Join me for an insightful episode where I break down a top funnel and unveil the secrets behind a successful lead magnet to tripwire strategy. I delve into the intricacies of Mai-kee Tsang’s funnel, exploring every facet from the compelling opt-in page to the irresistible tripwire offer.
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Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting, this episode offers key takeaways to enhance your funnel game and impact your online business strategy significantly.
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Speaker 1:
Don’t miss the opportunity. If you’re going to go through the trouble of planning which you should a welcome offer, aka tripwire, on your thank you page. Put an order bump on that checkout page for the welcome offer, but then also have an upsell. Why not have your main offer as the upsell? You could do a limited time discount of the main offer if you wanted. But on that very next page, after somebody hits by and you know, another page shows up and it says wait, your order not complete. Would you like to add this other thing? That’s the upsell. You could have your main offer there. Hey there, kway Jo here. Welcome back to a funnel fix Friday.
Speaker 1:
And, if my voice is new to you, I am the new co-host of the Heart of Online Business podcast and today I’m going to react to this page. If you’re watching on the YouTube channel, you can see the opt-in page for the BR podcast guest guide. It’s a guide presented by Maykay saying and I’m going to opt in and see what there is to see and give you my impressions of it in hopes that your takeaways from this audio episode or video you episode on YouTube will help you craft a better landing page. And if that sounds good to you. Keep on listening. So what I see here on the screen and, by the way, if you have not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe to the YouTube channel. There is a link in the podcast show notes below. So what I see here on screen is a picture, an image of what looks like an iPad mini, or maybe it’s an iPad air, with a pencil on the left hand side, and on the right hand side is some header text and then some body text, and the body text has two different kinds of fonts. The header text says be our podcast guest, and the word podcast is kind of in these Crowley Q brackets that remind me of college calculus, which is scary, but I like the way it looks. And underneath that would be body text, but it’s in bold. And then further underneath is some black italicized text, and then all at the bottom is just an embedded field or an embedded form which says name and then email and then a call to action button.
Speaker 1:
Okay, let me tell you what I think. First of all, if I were you and making a landing page, an optin page, I would not have it embedded on your website, as in, I would not have your regular website navigation menu viewable at the top, like this one, because I can see her home about menu speaking menu, press menu, podcast menu. And when you make an optin page, you want the highest percentage of people to opt in. Right. That means you don’t want to give them a header full of website navigation menu items to click away on. All right, and there’s a super nice footer here like make a great design. I just would increase opt-ins by not having all of these things for somebody to click on.
Speaker 1:
So I’m looking at the image on the left hand side, which is an iPad with make a unit and she is podcasting in front of her laptop Awesome, cool. And at the bottom of the image it has the same title be our podcast guests. Okay, that’s fine. The eyebrow headline the headline I guess above the header or the eyebrow text above the header does say expert guide. I like that. And then the subheader says 25 expert podcasters share their timeless, out of the box advice to help you get booked on more products. I like that too. And what I enjoy is this text in the image the 25 expert podcasters is not repeated in the text. That’s above the opt-in fields on the right hand side. So good use of an image to provide additional value that’s not repeated. And I say that because I come from the YouTube world, where you have a thumbnail that can be designed to complement a title instead of just sharing the exact info that a title, just repeating the exact name that a title has. So don’t make that mistake.
Speaker 1:
Now, reading down the page more, this bold text underneath the header or the title, I should say it kind of blends into, like the beige background. The background is almost beige, peach, and this bold text is peach peach, if you will. Don’t you love my color names. So it says want 25 proven ways to get booked on podcasts in 2023 and beyond. Hearing directly from the host himself yes, I like this text, let’s keep going.
Speaker 1:
And then so now, underneath that, in black text, there’s three bullet points. Effectively, except for dashes, are used instead of bullet points. The first bullet point says learn how to set yourself apart from the other hundreds of people who are trying to land the same interview slots as you. Great, I like this outcome. Focused language right there means that as I’m reading her opt in page, I’m seeing the results and starting to envision myself having the results, and I love how she’s not just boring me with a bunch of well, a list of everything that’s inside right and this listener, as you’re listening. This is something you should always be doing too. Second bullet point says uncover the mindset shift you must make in order for podcast guessting to be an effective strategy for your business. And now I’m hooked. I’m gonna get this mindset shift. But what is it? Awesome language here.
