How to Use Anxiety As Your Entrepreneurial Superpower with Jess Rodriguez

Anxiety has played a large part in my life and my business over the last 7.5 years.

My guest in this episode, Jess Rodriguez, has been able to use anxiety as her superpower, so she is joining me to share her story.

Her anxiety has empowered her to work less and live more, and that has allowed her to create the business that is right for her. This is so important and something that I talk about all the time – we are creating our business around our life, not the other way around.

As the CEO of Freedom Driven Success, Jessica Rodriguez is on an unapologetic mission to help online businesses expand beyond a 1:1 reliant business model with scalable offers that allow them to amplify their impact and profit, without increasing their work hours.

On Today’s Show You’ll Learn: 

  • What to do when you realize you need to remove yourself from your business
  • How to handle unhappiness in your business
  • The importance of setting boundaries
  • How to overcome perfectionist tendencies
  • Why you should make a list of your feelings when you feel anxious
  • How to build in self-care time during a stressful time in your business
  • Systems that you can create to simplify your workday

My journey is very similar to what Jess shares in this episode, so I am glad we were able to have a vulnerable yet powerful conversation together about how anxiety can play a part in our life and business.

Even if you don’t suffer from anxiety, overwhelm or worry, I hope that you feel empowered and inspired to build your business in a way that works best for you.

If you are feeling overwhelmed in your business and want to learn more about how the Accelerator Coaching program can help you, head over to There you will be able to learn more and apply!

Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

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