Have you ever thought about how AI, like ChatGPT, is changing the way we do business in big ways?
For online course creators, this is huge! It’s not just talk – it really works.
- Cut your lead gen costs in HALF with my $37 mini-course–NOW only $17!
- Visit The Art of Online Business website for Facebook Ads help
Kwadwo [QUĀY.jo] found out just how powerful it can be. He used ChatGPT to make a sales page, and it took only 30 minutes! Doing this the usual way could take hours, and hiring someone else to do it could cost a lot of money.
In this episode, Kwadwo shares the specific prompts he used with ChatGPT and delves into his process of training the AI to capture his unique voice and style.
It’s an enlightening look at how we, as course creators, can guide AI to produce engaging and on-brand content.
Yet, as intuitive as AI might be, the human touch remains irreplaceable. He talks about how important it is to check the work that AI does, making sure it fits his brand and speaks to his audience in just the right way.
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Kwadwo [QUĀY.jo] Sampany-Kessie’s Links:
Speaker 1:
Welcome, my friends, to another episode here on the podcast. Rick Mulrady here and, as always, joined by Quagio. How’s it going, man? Hey, it’s going great. It’s going great. We have a fun episode here for you today.
Speaker 1:
So, talking about one of the big things that when I’m talking to people about the capabilities of AI and if you’ve been listening for any period of time here, you know I’m obsessed with AI and the opportunities that exist, with how it can help us online business owners, business owners in general really streamline your business and make it a whole lot more efficient, and I’m kind of calling it redefining efficiency in your business, and I’m actually starting a new business. We’ll drop a little nugget right there. We’ll be talking about that here more. That is centered more on AI for you all. That is, how to use AI tools and prompting and stuff like that in your online business. But one of the things that comes up in almost every conversation I have with people it’s like well, how might I use this? What the use case? That sort of exemplifies, like what the possibility is.
Speaker 1:
And Quagio, you like this is a perfect example. You created a sales page in 30 minutes using chat GPT. This is something that can take hours for someone to do. But not only that. Oftentimes we hire out people to write a sales page, which can cost thousands of dollars, and you did it in 30 minutes. So I want you to break that down for us. Why were you doing it? Was this a new challenge for yourself?
Speaker 2:
So, as a married man with a wonderfully supportive wife who has probably put up with too many days where I’m working until 10, 11, getting transparent, for like it’s a confessional moment right now, but I’m sure you, rick, and you the listener, can relate to putting in more hours than you intended to to get something done. Well, we had this founding member launch for the Lead Gen Cheat Code, which is a course that teaches online course creators how the exact same strategy that I use for my ad client to set up and run and manage lead generation ads and so there was like a deadline, and I believe the deadline was we already had recorded the ad spot for the podcast and I needed to get everything else done. So it’s like 8 pm and my wife very lovingly, very patiently, but she was like I want to hang out tonight and I’m like sure thing, and she’s super gracious. But one of the things that happens between us as husband and wife is she lets me know if I say I’m going to hang out with her, hang out with her. If I can’t, then say I can’t, but do not, they were going to hang out at such and such time, and then just keep working through it or say oh, this came up or that came up. She hates that.
Speaker 2:
So I had 30 minutes to create a sales page and I’m a horrible writer, horrible writer. I’m still traumatized by high school projects and even college writing projects, because I would write and follow the framework and it’s always the same thing with my professors and teachers. They’re like Quagel, your flow is wrong, this part needs to go up top and this part needs to go on bottom, and your outro is your intro and everything. So I’ve been listening to you, rick, talk about how to use AI in several episodes. I wish we had those episode names. We’ll put those episodes in the show notes below and I’m like OK, I’m going to follow Rick’s instructions, I’m going to binge watch those podcasts or those two episodes and then do this. Lo and behold, I did it.
Speaker 1:
So what was going through your mind? When you’re like I have 30 minutes, no one says oh yeah, I can write a sales page in 30 minutes. Exactly no, no, yeah.
Speaker 2:
Well, one thing that was going through my mind was this will make a good YouTube video, which I did record it, and my video editor did make a YouTube video out of it, and that will go live. The other thing was detach from results, quit overthinking, put the prompts in the chat GPT, like you know how to do, and then look at what it says and just adjust it a little bit for your own voice and put it up there. It’s OK if it’s not completely perfect, just get it done. And so I literally kept telling myself through the whole 30 minutes don’t suffer like, don’t do the whole analysis, paralysis, just go get it done.
