Ready to speed up your content creation?
In this episode of Art of Online Business, I’m talking about one of my favorite topics right now, ChatGPT.
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I want to share how you can incorporate ChatGPT and other AI tools into your marketing workflow to not only speed up how long they take, but also spark creativity in your work.
AI tools are incredibly helpful for content creation when used correctly. There are multiple tools that you can use for so many different aspects of your business, and utilizing them to their full potential can make a huge difference in your workflow and save you tons of time.
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Hey, hey, hey. What’s up, my friends? Welcome to today’s episode of The Art of Online Business podcast. Rick Here today is one of those episodes where, as I’m recording this, I’m like, Man, my voice sounds super weird. It feels like I feel totally fine for once in like four months, but feel like I have a super scratchy voice today for some reason. But anyway, we’re going to be talking about one of my favorite topics to talk about right now, and that is Chatgpt.
And I specifically I want to share with you today how you can begin to incorporate Chatgpt and other AI tools into your marketing workflow to not only speed up how long things take to get done, but also to spark creativity in what you’re doing. Because just as an example, Chatgpt might spit out something for you that you don’t even think about and you’re like, Oh, that’s a great idea. I want to elaborate on that. And you might not have thought about that going into if you’re writing an episode or an email or an email series or whatever it might be, that the sparking creativity is something I think a lot of people, when they’re thinking about chatgpt, they kind of miss out on. They think, Oh, I’m going to put this input in here. It’s going to spit something out. I’m going to copy it, I’m going to paste it. I’m going to change a few words and I’m done.
Now, a lot of people are doing that. But as I’ve mentioned on a past episode here on the podcast. I think of it as like an idea starter. It gets you going. Now, can you again, can you input a prompt, get the result, get the output and be like, Holy cow, I don’t want to change anything. That’s amazing and then use it. Sure you can, but I’d really encourage you not to do that and add your own flavor to it. Add your own examples and stories. Et cetera. Okay. If you haven’t yet played around with Chatgpt, I highly recommend it.
Jump in and just start asking it things to do. Spend some time learning how to ask questions. You know, they call them prompts. In Chatgpt. And if you know what you want to accomplish but you don’t know what kind of prompt to write, you can literally ask Chatgpt what to ask itself in order to do whatever it is you’re looking to do. Cool. Right? You can literally ask how you can ask it, ask it how best to use itself. Like I want to write an email about this. What is the best prompt to do that? What kind of prompt should I write in Chatgpt for this? It’s pretty meta. It’s mean. That’s how smart it is. You can literally ask itself or ask it how to help itself. And this stuff is changing so fast. And later on, for example, we’re going to talk about plug ins, but we’ll get to that.
Right. And so, by the way, if you are if you’re using Chatgpt and you are not using Chatgpt plus highly recommend it, it’s $20 a month and you get access to Chatgpt 4.0. And the difference between 3.5, which is the default that you get on the free version and four on the plus version and four will be available. From my understanding, four will be available, you know, widespread. I don’t know. Obviously I don’t know when, but right now it’s available to plus users. And think of it like this. The default chatgpt like on the free version is like a blade of grass and Chatgpt four is like an entire football field of like that’s natural grass football field like that’s the difference.
That’s the just way, way, way better than three, 3.5. And so as you start to think about your marketing workflow, the first thing I recommend doing is what is the end goal of what you’re trying to do? Do you want to write an email to your list? Do you want to write an email sequence? Do you want to generate ad copy? Do you want sales page copy? Do you want to write social media posts? Do you want to generate graphics for social media posts? Do you want to you know, do you need to design a website? Do you need to generate images, podcast titles, outlines, scripts, video titles, outlines, scripts, TikTok scripts? I mean, the list goes on.
And what I’m going to be sharing with you today is how like how most people are using the technology that the AI in Chatgpt, meaning give ideas for X, Y, and Z. And that’s we’re going to be talking about here today. But as I mentioned in a past episode and I’m not going to go deep on it in this episode here, but the people who are learning AI and using the technology to build on top of it, that is where you’re going to be winning in the future here. And again, we’ll talk about it a little bit later on here.
But the plug ins that Chatgpt recently announced that they’ve given access to a very, very small group. I read like 500 people total to people that were on their wait list for it, and I got access to it. I have no idea how I got access to. I mean, I was on the wait list, but I don’t know how I got chosen and it’s pretty darn cool. So I’ll tell you more about that coming up. But what is the end goal of what you’re trying to do? And I’m going to take you through some use cases here coming up, too. So once you figure out what you want to accomplish, what goes into accomplishing it? You know, like what are the steps that go into it? If you want to write an email, for example, what is the topic? Who are you writing it to? Who’s your audience? What’s the goal of the email? Is it just one email? Is it a series of emails? Is it an email mini course? You can totally do that in chatgpt if you want to write a quiz.
Had I helped one of our accelerator members do this a couple of weeks ago and they were blown away, that you could generate a complete quiz inside of Chatgpt. And it took some you know, it took some prompting, it took some changes to get it to a point, but it was really good. And that’s something where it’s like, I don’t even know where to start. Do I need to hire somebody to write a quiz for me? Blah, blah, blah? And of course, yes, you can do that. The quiz that Chatgpt generated was really good and it’s just one of those use case use cases that most people don’t think about.
