call. Obviously we’ve had 100 of these booked this year that people will still pay to get on this call.
[00:34:09] Speaker1
Yeah, and it’s nominal, right? How much is the call?
[00:34:13] Speaker2
So it’s not like a huge investment.
[00:34:15] Speaker1
Right. And they’re walking away with clarity on their niche like, yeah, okay, move forward from here. We’ve cleared all this stuff up that you say, like the niece drama. Yes. And now you can move forward for $49.
[00:34:29] Speaker2
That’s right.
[00:34:30] Speaker1
And you have 99% show up. Right.
[00:34:32] Speaker2
And 99% show up, right? That’s right.
[00:34:36] Speaker1
Sorry. What are you going to say?
[00:34:37] Speaker2
Yeah, I think just reiterating that idea that you have to give people something that they want because their time is so valuable, they’re not going to give their time up to a random stranger. For a sales call. Yeah, it’s very unlikely that that is going to happen, which is why the rate of booking those calls is so low. I think in the coaching industry and then the rate of show up is so low, even if you do get someone to book a call.
[00:35:05] Speaker1
And just to reiterate to as an example of like creating a funnel and having it work right off the bat, you like a few years ago you experienced the same kind of challenges for people to getting people to show up.
[00:35:20] Speaker2
[00:35:21] Speaker1
I think we all we all have.
[00:35:22] Speaker2
[00:35:23] Speaker1
Somebody’s schedules. They’re like, oh, yeah, I’m on the calendar. But then like they go shoe totally.
[00:35:28] Speaker2
So and I think what I realized was I wasn’t I didn’t have something that I was offering to them that was good enough for them to book it. And then even if they did, it was easy for them to just not show up. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that’s the difference. I really feel like this is like if you can solve this obstacle, it makes getting people say to say yes to your paid offer so much easier. Like this is actually the bigger this is, the harder sell. I think I think worth more time spent marketing and really thinking about how you can offer value on this call than even on your paid offer.
[00:36:06] Speaker1
They’ve already. By the time they get to this this new strategy call, they’ve had so many wins from you that you’ve helped them with.
[00:36:15] Speaker2
[00:36:16] Speaker1
All for free to this point. They have a 30 day planner. They have the business crash course. They have all the exercises. They have started their knees. They had get on this call. Now they have already on their knees. All this for $49, even though it’s like free, free, free. If they decide to do this call now on the call, you do offer them when you have spots available, a spot in ten K and 10 hours. Like what is that sort of transition look like? Because you’ve made a very important distinction on who you’re willing to work with. Can you share.
[00:36:49] Speaker2
That? Yeah. Yeah. I think kind of as you learn this and and again, this kind of goes back to something we’ve talked about before. There’s the return on information phase in your business and there’s a return on investment phase. I think being willing to stay in the return on information phase long enough to get to the return on investment where you’re getting the money from it. But I mean, that’s a lot of sales calls, right? Like 100 in like four and a half months. Yeah. But I, I really wanted to do that because I wanted to understand my person that even a deeper level. So now what that has done for me is it’s made it very easy for me to know who is the right fit for ten K and 10 hours, who is not. Yeah. And that is super valuable information. And so when they get on the call, they get their niche in the first 15 minutes. But then after that, if they’re the right fit, I’m going to tell them about ten K in 10 hours. But if they’re not, I’ve created this business quick start guide, which gives them some other resources that they might consider that are better fits for them and the way that they want to create their business. So for instance, like if you don’t want to do a niche, probably ten k 10 hours is not your thing, right? It’s not going to work for you because it’s designed to be done in a ten hour week with one niche and one offer. And so also like if you want to do a lot of selling, like if selling is your thing, 10-K is probably not your thing because I’m not going to talk a lot about something. We’re going to talk about more marketing and how we can use our marketing to do the selling for us so that we’re not having to do that perfect persuading and convincing at the end. So it’s just been very easy for me to make it clear who this is for and who it’s not. Yeah.
[00:38:33] Speaker1
I love it. Which is what? Which is what most people want, right? They want to, quote unquote, sell their offers without having to sell.
[00:38:42] Speaker2
Sell. Yeah.
