It’s 2025! Let’s talk about when you should start using Facebook and Instagram ads to help your business grow this year, and how to identify the best timing to begin without wasting money or missing growth opportunities.
- Cut your lead gen costs in HALF with my $37 mini-course–NOW only $17!
- Visit The Art of Online Business website for Facebook Ads help
Learn why it’s important to have a special offer that sells well on its own before launching paid ads and review important metrics like cost per lead and earnings per lead to ensure your ads are profitable.
It’s key not to start ads too soon or wait too long when your business is ready to grow. Let’s explore the clear signs that indicate your business is prepared for ads, to ensure you grow the right way in 2025.
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Kwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie’s Links:
Speaker 0:
It’s 2025, and if you’re listening to this episode, you want Facebook and Instagram ads to work to grow your business, be that better and more leads, or increased sales during your launch events looking at you, webinars, challenges, bootcamps Either way, I’m gonna give you the signs right now so that you don’t make the mistake and start Facebook and Instagrams too early, like I’ve seen plenty of folks do. But that. So don’t make the mistake and start Facebook and Instagrams too early, like I’ve seen plenty of folks do, but that so you also avoid the mistake by leaving tons of money and business growth on the table by not starting Facebook and Instagram ads when your business is telling you it could be time to try, it’s ready to grow. So my name’s Quajo. I’m the creator co-host of the Art of Online Business podcast. My other co-host, my co-host, my beautiful wife Jamie, is not here at the moment. She’s with kids. So it’s just going to be a solo episode and if this episode is valuable for you, please take a moment to go down to the show notes below and leave a review on Apple Podcasts. I would appreciate that so much and it would help the episode and the show get to more course creators like yourself who can use this kind of knowledge.
Speaker 0:
So here are the signs. I always say Jesus saves Facebook and Instagram, ads do not. And that means you have to tell and find the signs in your business that it’s ready for ads. Otherwise you’ll just start ads and burn money, and we don’t want that, do we? So here’s the first thing is don’t run lead magnet ads just to grow your email list if you don’t have an offer to monetize that email list, if you will later on down the line in your funnel, okay, because the first sign is that you have an offer that is selling organically by itself and when I say organically, I specifically mean if you launch or if you have boot camps or if you have webinars, then that offer is selling well, quite well, and you’re like shoot, I’m just making lots of money here. You need to be tracking your earnings per lead and that means is let’s say you have a webinar and you have 500 leads come in. You need to track your total revenue from that webinar and then divide that revenue into the amount of leads that you had come in and so hopefully you have a lot of revenue per lead. Could be 25, could be 60, but you need to know that number, and the higher the better. Now here’s the thing you’re tracking your revenue per lead, your earnings per lead, if you will, because when you start Facebook and Instagram ads, there will be a cost associated with that. Maybe let’s just say that that cost per lead is $7. So if you’re watching me on YouTube right now, then you can see I’m making a vertical gap with my hands, putting my left hand on top of my right hand, because if I had to pay seven dollars per lead and this is no guarantee that leads will only cost you seven dollars lead cost varies greatly, you know, depending on the niche and even With our, between different businesses inside the same niche. But still, if your lead cost is seven dollars and you’re earning $50 per lead, then that is 42, 43 dollars per lead of profit in here and you want to play in that profit gap. So that’s a big sign. If you have earnings per lead of $20, $50, $60, $70 during your launch, that’s a big old sign that it’s time to try Facebook and Instagram ads.
Speaker 0:
Now what if you’re, say, a coach? Or maybe you, just as in you, use Instagram to sell in your DMs? Or what if you have a discovery call funnel. Ie it starts wherever could be. Email could be with collaborations with other people who serve your same niche in a complimentary way. Either way, you have a discovery call funnel where people find you, they fill out a form to express interest and you hop on a discovery call with them.
Speaker 0:
Track your. Well, start from the end. How much revenue are you making in a certain timeframe right from clients or sales calls that you’ve closed? Well, start from the end. How much revenue are you making in a certain timeframe right From clients or sales calls that you’ve closed? Track how many sales calls it took to make that revenue. Track how many signups for sales calls, because don’t we wish that everyone showed up to a discovery call. It took to get whatever number of sales calls right and then track how many actions, if you can, that it took to get those signups for the discovery call.
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Now, if your jam is posting on Instagram stories and then people sign up for a discovery call, track that. If you’re collaborating on other podcasts or maybe in other summits to get those discovery calls, track those collaborations. But the point is is that you should end up one. This is a secondary benefit, but you should end up one. This is a secondary benefit, but you should end up knowing okay, if I do this thing this many times, it makes me this much money. But at the end of the day, you want to know how many leads did you get into that funnel, how many calls did you make and how much are those leads thus worth? Because you know how much revenue you generated in sales during discovery calls.
Speaker 0:
What? What if you email your list and you sell directly to your list every month? Okay, so then start by looking at how much revenue you generated in that month from emails to your list, All right. And then it would be a good idea to track what your email list size is, but, more importantly, how many people opened those emails that were selling things? Because then you can say, okay, 130 people. I just picked a number out off the top of my head 130 people opened sales emails this month and that resulted in X amount of revenue. Therefore, this number of eyeballs on my emails, or this number of email opens on sales emails, equals this amount of revenue. You can even go a step further and say all right, my total email list size is whatever Like, maybe only 130 people open the sales emails, but my total email list size is a thousand, therefore a certain percentage use the percentages to back up how much that total email list, every email subscriber, could be worth. So you go from revenue in this scenario to the number of people that looked at your sales emails, all the way to a value and earnings per lead, if you want, per email subscriber. And then you have a number. Let’s say your email subscribers are worth, I don’t know, five dollars each. Well, then you know that you could turn on ads and as long as you get leads onto your email list for, let’s say, two dollars, then you have a well, a profit gap. Now, sure that could be small, right, quaggial? Am I only going to earn three dollars per lead? Well, maybe, initially, if you’re selling something to your email list every month. But don’t forget, obviously you’re going to be launching or doing some other sort of conversion event, like a challenge or a bootcamp, and also you probably have emails.
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Jamie and I my wife are working on this actually in our business, where we it’s called like a secret upsell menu, a secret menu, if you will where people are on our list and we’re offering things to them that they need at various intervals later on after they’re on our email list. Now are all those courses offered in the podcast show notes or even on the website? No, you know the ad testing cheat code is offered. You know that’s the $17 offer. You know that’s the $17 offer. But there’s also the 2xROAS Canva templates, which are just my best converting Canva. You know static visual graphics that I’ve seen in client accounts over the years and I’ve made templates out of those. There’s also the 2xROAS Ad Copy Vault, which is just a handful of ad copy that’s gotten over 2x ROAS and many times, way over two times return on ad spend. You know I don’t advertise that publicly but it’s definitely available in my email as part of the secret upsell menu and there’s other courses there to come which we won’t get into detail on this episode.
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So if your offer is selling well, organically, to sum things up, make sure that you know how much profit you’re getting per lead and if it’s high, you know $20 and upward could be time to look at ads, because your business is worth it. You’re on a mission, right? I believe you’ve been blessed to serve people with your skills and you can help more people, and Facebook and Instagram ads is a good way. I got lots of clients that it’s helping them get leads or growing their revenue or running ad traffic directly to their self-liquidating offer their low ticket offer. This is a great way to scale your business in 2025, with more quality leads on your email list and more sales as you launch your programs or market your programs. With that, I hope you look at the signs, decide if it’s time to run ads. Reach out to me if you need to. Those kind of links are in the show notes below. Take care, be blessed and I’ll see you in the next one. Bye.