Speaker 1:
So so this was in this. To kind of recap, this was for a sales page for your founding members, for your ads course Elite lead gen cheat code. Yeah, people, you were sending people there from the podcast here because you had promo going, yep, so they’re going to come over here and just to kind of just speak real quick about your terrible writer. You said it’s take that. And also, writing a sales page is completely different than writing any other kind of writing.
Speaker 2:
It’s very different.
Speaker 1:
All right. So all right, I have to. You have to do this in 30 minutes. All right, let’s use chat Gbt, take us through what, what you did.
Speaker 2:
So prompts? The first prompt was one that you taught, which was you sell. You tell it to analyze the text below or writing style and tone of voice, and so what I did, rick, is it’s many people that I serve are also the same caliber of people that you serve in the accelerator. Well, I thought let me just go to Rick’s website or served served served In the accelerator was.
Speaker 2:
So I went to your website and I just started taking text and copying that in to get the tone and style and chat Gbt analyze the tone and style. We’re not going through the results, we’re just going to kind of review overview of what the prompts were. And so the next prompt was okay, so hold on.
Speaker 1:
Hold on.
Speaker 1:
So you went back.
Speaker 1:
So the first thing that you started with is you need to figure out, you need to quote unquote train chat Gbt to write in your tone of voice, your style of writing, right, and you can simply ask chat Gbt, you can say I want you to analyze the below text for tone of voice, style of writing and speaking and anything else you want to add there.
Speaker 1:
You know, and then include the text Right, you can keep it really simple and you can kind of see what it gives you and then alter if as needed, because you might be like, yeah, this is kind of hitting it, this is kind of how I talk, because it’ll it will literally spit out a paragraph describing how you you know a friendly communicator who, whatever is, uses storytelling to prove you know whatever it might be, and based on what it, based on the output that it gives you, you get to say, oh, I like this, or I think we’re almost there, so that you can go back and edit the change the prompt, if you will, and have it do it again, and that’s this art of refining the prompts until you get to what you want. So you started this and I’m sorry if I missed it. What did you use to analyze your tone of voice?
Speaker 2:
Well, I may have just gone to your website and copy and pasted some text from there to have it analyze your tone of voice.
Speaker 1:
My tone of voice?
Speaker 2:
Well, because because, because it’s speaking to about the same kind of client my ads clients are at the same income level as the people who serve an accelerator. So I just had it analyze your tone of voice. Again, we were getting the job done. I could have uploaded one of my own videos or a podcast episode that I was on and then uploaded it to a transcription service, like we use happy scribecom, and gotten the transcript, and then I could have gone to the cloudai, you know, and put it in there, since it accepts longer transcripts and chat, and it could have analyzed my voice, but I had 30 minutes, so I had to get the job done. Do you have to pay for happy scribe? I do, and I know there’s a free one out there, but I keep forgetting it.
Speaker 1:
I literally have.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1:
Riversidecom. Thank you, flash Trans, I think it’s called it’s transcription, I think it is. Or, if it is, google Riverside FM transcription. It’ll take you right there and you all. It’s a free transcription, whether it’s audio or video. I would do that, save yourself the money on, and I have no nothing about happy scribe, but it’s free transcription.
Speaker 2:
Thank you. I literally had that conversation before the podcast recording this morning with my video editor and we could not remember what that was so yeah, Riverside. Fm.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, you’re welcome. I just saved you $12 a month there. Yeah, you really did.
Speaker 2:
So the next prompt, yeah, next prompt. The next prompt was, I told, chat GPT from here on out, in this chat right, all the results in the same style and tone. Yep, so it said OK.
Speaker 2:
And then the next prompt was I want you to act as a marketing genius. Your audience is online course creators and coaches. And then I further. I further outlined or described the audience again, just saying these online business owners have been in business for at least two years and generate such and such revenue and they tend to struggle with things like this and that, things that I’ve gathered from having these funnel fixing calls with my clients and onboarding calls with my ad clients. I also included a bunch of questions that they frequently ask. These are questions that I’ve compiled from a bunch of my funnel fixing calls, yep, in a little additional prompt. That said, when it comes to Facebook ads, they ask lots of questions like the following, and I put all the questions there, okay.