[00:38:43] Speaker1
And we’ve done an episode about that on, on the on the show here too. So, so they they get on the knee strategy call you give them the clarity on the strategy, on the niche within 15 minutes or so. Yeah. If you feel like they’re a good fit, you introduce this to them. It’s not like a hard pitch or anything like that. Then if they grab a spot in ten K in 10 hours, great. If they don’t, you give them more resources based on where they’re at, which is super helpful because this is another thing too. And I think you and I were talking about this yesterday when when the data that recording this, you are positioning yourself when you do that as as the in service, you’re being of service to them because most people will be like, you know, sorry, you’re not a, you know. Okay, thanks. See you later. Right. But you’re saying like, okay, you know, you’ve already made the decision before, like, all right, I’m not going to talk about the program. However, here is a bunch of resources that can help you for where you’re at.
[00:39:51] Speaker2
Yeah, it’s really important, again, because my overall mission, is it for me to have a successful business. Yes, but the deeper root of it is to get more coaches out in the world doing their coaching, helping their people who need them. So I’m not the right person for everybody. I’m very clear with that, and I’m super comfortable with that being the truth. Yeah, that’s why I think it’s amazing that we have so many different programs and masterminds and all of this. Like there’s a way out there for you to do business that makes sense for you, and it isn’t necessarily me, and that’s okay. I’m happy to like try and put you in the right direction to in service of you and getting your business in the world the way that you want to.
[00:40:30] Speaker1
I know that one question that people everybody always asks. And so I’m sure that people are thinking this question going back to the email nurture sequence to get to where you start offering this call. They’ve opted in for the 30 day planner and the business crash course. They’re getting that getting amazing value. How long is that email sequence? How many emails over that time where you start introducing the strategy call?
[00:41:02] Speaker2
So it’s about what what’s interesting is on the. 30 day planner and business crash course page I even. I say like if you’re struggling with your niche book this call and unclear right there that there’s an offer for that right there but then in the email sequence, I think I had spent the first 3 to 4 walking them. I think it’s the first four emails I walk them through how to get everything out of the crash course in the planner, and then I start talking with them about, here’s the next thing you’re probably going to struggle with. Just based on my experience this, where you’re probably questioning like maybe you went through the course and you thought you had a niche, but you’re like questioning yourself that you have the right niche, right? Yeah. And so that’s when I start introducing. Great. I can help you with that to book this call. So I think the email sequence entirety is probably I’m trying to think like this is the piece that we’ve kind of played around with a little bit. I think it’s somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 to 10 emails.
[00:42:01] Speaker1
Over what time? Period.
[00:42:02] Speaker2
[00:42:02] Speaker1
Over two weeks.
[00:42:03] Speaker2
[00:42:04] Speaker1
So that’s the funnel through the strategy call.
[00:42:07] Speaker2
[00:42:08] Speaker1
Is there anything else after that? With that pertains to the ten Kane Hours mastermind.
[00:42:16] Speaker2
Yeah. So like you said, just a couple of things. So like you said, I don’t like hard sell anything. It’s just not my personality. It’s just not it doesn’t feel good to me and I try to make myself do it for a long time. And then I decided I just am not doing that to myself anymore. So I have to figure out a way to do it, to be successful, but not do the hard selling part. Which means I focus more on marketing, which feels fun and is exciting and interesting to me. So after they have the new strategy call, if they’re not the right fit for ten K in 10 hours, give them this. I give everybody this quick start guide and then if someone is undecided on the call, I also don’t make that a big deal. So just let them be undecided. And then I have a follow up sequence that I send to them that’s that’s picking on or not picking up. But like you’re probably thinking this and you’re probably questioning this and you’re probably doing this, so that kind of thing to try and help them. My goal is to get them to a yes or no by the end of that sequence, and either one is fine. I just don’t want them to stay in the baby. So that’s also a little piece of what we’ve been playing around with. Like, how do we get them to a clear yes, a clear no and using that sequence.
[00:43:22] Speaker1
So just to highlight that you all like what Neil just said, the point is to try to get somebody to make a decision. Yeah, yes or no? Totally. Fine. But let’s not have somebody stay in that middle ground where they’re almost stuck. You want them to continue moving forward again, whether it’s a yes or whether it’s a no.
