Is your webinar content missing the magic touch that converts cold prospects into hot sales?
Find out how Karin Carr generates over 11x ROI with her webinar strategies!
- Cut your lead gen costs in HALF with my $37 mini-course–NOW only $17!
- Visit The Art of Online Business website for Facebook Ads help
In the past two Funnel Fix Fridays, we reviewed how Karin Carr’s landing page and funnel convert – now we dive into her webinar secrets.
I’ll be reviewing Karin’s Evergreen webinar and the highly profitable funnel behind her Facebook ads lead generation strategy. Karin is generating thousands of dollars per month from this webinar alone, and I’ll share my key takeaways from analyzing her webinar.
Join me as I break down Karen’s webinar slide deck, sales pitch tactics, bonuses, and more. You’ll walk away with strategies to boost your own webinar conversions!
So, tune in and prepare to level up your webinar game and boost your Facebook ads ROI!
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Kwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie’s Links:
Speaker 1:
The science with bonuses is that you want to use bonuses to overcome objections that people would have to starting A lot of folks you know not you, though, other people would use a bonus wrong just to add value. No bonuses, yes. They add value in a very targeted way by overcoming objections that people would have to joining your program. Hey there, coyjo here, and welcome to another Funnel Fix Friday. Today you’re in for a treat you get to watch as I review Karen Carr’s webinar. If you haven’t watched the previous two Funnel Fix Fridays, let me remind you this webinar is part of a funnel that converts $1 into $11.
Speaker 1:
Karen Carr is well. I’m fortunate to be her Facebook ads manager and I’ve seen this funnel work quite well, so I’m going to react to her webinar. Your takeaway is that you’ll learn kind of best practices, tips that you can go and implement in your own webinar. And if my voice is new to you, hi, I’m the new co-host of well, kind of new co-host of the Art of Online Business podcast and it’s my mission with this episode that you just get very practical, applicable, actionable tips. I couldn’t think of anything to use with alliteration, but that you can go and apply in your business If you would like to watch what I am seeing, then head over to the YouTube channel that’s youtubecom board slash the art of online business.
Speaker 1:
That link is in the show notes below. Let me bring her up and I will describe what I’m seeing here. This is a strikingly blue background and in yellow text it says all new masterclass. In white text it says crack the YouTube code and then underneath that, in white text, it says more clients, less work, zero cost. Let’s see how Karen starts off her webinar and what we can glean from this.
Speaker 2:
Welcome. I am so glad you’re here. My name is Karen Carr and we are going to be talking all about YouTube today. Now, full disclosure. This is an automated webinar and I did that on purpose, because I’ve done many, many, many, many many live webinars and it’s so hard to find a time when everyone is available.
Speaker 1:
First of all, I like how she is not pretending this is a live webinar. I have worked with course creators who bought me on this. They wanted to buy. Well, they were using software that pretended to be live. They uploaded fake comments into there and they had this sort of thing and this sort of feature and they’re like no, queijo, you’re wrong. People will like watch it and they’ll think it’s live. I’m like no, we know it’s 21st century, we know it’s post COVID. Viewers know, when you’re trying to make a pre-recorded webinar feel like it’s live, don’t do that, because then you do not come across as genuine.
Speaker 2:
If I do it at two in the afternoon, eastern time, people say, well, that’s when I’m picking the kids up from school. And if I do it at noon, then the people on California time are like girl, that’s way too early in the morning. So I made it available on demand so that you can watch it at your convenience. However, just because this is pre-recorded does not mean that it’s not interactive. So I want you to pay attention.
Speaker 1:
Boom she does that so so well. So what we’re going to do is I’m going to go a little further and see what she actually says inside of the intro On this screen. She is saying well, it’s a big, it’s a white screen now and in blue text, bold at the top, it says today you will super big blue text. And then underneath that it says leave this masterclass knowing the in yellow text, exact strategies. Then back to blue text that bring in new clients like clockwork, with the least amount of time, money and effort. What does she say?
Speaker 2:
Today, you’re going to leave this masterclass knowing the exact strategy.