Speaker 1:
So so hold on, before you go on there, I want this. So what I want to just really bring home for people is that you just you’ve written a paragraph here, essentially two paragraphs, which I really like because you went. The more detail that you give to chatGPT or Claude, the better output it’s going to give you, correct, and this should be something that you write once and you copy and paste it into the prompt, right? So now chatGPT has this context feel where you can have, you can put this information in there. If you are pretty much going to be using chatGPT around the same types of prompts, meaning everything’s going to be centered around my online or my audience here you can put that into chatGPT once and it’ll be there so that you don’t have to like copy paste.
Speaker 1:
But the idea here is not don’t reinvent the wheel every time, right, your target audience shouldn’t be changing. You know every day, so write it once. Also, you can use chatGPT to help you understand your target audience more clearly, and let’s just say that Quaijo didn’t have all those questions there that come from the funnel fixing calls that he does. Well, he could literally give chatGPT the audience description that he just mentioned and ask GPT. What are five challenges that this audience likely faces on a day-to-day basis? I’m just making this up and it will give you those things. It will give you those things. So, anyway, you’ve given it the context of the ask, meaning this is my target audience, this is who I want to speak to.
Speaker 2:
Yep, at this point I’m just amazed because Rick, I really I can still say I really don’t know have, barely to borrow a cliche scratched the surface of what chatGPT can do. Like I’m just, every time I try something or I hear another tip, I try and I’m like, oh my gosh, this is phenomenal. So the next prompt was use everything you have analyzed and learned from this chat so far and craft a thousand word sales page to and then I tell it what I want it to the purpose of the sales page to be to pre-sell my course aimed at establish online course creators. I go on to give a description of what the course is designed to do. The course will teach them how to generate Facebook lead ads by setting up their own ad campaigns. I told chatGPT to emphasize the limited availability. Only the first 50 buyers will get access to this initial founding member round, which included some nice free things for the founding members. I guess I won’t say that because we filled up all the founding member spots.
Speaker 2:
Rick, Just today, has the recording of this video on October 9th and I told it. The goal is to encourage visitors to buy the course in advance, making it clear that the course is still in development and that I would begin creating the course once I had 50 registrants and that if that number wasn’t reached, I would refund all the purchases. And then I told it again to use the writing tone and style that it had discussed or responded about earlier in this chat. And oh there’s. I said you can use the outline provided below for the sales page and I gave it my course outline, like the models and lessons, and then I hit return and it gave you a sales page.
Speaker 1:
All right. So let’s break this down a little bit again, because I want to go into okay, what did it actually give you for the output? So, whether you realize it or not, quage, what you’re doing here is following the prompt framework that I talked about in a previous episode here on the show that I want to give full credit to Rachel Woods from the AI exchange, for you know she and I talk about that a lot and it’s you start off the prompt by telling chat, gbt or Claude or whatever, whichever you know LLM, that you’re using who you want it to be. So Kwejo said I want you to act as a marketing genius who is also a conversion copywriter. So you’re basically setting the table, if you will, telling ChatGBT how you want it to act, who you want it to be. You know you want it to be a world-class business analyst. You want it to be a world-renowned gardener or a world-renowned artist, or whatever it might be. Tell it who you want it to be and how you want it to act. Then you give it the context of this prompt and in this case here it was the voice analysis that it did and the audience. So there’s the context, and then you gave it the criteria.
Speaker 1:
So the criteria is the next part of the prompting framework. The criteria, you said you told it all the different areas that you wanted covered in the sales page. So you were telling it what you wanted to make sure that the output included. And then the final piece of this was the instructions, meaning like this is where you tell it what you want it to do. And you said use everything that you’ve analyzed and learned from this chat so far in Kraft, a 1000-word sales page to pre-sell my course aimed at established online course creators.