[00:43:41] Speaker2
Right again, because if they make a decision, they’re moving forward versus staying stuck. And I don’t want them stuck because that just keeps them from getting their business into the world. Yeah, so there’s that. And then the other piece that I think would be interesting to add on here is bonuses. So I love bonuses. To me, bonuses are like gifts on Christmas morning. I love giving stuff away just clearly. Yeah, it really feels good. I feel like I’m contributing and I really like the way that I feel and doing that in my business. So bonuses are another aspect. I think when I think about a high converting, high ticket coaching sales funnel, it’s a high converting magnet, a high converting sales call or webinar, high converting paid offer and high converting bonuses and bonuses. I think sometimes just make that yes or no so much more clear and so much easier for people. So also thinking about like how you can use those. I like to think about each bonus that I add. I try to make it at least as valuable as the core offer. So the bonuses are just like doubling or tripling the value of the offer itself.
[00:44:52] Speaker1
What’s an example, by the way? How long is the program? I probably should have covered that in the very beginning. How long is ten K? In 10 hours.
[00:45:00] Speaker2
It’s a six month.
[00:45:01] Speaker1
Okay. So it’s a six month coaching program mastermind.
[00:45:05] Speaker2
[00:45:06] Speaker1
What is what’s an example of one of the bonuses that you’re referring to?
[00:45:11] Speaker2
So one of the ones that I did recently was on the pay your Facebook ads budget for the first 30 days. So again, I know some of the things that are happening in Coach’s brain. Like I already invested this mastermind and invested my coaching certification and all this stuff, and I don’t know that Facebook ads are going to work, so I’m really scared to be able to invest in them. So I just like to just take that obstacle away from them. And if I do, if I invest the budget for the first 30 days or so, we kind of get through that testing phase and we learn a little bit about what works and what doesn’t work. Then typically they feel a little bit more comfortable about investing in their own business, in the marketing dollars behind their business. So that’s one example of a bonus. Again, I’m thinking about what is in their way and solving it for them. And that’s my constant thought process always and again.
[00:45:57] Speaker1
Because you know your target person so well.
[00:46:01] Speaker2
Yep. Yeah. And the other thing that I just want to offer is one of the other things I did in this program, which I think is what makes it easy for people to say yes to, is I have some guarantees. I have a no coach left behind guarantee, which is make ten K in your first six months or you get my support, you get full support for another six months for free. And if you still don’t make five k back, you get your money back. Because again, I think that I am taking some responsibility. Of course you have to do the work. You’re doing the work, and that guarantee doesn’t apply. But again, like recognizing that the people who are the right fit for this have already invested. They’re a little bit investment shy, so making it easy for them to say, yes, this is a smart yes, because even if I do all the work, it doesn’t work for me. I’m not out anything.
[00:46:54] Speaker1
Yeah. So it’s basically all right if for whatever reason you don’t make that back within the six months. Here’s another six months.
[00:47:04] Speaker2
That’s right.
[00:47:05] Speaker1
And then if you’re for whatever reason, like, here you go, here’s your money back.
[00:47:11] Speaker2
Yeah, yeah.
[00:47:12] Speaker1
I love it. What? So you’ve created a course that teaches exactly like step by step, like and and you all hopefully you can you can tell from what Neil does is she makes it she makes things so simple to do like because she knows her audience as you’re hearing today so well it’s like, all right, I’ve done all this for you, basically. So there’s correct me if I’m wrong, Neil, there’s two ways people can work with you and the ten K and 10 hours mastermind the June cohorts already full. Yep. And we’re recording this five weeks out from when it starts. That’s already full. The next one you’re doing is in October.
[00:48:03] Speaker2
October. Yeah.
[00:48:04] Speaker1
So if anybody listening wants to to get in on that, I’ll give you Neil’s website here in just a second. But also you’re creating a course on exactly what we’re what we’re talking about here. Yeah. Talk a little bit about that for a second.