Speaker 1:
Okay, she reads it. So I love how the value of the webinar is just right there at the beginning. I’ve seen a number of webinars where the value or why we’re here isn’t said by the webinar host until way later. Karen already said that at like one minute in, and now on this next screen I’m clicking on, it looks like she is. Yep, it looks like she is making the case for YouTube. Now for those of you who haven’t heard the past two episodes, karen Carr is a realtor, and not just any realtor. She’s a really good realtor and she’s helped other realators learn how to use YouTube to establish an ongoing, like really consistent stream of leads. She’s also a national bestseller. Listen to how she does a poll to have the webinar viewers self-identify why they are there and what stage they’re at along the process, the process being the journey to well, you’ll see, I’m not going to spoil it for you.
Speaker 2:
So I would like to do a little poll right now. I’m going to pop it up here on the side. You’ll see the poll. Who is making YouTube videos consistently right now? Are you making them at all? Are you not making them at all? Are you making them, but not really consistently? So let me kind of get a feel for where you are.
Speaker 1:
That is good interaction, and she’s doing it on an evergreen prerecorded webinar. I like that and I believe she uses Dimeo is the webinar software. I’ll throw a link to that in the descriptions below also Yet another really good tactic. We’re only three minutes in. By the way, I’m not going to review the whole webinar, so don’t worry, we’re only three minutes in and she already is showing a stick around to the in and you’ll receive or win exclusive access to my video agent blueprint. And on the screen it says that it’s a white screen with blue text, and then there’s a laptop. Looks like a MacBook Air cut out. Oh, it is a MacBook Air cut out. And on the screen of the laptop it also says video agent blueprint the step by step process for getting paying clients from YouTube without paying for ads. Well then, she has given somebody incentive to stay to the end. Now that means within the software there must be like a some sort of button pop up functionality so that people who stay to the end can actually get this Also, might I add.
Speaker 1:
So if you’re watching my screen, you can see a progress bar, because I had her share this with me. But the actual webinar that she does on Evergreen. There is no progress bar and there is no pause button, so you actually have to just watch it in one sitting. I don’t know what you think about that, but for me I think well, number one, it’s working, since I’m managing her Facebook ads and seeing her whole funnel and how just how well it’s converting. But it does kind of add like this urgency, because you can’t start it over. You want this really good thing, you want to get it, and so you have to stay to the end for it. I kind of like that. One thing I’ll add to your webinar should not be too long. It should be hopefully under an hour, maybe even 45 minutes. The best one I’ve seen was like 34 minutes long, and if you can start your pitch, if yours is an hour and you can start your pitch at like 30 minutes in, that would be awesome. What structure should you use? It looks like she’s using a good one. Let’s keep exploring.
Speaker 1:
So I jumped forward a bit here and now we’re looking at a white screen with some script font at the top that says this is for you if and she says if you are tired of putting the Zillow sales reps kids through college, nice. So she goes and says basically, other methods of generating leads are not the right way, and then this kind of slide is helping somebody understand. Ah yes, eyes of you are am in the right spot. This is for me. Another screen, this is for you if it’s script font. It’s a blue bar with yellow script font on top of it, at the top of a white screen, and she has a nice thin white line going around the border of the screen. In the middle it says you would rather poke your eyeballs out with a fork than cold call strangers for hours a day. That’s pretty cool.
Speaker 1:
And she has a screen that says no distractions. So it has a meme on the left hand side and then text on the right hand side in bullet point style. The meme is that the Wallace and Gromit doc I think so. And it says you know in meme really block impact font text. I really need to do this. And then at the bottom, squirrel and it’s true, we have the attention span of a squirrel on the right hand side and big text give me 45 minutes. In script, yellow font, no distractions. Bullet points underneath Close your email. Close 20. Open browser tabs. Close the office door. Ask the kids not to kill each other. That is cool. And then she goes into it. I’m clicking through Nice. I won’t play this part, but I just clicked through it. She’s explaining her story and what I’m guessing is it’s going to. The story is explaining how she learned to bring her the clients on repeat, over and over and over again. Let me click forward and it looks like yep, you tried all the old school stuff. I’m reading that now.
Speaker 2:
Let’s see what she says is in it and I had to link and do all of the things and I thought what if I just made a YouTube video instead? What if, I like, created a blank page? That was the blog, but I filmed video and I just put the video on the page.