Speaker 1:
So that is your output or, excuse me, that is your instructions for the output. So, again, you told it what you wanted to, how you wanted it to act or what you wanted it to be. Then you gave it context, meaning target audience in your voice that you wanted to give you the output in. Then you gave it criteria and then you gave it the instructions, yep, and you even included the outline for the course, and so that would fall under the criteria. You could also argue like, oh, I want to include that in the instructions part to give me that you know, write the sales page that is based off of this. But I would say it’s more criteria. So what did it give you it?
Speaker 2:
gave me a sales page. I did not like how it wrote. I mean, it wrote a phenomenal sales page, but I believe the angle was slightly wrong and I didn’t like the voice that it was using, like the style, the writing style that it was using. It seemed a bit sensational for me. I will add, though you outline it super clearly how to make a prompt, but what I have found is is the reason chat I like using chat GPT so much is that it will work out of order, like if you prompt it in the wrong order, as in, if your prompt doesn’t contain the sections of the prompt in the way it should, yeah, chat GPT will still figure it out and give you great results. Like, yeah, it’s just, it’s just how it works.
Speaker 2:
So, so I had this bike accident and I didn’t have much time to. I think I had to take like some sort of breather or I couldn’t figure out what to say. So I literally opened up chat GPT on my cell phone, logged into the same account and then dictated to it the next thing that I wanted it to do so, so, so wait a second.
Speaker 1:
So you, it’s, the output that it gave you was a little bit too sensationalized and you weren’t. You weren’t psyched with the. You weren’t like oh my gosh, this is out of the. You’ve hit out of the park, chat GPT, and I’m going to make few edits and then use it. It was out of 100%. Where would you say it got to?
Speaker 2:
So it did write a sales page. It was a good sales page, but for me I felt like maybe it was at 60% because it’s not my writing style and it just seemed like it seemed like it was just a weird sales page that was making super big promises. It wasn’t written from the right angle. So, maybe, maybe, 60%. I would not put that sales page up. It would be like Kwejo is a bro marketer who is trying to pull something over on us. That’s that’s the kind of impression I got from that sales page.
Speaker 1:
Okay. So you got it to 60% and you all like this is completely possible to get your. The idea is to get your to get you to outputs from your prompts to say 90 to 95%, meaning you are only having to edit and make any kind of changes five to 10% of the time. If you’re in that range, you’re doing really really well. That means your prompting is really really getting much better. But you’re at a 60% now, kwejo, what do you do at that point?
Speaker 2:
So for some reason I, like I was saying I had to open up chat GPT on my cell phone and dictate to it. I forget why, but what I did was I told it to fix all of the air. Well, basically, I primed it for my imperfect, somewhat rambling style of speech and prepared it that I was just about to do. I prepared it that I was just about to dictate and kind of brain vomit into it. So I told it to fix all of the errors and repetition and give me new text that says the same thing as the following. And then I just pressed record and started dictating to it Right, okay, you are the new co-host of a podcast that serves established online course creators and the same audience that you have analyzed above in this chat. And then I said what would you say to persuade the podcast listener to click the link in the show notes and go pre-register for this course that teaches them but how to set up and make good Facebook ad Legion campaigns by themselves. And keep in mind that I am new to the podcast because it gave the wrong angle right, so I had to explain to it. Keep in mind I am new to the podcast, so people are not as familiar with me as the co-host as they are with the main host, who’s been hosting the podcast for seven years, because I’m dictating at this point right, so I can just talk at will. But the main host has repeatedly expressed that we’ve worked together for several years and communicated to the listeners that I do have good Facebook ad management skills and so on and so forth.
Speaker 2:
And so then it redid the sales page and the sales page was better. But I asked it. I said so that ad is good now, but please rewrite it based on the following. And then I gave it another prompt to further kind of hone in the response sales page again and I asked it. I told it the ad copy was good. I told it to keep it the same, except for to change the part that where it says I think it said something like you’ll be making Facebook ads convert like crazy. And I was like who says that? So I told it to change it to some different language and I also asked it to change something else and it kept it, kept redoing the sales page until I was happy with it.
Speaker 1:
So yeah, just just to confirm, you mentioned ad there, but you were actually turning it this. You’re still working on the sales page at this point. Yep, did you ever tell it not to be so? Bro marketing, ish, I should have. I’ve completely done that before with with, with it, and because it does tend to get a little sensationalized sometimes and I’m like no, drop the bro marketing link code, all that stuff, and I literally tell it that and it’ll do much better. So so what I heard was probably three iterations of the copy and at that point out of 100%, where did it get you to?