Speaker 1:
And then the next bullet point discover how to get past the gatekeeper when you send your pitch. To get all the goodness, pop your deets below. Okay, cool, this is not boring copy. It seems to be written in her voice. At least it’s not standard boring English, you know. To get all the goodness, pop your deets below. I like it. So I’m just gonna go ahead and put in my name and my email. Oh and, by the way, her call to action button is oozing with personality. It says ooh, more interviews please. It doesn’t say send me the PDF guide, or even I want the PDF guide. She just put tons of personality in there.
Speaker 1:
So here we go, we’re clicking and we’re on the thank you page Awesome. Now let’s see what this thank you page. I’m gonna tell you what it says. So first, there’s an image at the top and the image is her smiling. The image is three pieces of paper, if you will, and these must be screenshots from the PDF. I see her smiling first, awesome. And it says podcast pitching theme-plit. And then the sub-batter says the anatomy of a, yes, worthy pitch. Now, what is that? I don’t know. Would I have read that If I hadn’t had zoomed in on the page, like you can see on YouTube? Probably I would have missed that. And then on the left hand side is looks like a screenshot of this theme-plit spelled T-H-E-M-E-P-L-A-T theme-plit All right, cool. And then on the right side is another screenshot from one of the PDF pages. Okay, cool the image. I actually thought that image was from the guide, the 25 guide that I just downloaded.
Speaker 1:
Now it says hang on, my lovely, again. Great header One because she’s calling me her lovely, but that’s the language she uses. I know because I took a look at her podcast too and you know what it says hang on. I like how this header what’s called the title of the thank you page does not close the loop and just say go to your inbox, right, that’s what she wants, because I can see further down the page. There’s something for sale. That’s $17. So she has a tripwire, aka welcome offer. Very, very, very, very cool.
Speaker 1:
So when I say close the loop, I mean when I sign up for something that opens this loop, right, as in my brain is expecting something to happen, and my online marketing brain, or just let’s call it my post pandemic brain, knows if I sign up for something free online, I should see a confirmation page that says thank you and go to my inbox. And then that once I see that page and I read the standard header that says thank you, go to your inbox, the loop is closed. And I check out, shut down the page and I go to my inbox, right, so hers does not close that loop. It says hang on, my lovely, there’s something more, all right. So I’m going to read what is this? What am I hanging on for?
Speaker 1:
The text underneath says while your BR podcast guest guide is making its way to your inbox right now, I’m curious. And then, in bold text, it says would you like to see a real pitch in action and breaking it down into seven elements of a yes, worthy pitch for you to apply in your own business? That is indeed quite aligned with the this is. This is great. So I opted in for the guide, right. And now do I want to see a real pitch in action, because obviously I do want to pitch to be a guest on other podcasts. She then she says if so, you’re going to love my podcast pitching theme, which encompasses just that. To help you take out the guesswork of pitching and hit send with complete confidence. Here’s my one time invite ie, you won’t find this anywhere else.
Speaker 1:
After you click out of this page for you to check this out, just $17. Okay, I explain this kind of trip wire alignment inside of my course called trip wire mastery. Now she has taken a trip, our offer, a welcome offer, right to give you a win, and she has aligned it very, very well with her free lead magnet offer and the price is right at $17. And I believe so because I want to get pitched on podcast, most likely so I can increase my exposure, my reach and maybe even bring people back into my business ecosphere so I can make more sales. So $17 sounds like a no brainer. Now, clearly, she’s done her research and aligned her trip wire product with the free lead magnet and so when you are thinking about creating a welcome offer, aka trip wire. You’ll want to think about many kinds of alignment, but at least from a messaging standpoint, and then also from does the offer fit in between your free thing and does the offer line up with the paid thing, your core offer that you will sell eventually down the line? Think about that she has.
Speaker 1:
I’m going to click this yellow button at the bottom of the page that says get instant access to the podcast pitching theme. Let’s go and see her checkout page. And here it is. This looks like a good job Check out page. We’ll see if it actually lets you know I’m going to buy this, I’m going to take out my card and buy this and because of the video editing magic you won’t see my card info. But yeah, I mean I want this.
Speaker 1:
So the checkout page is really simple. The same graphic is at the top of the checkout page. That was on the thank you page. So visually the checkout page does you know it’s a continuation of the thank you page, so I know I’m still in the right spot. And then in big old text that’s black, it says oh, and like, sans serif, without all those squiggly and flares on the font, it says get instant access to your podcast pitching theme. It is simply the word I like it.