Speaker 1:
Very cool and I’m looking at the screen that it again is a white background, a couple of like cool designs in the corner of the screen to kind of frame the text. The text is really big and it’s blue and it says I started making YouTube videos out of sheer Desperation dot, dot, dot, and then in yellow script font underneath slightly smaller sized text, and my videos were truly awful. Now I like this, so I have experience on YouTube. My former business, before I got stuck outside of China on vacation With my family with one Check-in luggage and a couple of carry-ons, my former business was teaching Chinese to people who lived in China that couldn’t speak Chinese and Actually, if you’ve looked me up on the internet because you thought about working with me or you just want to know who I am, you probably found Media from that business because my social media game for elementary Chinese was quite strong. I say that because I do know YouTube, since I build a channel to like 20,000 subscribers and Something that people always say is my videos are terrible. I can’t start right now.
Speaker 1:
And looks like she Understands that objection and is covering it kind of baked in organically to her origin story. So we’re now 15 almost 15 minutes into the webinar and she has the screen. She’s telling her story, right, building up to how she discovered this method, and basically they’ve moved from city to city. Things aren’t going well. And then, and so she’s a realtor, right. And then she has a screen with this gentleman picking up the phone and it says but Something amazing happened and you’re like what. And then the next screen has that really striking, somewhere between Royal Blue and Navy Blue background and in big old text it says that one call literally changed my entire life. In script font that’s yellow, super contrast with the blue background. It says I feel like I know you already. I want to comment right here.
Speaker 1:
What I like is that she has lots of slides and these slides Don’t have a lot of words on them. I know you’ve heard of the phrase death by PowerPoint. If people have tried to kill me with power points. My very first job I’m gonna date myself here was in 1999, working at Intel in their high-end server department, and, man, those slides were horrendous. So, as an online course creator or coach who’s making a webinar, have Lots of slides, tons of slides, so that you’re, you know, clicking your way through those at a pretty high clip and also they help you to speak. So, instead of having like one or like 16 bullet points on one slide, make like 16 beautifully designed slides and then what happens is, as you’re moving through that slide deck Since the slide is changing a lot your viewer is captivated and that brain that has a shorter attention span than a squirrel mine included, by the way is Engaged and they’re more likely to stay on your webinar. Let’s click forward and see what else we find. Okay, you’re gonna want to stay for this pitch. I kind of click through further into the video.
Speaker 1:
She transitions into her sales pitch. Very well, before we get there, she now has an imagine if screen. It’s a white screen. It has a picture just placed there of a lady kind of looking up and to the left, like thinking the future looks bright, and under that picture, in big blue words, it says imagine if. Dot, dot, dot.
Speaker 1:
And then on the right hand side it’s one, two, three, fourth things. The first one saying at the top Of the screen you made six figures a year working only with the clients who respect you. And then, like the next one, says you didn’t have to answer the phone 24, seven to avoid missing a hot lead that you paid a Thousand a month or more to get. Ooh Geez, and let’s skip to the fourth one. You could sell several extra homes a month without spending hours a day Prospecting this kind of screen. I mean, I could see how you could work this into your own webinar, right?
Speaker 1:
And then I like this next screen that launches her myth busting Section. This is also royal blue, very pretty, with the white font. It says it’s not your fault that you haven’t figured out a great legion strategy yet, when this is what they are Are still out there teaching us. So now she has, with one screen, put herself on the same team, the same side as the viewer. The viewer has been duped and Karen is the one letting the viewer know that the viewer has been taught the wrong things and it’s not the viewers fault. Now she’s like their friend. Let’s see how she says this.
Speaker 2:
Lead gen strategy. If that’s what they’re telling people in this day and age, come on On it. We do not have to do that. You do not need to sacrifice your joy and your time. You do not need to trade dollar, time for dollars.