Speaker 2:
It’s still got. I was happy with it so, but maybe we were at 85.
Speaker 1:
Okay, that’s really good, that’s great.
Speaker 2:
So I took the result, put it into a Google document and then I took it the rest of the way, you know, deleted a few things, changed the wording. It still was a bit sensational and I have to be careful, like it’s a course I like to explain and not over promise. You know we don’t want to over promise. Sure, you want to over deliver. So I changed it a bit and I was happy with that. I will sneak in because I was very proud of this prompt that last week I think I had DM’d it to you, but when I told chat GPT to act like it was trained by Robert Caldini or Caldini- the author of influence and David Ogilvy, who is like the head of like this, pretty famous, if anybody knows him ad agency or a copywriting agency, advertising agency.
Speaker 2:
I was like, what kind of headers would these two people come together and write? And then it gave me some pretty nice results.
Speaker 2:
So, the next prompt that I did for chat GPT then was based on everything you’ve done so far in this chat. Please act as an online business marketing strategist and course title expert and suggest 15 names for the new course that I’m going to sell. And it gave me 15 names. I had it refinance results. I told it I kind of like number one out of 15. And then I asked it but what is the name for a course that distills my three years of knowledge as a Facebook ads manager into a DIY course so that online course creators can set up their own functioning Facebook ads and get double the leads in 90 days for half of the lead costs on their own?
Speaker 2:
And then chat GPT gave me more examples, or gave me another example, and then I asked it for 10 more examples. It gave me 10 more examples and then I further, I asked it more questions to further refine the titles, and I think that was it and I picked a title from that response. So again, basically it had to go through three more iterations of titles, with me telling it more of my intention and tweaking it with my thoughts, before I got to a title that I liked.
Speaker 1:
So when you say title, you’re talking about sales page headline, I’m actually talking about title of the course. Oh sorry, title of the course. Ok, yeah, what about the sales page headline? Did you, did it give you any kind of?
Speaker 2:
headline. It did give me a headline when it first gave me. Well, when it gave me the final sales page that I liked, it gave me the headline, the headers of the section. It gave me everything, yeah.
Speaker 1:
So all right. So where are we at this point in our 30 minute challenge to yourself to go hang out with Jamie?
Speaker 2:
We were probably at minute 25. Like we’re, we’re towards the end there.
Speaker 1:
So 25 minutes in, you’ve gotten all of this done. You kicked it over to a Google Doc, or would have you to take that 85, 90 percent all the way home, and so you’ve got all this copy. It’s given you the different sections, like you just mentioned. It’s written you a thousand word sales page, and do you hand it off to your team to put into a template or what do you do with it at that point?
Speaker 2:
Well, at that point I left it and I went and met with my wife and told her all the exciting things I just did. But at that point I left it in the Google document and did I hand it off to my team to have them put it up? I did, I remember. Now I did, yeah.
Speaker 1:
Well, I would also. The whole thing is like I got to get this sales page done.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, I did Well, because there’s so many things I’m doing as a course creator and I forget the details. But yes, I did give it to my team.
Speaker 1:
And were you, what kind of sales page template were you using?
Speaker 2:
So I’m having a new website designed. That’s the disclaimer and my current website is like the bare minimum, bare, bare minimum viable product for a website. It’s not the greatest. So all I did was told my team to. I made a loom video and I told it I think it was my ad manager, because she had a bit of free time and she’s proven herself as far as setting up a website page and I just told her to take another page, showed her in the loom what page it was, told her how to duplicate it and then put the sales page up, and so she did so.
Speaker 1:
You reached your goal within 30 minutes. Yep, thousand word sales page. You got it using chat, gpt. You got it to 85 to 90 percent, which is really good. Yeah, you got a name of a court of the course. Yep, you got headline, you got sales page section headers and I actually went further than that.
Speaker 2:
You tell. Final bit I was on a roll. So I asked the chat GPT to create an email sequence to to sell. Yeah, I did. And it gave me subject line. It gave me like four subject lines. It gave me the email body. Oh no, I asked it to write a, to write an email that would get somebody who just signed up for the course to fill out a survey explaining why they decided to be a founding member for the course so that I could use that in future messaging. And it gave me that email. I also had it write another like three email cell sequence. It did all that for me too. And then I had it write some ideas for the YouTube video, and it did that. And then I ran downstairs all within 30 minutes all within 30 minutes.