[00:48:19] Speaker2
Yeah. So you and I were talking the other day and you were like, oh, my gosh, you have to teach people how you’re doing this. Because I keep getting this like, how are you getting all those sales calls? And like my CFO was saying this to me the other day, he’s like, I don’t understand how you’re doing this. Like, coaches don’t get this. Like, What are you doing that’s different? So you kind of like, put that idea in my mind of creating like this course, which is the third. What we’ve decided is it’s 30 day high converting high ticket coaching sales funnel. So how do you create that? And it’s four modules creating high converting lead magnets, high converting sales calls and webinars because we didn’t talk about the webinars, but webinar webinar stats are also off the charts. Yeah, you’re just of the same ideas that I’ve been talking about.
[00:49:01] Speaker1
The only reason I didn’t go down that route is because we could spend an entire episode just on that. And just to tease people, what is your conversion rate on webinars?
[00:49:13] Speaker2
So the conversion rates from someone being on a webinar to sale to be calculated is like 80% or something.
[00:49:20] Speaker1
80%, my friends on a webinar to a high ticket coaching program, pretty amazing. Yeah, that’s why I didn’t go down that route right now, only because that’s a whole other episode that we can do.
[00:49:34] Speaker2
Yeah, totally. Yeah. So it’s like, how do you do that? Like, how did I create sales calls with a 99% show? How do I create 100 of them in four months? How do I create like high converting webinars and then high converting bonuses to. So it’s basically four modules, but it’s like everything that I’ve learned and I’ve implemented it in the step by step of being able to do a head coaching hike or converting high ticket coaching sales funnel. Yeah, in 30 days. I love it. Yeah, I love it. So that’s the other way they can work with me.
[00:50:07] Speaker1
Neil Williams dot com correct.
[00:50:10] Speaker2
Neil Williams dot com yes.
[00:50:11] Speaker1
And I e ilwu i ll i a ask.com. I will link that up on the show notes page everybody over on my website. Rick Walmart.com. I’ll also link up our past episodes that we’ve done. Neil is a regular guest here on the show and as Neil mentioned earlier, also a coach inside of our accelerator coaching program. You can tell her brilliance just by listening to everything that Neil’s talking about here, anything else that we.
[00:50:41] Speaker2
[00:50:42] Speaker1
Cover that we would be remiss not to mention about this funnel?
[00:50:48] Speaker2
I think the really at the end of the day, this is like what I’ve realized, like when you create something that someone wants, it just sells itself. Like you don’t have to do a lot of work selling and that means creating a lead magnet that somebody wants, creating a sales call or a webinar that somebody wants, creating a paid offer that somebody wants. Like that’s the theme of the whole thing is digging in and asking yourself, What do they really want? And answering that question.
[00:51:12] Speaker1
And you did, by the way, you did an episode about that, if I’m not mistaken, on your podcast.
[00:51:16] Speaker2
[00:51:17] Speaker1
What is your podcast name?
[00:51:19] Speaker2
So my podcast is called the Busier Life Podcast. And yes, I just did this one a few weeks ago actually. Yeah.
[00:51:26] Speaker1
About how do we make it simple? Asking yourself that question. I love it. Great podcast. I only have a few on my list on Busier Life is on there. Thank you very much for coming back on the show again. If anybody has any questions or comments or wants us to dove more deeply into a maybe specific piece, like like we talked about earlier about like why time isn’t an obstacle to create in the business that you really want to be creating here. Let us know. Shoot us a message over on Instagram. I’m Rick at Rick Moretti. Niklas Anil Williams coach hit us up there again. I’ll link all this up in the show notes for today’s episode. Neil, thank you again for coming back on. I appreciate.
[00:52:10] Speaker2
You. Amazing. Thank you for having me here.
[00:52:13] Speaker1
All right. Hope you got a ton out of that episode here with Neil. If you would like to work with Neil, if you want to see this funnel in action, if you want to join her ten K in 10 hours program, if you want to get into her program, her course, that where she teaches this step by step and breaks it down here before you go to Neil Williams, ask.com neil w i ll I am s. I will link everything up in the show notes for today’s episode over at my website. Rick Morty dot com go in the podcast section. Thank you my friend as always for tuning in today. I appreciate you. Until next time, be well. I’ll talk to you soon.