Speaker 1:
So I like how she’s not reading exactly what the screen says. And then we go Into the myths and it says, like myth number one, on a white screen and there’s number one in the top center and then Blue text that says you have to be on all the platforms and spend hours a week on social media. And on the top left hand side it says fake news. And then she goes through and it looks like there’s another screen that explains, like why people on YouTube are actually there to watch what you put on YouTube. And then she goes to myth number two. Actually, I’m gonna skip myth number two and go to myth number three, which says only when you’re the one doing the chasing. And then underneath that there’s text. It says when they chase you, your conversion rate can easily be 50% or more. So it looks like this screen is to show people that they can actually sell more when people come To them. Instead of them trying to, like a real estate agent trying to go and find their clients, their clients find them on YouTube. She goes further on to say that like, basically, this method like the another myth that we’ve been told is that Relators can go and buy leads from Trillo and Zulia. Okay, you listening to this don’t really care. Why am I reading this, though? Because she’s using these myths Also to like bring the viewer to a place where the viewers ready to buy the thing that she’s selling, which, by the way, is a $2,000 program. So somebody told you you can’t sell like a high ticket program, evergreen parents here to prove you wrong, and she’s covering objections as she talked about these myths, so it’s like double duty right here.
Speaker 1:
Another myth, number four it has a very average looking, who I consume is a realtor, so it shows like a screenshot of her YouTube channel, and then, on the left hand side, it says Becky looks like the lady next door. She’s just so real in quotes. So real in quotes. Oh, that smile, that’s a real smile. All right, becky’s crushing it, though, with 459 thousand subscribers, and I’m assuming Karen is dismantling the belief that you have to have super, be like, super photogenic To be on YouTube, that actually, youtube is just full of plain real life looking people. Becky, she’s not winning any prizes for being in Instagram model. Let’s just say that, yep. And the next screen says clients want real, not perfect. And then there is a fifth Myth, and I want to go to her pitch now and let’s see this transition. We’re gonna watch together and we’ll see how she Transic into her pitch one, rhonda said my biggest client ever came from YouTube.
Speaker 2:
She had a goal that this year she wanted to sell her first house. That was over a million.
Speaker 1:
Okay, so Karen’s reading a client testimonial awesome, right before she gets to the pitch or the transition.
Speaker 2:
She just isn’t working for you, and that’s fine. Could I help you? Would you like me to help you create your YouTube strategy and start making videos to attract paying clients as quickly as possible? I’m going to tell you now.
Speaker 1:
She just showed a nice another like blue screen With white text on it, and now there’s a screen with a like the background is blue but it’s like blue overlay and underneath you can see a pin in the pad and a keyboard and it says Introducing video boss agent Academy.
Speaker 2:
Let’s listen to the transition now about my video boss agent Academy. I thank you for attending. If you have absolutely no interest in continuing on with YouTube, you may go now. You can still get the video boss or the video agent blueprint. But I want to tell you about becoming a real video boss because it has absolutely changed my life and it can change yours too. Video and YouTube is the fastest way to learn how to use YouTube to get in front of more motivated prospects and sell more Properties. You’ll never have to make another cold call again.
Speaker 1:
This is good. If you’ve listened to the art of online business podcast for a while, you may remember Rick teaches something called having a premise, and this is a very textbook Premise. A premise is something about your program or your offer that is Arguable, that somebody can argue you on. But you would want to make this kind of premise and she does Saying her program is the fastest way to learn. You want to be able to say that your program is the easiest, the fastest, the quickest, the ever Bestest thing that does well what you teach. And she makes this premise really well. And then she even says without ever having to make another cold call again. That’s a bold statement. A realtor can argue and say now I bet for sure that there’s a different way. Actually, I believe this way is faster and there’s no way that I never have to make another cold call again. And you want your premise to be like this.
Speaker 2:
And if you don’t want to, I promise. So here is what is included in the Video Boss Agent Academy.
Speaker 1:
Okay, okay, she goes into her offer stack. You know it’s a screen that’s blue on the left half, white on the right half, on the left half. She has white text over the blue background and she’s going to just list out her modules and lessons and the things in there, and on the right hand side is one of those. I see these everywhere. Maybe I need one. It’s like you know the computer mockup. There’s like a screen and a laptop and a brochure and a cell phone and it basically shows in those screens pieces that she has or pieces of her software or her program, and then it looks like she actually does a little screenshot recording of inside of her course, that you can kind of see the modules out there and we’re going to keep clicking through here. Yep, she’s just, during this pitch, going through the value stack.