Speaker 2:
Well, maybe it took me 32 minutes, but yeah, 30 minutes, it’s not 30 minutes Great job. I had to like turn off the camera, you know, put the lens cover back on, turn off my key light and my office lights, you know. So I’m counting that too.
Speaker 1:
I just want to point out everything that you got accomplished in 30 minutes the sales page was done, you got a title for your course, you got an email written and the important thing to remember you all is, kwayto is doing all this within one chat. So when you start a new chat and chat to BT, all this context that he’s putting in here with the target audience and all of the you know, the updates that it’s, that you know re prompting and it’s taking all that’s learning, all of that you could literally write. You know, you could say I want you to write me a seven email marketing sequence to sell this course, like it would do that using all the information that you just gave it. As long as you’re doing that within the chat, same chat. Now, of course, you could do it in another chat, but you have to like re give it all the context and stuff like that. But I mean, this is a great use case and, just as a kind of a hint, these are the exact of the types of things I’m going to be teaching people in this new business and I put together a lead magnet, a free download for you.
Speaker 1:
It’s five different prompts that every online business owner needs, and that’s just to start. I’m going to build off of that, but To it for each aspect of your business. You know, sales, marketing, operations, fulfillment, prompts that will allow you to do things like this, exactly what Kwej is done today, to Make things so much easier in your business. Again, think about everything that Kwej has accomplished in 30 minutes. If you start multiplying that across your business, you are absolutely as I’m calling it redefining efficiency in your business using Chat, gbt, using Claude, using other AI tools. I have a new website. We all have new websites. So, rick Mulrady, calm, just go there. You can download. I don’t even know what I’m calling it. It’s. I don’t know if it’s a cheat sheet, pdf, whatever.
Speaker 2:
Good, who cares the name? It’s gonna be five.
Speaker 1:
Just go download it. Give me feedback. Also, let me know what, what other kind of use cases that you want to solve in your business and help you solve it. So, as we wrap up your Kweja, what’s, what’s another thing, now that you’ve done this and Used it successfully like what? Something? What is something else that you? What’s another use case that you might use it for?
Speaker 2:
Well, since we’re talking about the past, I’ll tell you the other use case that I did already use it for since the recording of. Well, since that, which is, I had it, so there’s another course I’m creating. I had chat GPT create an upsell page. I had it create a long version and a short version of upsell page for the new course. I had it create another onboarding sequence. I had it create an email sequence that would go out to the people who bought the first course but did not purchase the upsell, and so on and so forth. It did, I had it do.
Speaker 2:
So I’ve had it do so much more in the same exact chat. One simple thing I will add is I didn’t know you could verify what chat GPT knew about, so I remember asking it Do you know what kajabi is? And then it responds and so many words like, yes, I know what kajabi is, and I’m like are you familiar with the concept of an upsell? And then it’s like yes, a Dupsell is you know? In a, two paragraphs later, I’m like you know what a trip wire is? And it’s like in the world of online marketing, it’s so that I basically just told it well, combine all this and do this for me and it did it. I was like, wow, so yeah, I keep using it in the same exact chat and it just keeps.
Speaker 2:
As the chat gets longer and longer and richer and richer, the results just keep getting better and better.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, yeah, I love it.
Speaker 2:
We got a land this place, I know, I know. Let’s let the play.
Speaker 1:
Thanks you all for tuning in today. Hopefully, hopefully, this was helpful for you and hearing Quaido’s use case, you know we’ve gone through the chat or, excuse me, gone through the prompting framework and, as, as Quaido proved and mentioned earlier, you don’t have to have it exactly in the right order of things. Touchy-pity will figure it out. And if you want to go download the, the freebie I put together for you, that you five prompts that every online business owner needs in their business, just go to my site.
Speaker 2:
Rick Mulrady, comm we’ll make sure to put that link in the show notes too. All right.
Speaker 1:
My friends, Thank you so much. Take care.
Speaker 2:
Be blessed.