Speaker 1:
And then in that pink text, this time underneath and a slightly different font, it says take the guest work out of the pitch process and hit that send button with total confidence. Oh, because I’ve pitched to be on podcast before and for collabs and you always wonder Is somebody going to respond to my email? Did I do this right? And apparently she also knows that because it comes out in her copy Wonderful MAKE. And then three bullet points under this text and this is in regular paragraph body text Stand out from the sea of competition, aiming for the same guest slots as you with my proven signature pitch style. Absolutely yes, I want it, and well written. See a real pitch in action for you to learn more. And then the final bullet points has learned seven psychological elements of why each the pitch style works. Oh, little grammar error, but that’s okay, we’re all human. So, in summary, before I buy this thing and see if there’s an upsell on the next page, but in summary, simple bullet points.
Speaker 1:
She did not start to list a bunch of features or even try to rehash the argument for getting me to buy this thing. She just had three simple bullet points that explain what’s inside without doing so in a boring way. So great. And on the right hand side, I’m don’t like everything about this. One thing I don’t like about Kajabi is that if this is Kajabi, it looks like Kajabi, because I host my own course on Kajabi and for a very short period of time, I use their sales page or their checkout page, which I don’t like. You have to click a button to subscribe to the email list, and then there’s another button that says I read and agree to the terms and conditions of the page as follow Okay, well, cool. And then it says due to the digital nature of this product, all sales will be final. That’s cool, and I guess I’ll subscribe to our email list too.
Speaker 1:
All right, let me put in my info and go ahead and buy this thing. Again, thank you, video editor, for not letting anyone see my email address. Okay, and I see a purchase successful screen that wants me to complete the fields below to create my account. This I don’t super like one because I have a Kajabi account already to, because it doesn’t tell me what account I’m making this for. So I guess I’ll just type in my password and see what there is to see. I don’t know. Let me type it in.
Speaker 1:
Okay, now that I typed in my password, I see a green like pop down from the top of the screen. It’s very noticeable and it’s like a green banner at the top with green, greener font and it says your purchase has been successfully processed. Enjoy your membership. Did I just get a membership? Huh, I would change that text. But what do I see here? That same three image like side by side sneak peek of the PDF, and the font is cool. At the top it says ah yeah, everything’s gone through smoothly. Okay, where do I go next? It says so. We in smaller font underneath you, my lovely, have just made your pitching efforts so much easier with this podcast pitching theme plate. So what happens now, you ask, and then there’s more text that says head to your inbox Now she’s closing that loop and go download the theme plate. Cool, well, I think you should not miss the opportunity here to have an upsell.
Speaker 1:
So if you have a tripwire offer on the thank you page of your free lead magnet, number one used something that’s better than Kajabi. I personally use Thrivecart. I’m gonna put a link for it in the description or the show notes below. You can head down there. That’s an affiliate link, by the way Many links are. All that means is you get the same good price, but the company shares a little bit of the profit with me for referring you. But I do use Thrivecart, and why? Because they are uniquely focused as a business on checkout software and it’s amazing how well they set theirs up. Kajabi was costing me sales. I know for a fact because when I first put my own Facebook ads course the lead Gen cheat code on sale with Kajabi, I got no less than 3DMs from people saying they’re trying to purchase it but they couldn’t. And I’m like Kajabi. So don’t miss the opportunity.
Speaker 1:
If you’re going to go through the trouble of planning which you should a welcome offer, aka tripwire on your thank you page. Put an order bump on that checkout page for the welcome offer, but then also have an upsell. Why not have your main offer as the upsell? You could do a limited time discount of the main offer if you wanted. But on that very next page, after somebody hits by and another page shows up and it says wait, your order not complete, would you like to add this other thing? That’s the upsell? You could have your main offer there and a percentage of people. As long as your lead magnet and then tripwire offer and then main offer are all aligned, some people might just go straight to get the main offer from you Awesome. Or you could upsell, say, services Like, in this case, makea could upsell like two hours of Vox or support to provide feedback on an email pitch, like a be a guest on the podcast email pitch that somebody’s writing something like that, you know, very aligned with the theme-plit pitch guide, which I just paid $17 for, which is quite aligned with the free guide that I downloaded too. So that’s what I would do. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to include the upsell here. And this seems like a good deal, and that’s it.
Speaker 1:
I hope you enjoyed the review of this kind of landing page. If you would like me to review your own funnel, in the show notes below there is a link where you can apply to have your funnel reviewed. You fill out a few things, like your landing page. You know your thank you page and I will look and review your funnel. She did not ask me to review the funnel. I’m just adding value to you by reviewing the funnel and giving you takeaways that will improve your own landing page and thank you page and welcome offer. Do me a favor and leave a review for this episode. There’s a link below on Apple Podcasts. I just love it and it helps other people find the podcast and get value from the podcast too. Until next time, be blessed and I’ll see you in the next one. Bye.