Speaker 1:
Then she starts talking about the bonuses. There is one bonus which is first five video topics for your niche, as you’re listening. The science with bonuses is that you want to use bonuses to overcome objections that people would have to, starting A lot of folks, you know, not you, other people would use a bonus wrong just to add value. Nope, bonuses, yes, they add value in a very targeted way by overcoming objections that people would have to joining your program. And something special about this screen is, while it says your five first videos and she gives you sample, like video topics, she has the act like a PDF screenshot up here, but the content of the PD, the header of the PDF, is there but the content is blurred out. So it’s like she’s telling a bonus but also creating some mystery and some intrigue.
Speaker 1:
The second bonus that she has is out to a higher and editor how to hire a video editor. Again, I don’t want to start a YouTube channel and get clients to come to me because I don’t want to edit my videos. Well, she just covered that objection with bonus number two, and so you really need to know your target audience in order to be able to know what bonuses should be there. And then maybe an object I see. Bonus number three is a Trello workflow like project board. It’s called a video workflow roadmap the same Trello board she uses to manage her own video workflow. This could be talking about or overcoming the objection that it’s too complicated, so somebody doesn’t know how to actually produce a video. Then she shares results from her students and then she has a guarantee. Let’s listen to what she says here for her guarantee.
Speaker 2:
I want to refund. No, you can’t go through all of the training and just not do it and then expect that you’re going to have amazing results. If you don’t do what I teach you, you are not going to see results and, in fact, please do not enroll. If that’s going to be you, I don’t want your money. If you’re going to watch all of my trainings and then not do any of it, you’re throwing your money down the toilet. Don’t do it, save your money.
Speaker 1:
Love it. It’s super down to earth, super practical and we don’t get enough of that when you’re selling and then you have a guarantee deliver your course. Don’t be sleazy, you know. I love how she’s like I don’t want your money if you’re not going to do the thing, if you’re just going to get the course and not do it, because somebody’s thinking especially when they’re watching the guarantee that what happens if I pay this money and I just don’t use it or it doesn’t work. So on this blue screen I love this blue in big white text, super bold font it says cornerstone and then under that yellow text, guarantee or gold text we should say you know, yellow text, marigold text. And then under that it says we have a seven day, no question asked refund policy. If you email support within seven days from the date you enrolled in the course and ask for your money back, I’ll give you a refund. No problem, we’ll refund you the entire amount you paid for the course.
Speaker 1:
Guarantees Just talk guarantees quickly. You need a guarantee Guarantee. What does it do? It protects your business and it reduces the risk of your potential buyer when somebody is going to spend the money. Ooh, it’s just scary. They’re about to take action towards a desirable future that you have promised. You can deliver them, you know, via whatever vehicle you’re teaching or deploying, and people are just scared what if it doesn’t work? Guarantee helps them and it should reduce the level of risk in their brain. Okay, so that’s where you see 30 day guarantee, 60 day guarantee, 90 day guarantee. But don’t make this mistake, please. I’ve seen so many course creators super frustrated because their refunds were like really high. No, a long guarantee does not mean your refunds will be high when you have a longer guarantee. You need to have a lot of conditions, and those conditions, those criteria to get the guarantee, need to basically Make sure that the person has gone through your course and done the things that you know would bring them success. Here’s an example 90-day money back guarantee. As long as you meet the criteria, we will give you your money back. But what’s the criteria? That you have watched 5 out of 10 models.
Speaker 1:
Okay, cool that you can prove that you showed up to the office hours and that you’ve asked One question during the office hours. Office hours slash. You know the weekly coaching call. Number three Is that you have engaged in the Facebook community and left no less than 10 questions in that Facebook community, you know, and number four. Basically you’ve done the homework from at least 20 lessons. Basically, what you’re doing is you’re forcing somebody, if they want the guarantee, they have to actually go through your program. But then, since you know your program is really good, they’re going through your program and they’re having to do the things that would bring them success and so, in order to get the guarantee, they have to participate. But by participating You’re basically lowering the chance that they’re going to even want the guarantee because they’re actually consuming what you Put in your course, in your offer to teach them how to get the result, and that is a very, very effective technique.
Speaker 1:
Her pitch Went from minute 43 to it looks like right about minute 55. So what is that? 13 minutes, yep. And then what should you do after you have your pitch? Well, stay the price. And she has that right up here on screen an orange box and a light blue box. Six payments of 399 in kind, of like the orange, yellowish, merry gold box, or one payment of $2,222. You save $172 when you pay in Full.
Speaker 1:
Now, if you want to do a payment plan, I suggest like six payments. Generally. You don’t want your payment plan to extend past the time when somebody would finish a program. If you have like a group coaching offer and that’s like six months, you don’t want the payment plan to be 12 months. Your payment plan, by the way I’m doing math on my calculator if you can see me on YouTube, you can. If you’re watching the YouTube channel at the art of online business, 399 times 6, since its six payments, is 2394, so 2222 watch I’m going with this divided by 2394. So basically, if somebody pays six payments, they end up paying 8% more. Your business does assume more risk when you have to collect payments over a longer period of time, and that is why you’ll see many online course creators Baking in a little like extra price into the six monthly payments. You can make your decision whether you want to do that or not. Just understand that inevitably, some payments fail. I don’t know anybody that has a hundred percent collection rate and for the sake of your business’s profitability, you might want to increase the total price that somebody would have to pay for a payment plan.
Speaker 1:
Next screen and we are about to finish up here You’ll want to see. See something that she does on the next screen. Please have urgency when you do a webinar or anything, live or not live, and what I mean by that is well, I had this client. I will use they that way. They don’t feel like I’m calling them out publicly, but their open cart period is in the time when somebody could buy. Their offer was 12 days. That is not helping anybody. If you give somebody 12 days, you got to understand human psychology. We like to procrastinate not you, not you, just other people and we just like to put Decisions off, especially expensive decisions, into the near, never future, never, never land. So if you give somebody a super long period of time, like 12 days, life is guaranteed for sure. We’re going to happen and they’re not going to come back and buy your program. A few people will, but way more would have Now the cart open period.
Speaker 1:
It’s not to like force people to buy. We don’t want to trick people to buy, to trigger people into buying, no, but we do want to bring them to a decision point, and so you can do that with a shorter cart open period. You can also do that with urgency. Karen, I can’t find the screen, but it looked like she had 200 dollars off as in if somebody bought within the cart open period, which is like four days, they would get 200 off the, so basically 10 off of the course price. That’s significant, and so you can have bonuses that are super juicy, not lame, super enticing bonuses that disappear At the deadline, or you can have a discount that disappears.
Speaker 1:
One powerful technique I saw was where the course creator was like I’m going to give you, you know, three days to decide, and I love action takers, so to reward you for that, you can save like 300 dollars. Don’t worry, you can go and get this program anytime you want. Go to my website right now and you’ll see that it’s at full price on the website. Or you can make the decision now and save 300 bucks, and so, like that is a cool technique. You decide Within the structure of your program and what you’re comfortable with, what your urgency is going to be, but make it genuine, true urgency, please, no Tactics. So this last screen says invest in yourself and take massive action. Oh. And then she says five days only. So her cart open period is five days. Sorry, 200 dollars off. And then she has this cool screen with a lady on the left hand side who looks a little worried, and on the right hand side it says, if you’re on the fence because you’re afraid you can’t do this, I got you. And in the bottom right hand side it says life coach school. So I think she’s leveraging the fact that she’s a life coach and can help people Get over, like, the mental roadblocks to doing something new, something they know will benefit. And that is the end of her webinar.
Speaker 1:
So take this episode, save it, go back and Extract some of the value that I kind of gave you in this episode and apply those tactics to your webinar. We got to remember selling is serving. I borrowed that from rick mulberry. You know I’ve worked with him for a number of years now, but selling is serving. I believe that you were given a lot of gifts and passion and talent and that you were meant to help people With that knowledge and passion that you have.
Speaker 1:
Making sure your webinar, making sure your funnel if you watched the previous two episodes, you know exactly what I’m talking about, because we went through all the funnel steps that allow karen’s webinar to convert one dollar into eleven, and what that means is, as you take the time and do the work, you will be able to work with more people. So please Apply these tips. Get into your webinar, get into your funnel and spruce it up. Improve those conversions. What’s that thomas jefferson quote that we miss out on the opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and it looks like work. Until the next episode, take care, be blast. Goodbye.