And so that’s where I’m talking about and I’ll share more about this later. But what do you get? Creative? What would you love to see if this technology can create for you and try it, you’ll be surprised. So step number two is now that you have what you want to accomplish, what goes into accomplishing it? What are the steps needed to accomplish? You know, putting a Facebook ad together or writing an email sequence or coming up with a podcast episode, which we’ll talk more about that coming up, too.
And then step three, now that you have those steps. How can chatgpt or other AI tools help speed up that process or spark creativity? We have to remember too, that Chatgpt is right now is not connected to the Internet. The information that is powering Chatgpt is up through September of 2021. So if you asked it about something more recent between now and September 21st, it’s not going to it’s not going to have any context to it.
So we have to remember that. Okay. And so since Chatgpt is a language model, if you’re writing anything at all. I would start there. And there’s all kinds of other AI writing tools and stuff like that. Absolutely. I would simply start with Chatgpt. If you’re going to be writing anything at all and see how it can do. If you’re doing images or graphics or designing a website or what have you right now anyway, because this is changing so fast and pretty soon you’re going to be doing images and graphics and designing sites and all that stuff right inside of Chatgpt. You might want to check out other tools for things like that right now, by the way. For example, in I don’t know if I think you can do it in 3.5, but in Chatgpt four, you can literally ask it to code something.
You just describe what you want to code and it will code something for you. Hey, I tried this out with something. I just had an idea and I tried it out and I was like, Oh, I don’t have any idea what I’m looking at because I’m not a technical person or a coder by any stretch. But like, I was amazed. And then speaking of designing a website, I do have to share this tool with you because I heard about it and I went and checked it out and I was mind blown. It’s this tool called MCSO, dot io., and it’s an AI generated website. And their whole thing is. About validating ideas for startups.
So, you know, most of us have tons and tons and tons of business ideas, right? Well, MCSO, they’re not a sponsor or anything like that. I just was blown away at this, at this tool. You can go in and you can describe your project. And. It will generate a web page for you. It will generate a web page for you just by describing it. And so I tried this out with this idea that I had and I pasted it in because I had already written it somewhere else. And it said, You went over the limit. You’re only limited to 200 characters. And I was like, What? 200 characters is nothing. This is just going to be, you know, whatever is is going to generate, it’s going to be crap.
So I put in I knocked it down to 200 characters and I said, okay, let’s see what this can do. And I hit generate or whatever the whatever the call to action is. And literally less than 60 seconds later, it had created this web page for me. It generated a logo for me. It generated a name for the business and it wrote all the copy, designed the web page, brought in the images of the page, had an opt in box right there throughout the page. And it was really, really good. Like really good. Like I would have I would use that page. The copy on it was outstanding and I was blown away. It was.
And you can go in and edit it and so forth like that. And it just meant to be, you know, a quick landing page for somebody. It would not be for like a registration page or something like that. This would be more about like, again, like if you have a if you have a business idea and you want to test it out, they’ll host it for you. And I was really I was having coffee with my buddy Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income. We meet for coffee every week when it’s not fishing season because then we’re fishing all the time. I was having coffee with him. I was telling him about this tool as like, Dude, you got to check this out.
And he’s like, Yeah, okay, whatever. So he tried it on his phone and he put in something and it generated it right in front of him and he’s like, Holy cow, this is really cool. He was blown away like I was. And the cool thing is like, you could do this all for free. And then if you want to, you know, set it live and set a custom domain that you own for it, like the hosting of it. And to do all this is like $9 a month. It’s really cheap. So anyway, so I owe blown like, go check it out, go test it out. It’s so much fun.
So anyway, going back to like images and graphics and designing a website and all that stuff, keep in mind that with chat GPT four and the introduction of plugins that they when I’m recording this on March 30th, just last week, they actually a week from today, they had announced plug ins. Many of these things you’re going to be able to do right inside the chat GPT that is coming. So when they rolled out chat GPT four, for example, they shared an example of they had drawn a wireframe of a website on a napkin, took a picture of it and uploaded it into chat GPT four and it designed the website right there, like it coded the website for you right there. Like that’s what’s coming. And so it just it’s so cool.
So if you don’t know what tool to use in the meantime, right. To accomplish something, there are some great directories that organize thousands of tools by category. So you can go on there and say, Oh, I want, you know, whatever image generating or writing tools or 3D or whatever it might be. They’re in there free, right? Future and Future I really like both of those. So. And by the way, I’m going to link all I’m throwing a lot of tools at you and links and stuff. I’ll link them up in the show notes over on my website for you today or for this episode.
Rick Multicom Just go to the podcast section. Okay. So in the next step, let’s go through some examples. Let’s go through some actual like use case scenarios. And remember, the idea here is to start with one area, play around with it, get some results, and then start to expand gradually from there. Okay. So if you’re going to be writing things. I would recommend starting off with. You can teach. You can teach chatgpt how to sound like you, and it’s actually quite simple to do it. So what you can do is you would go in the chatgpt, you would type in there, please determine my writing style from the following. And for me, I like to take part of a transcript from like the podcast here. So it would be like a solo episode.
Take part of a transcript. I say part of a transcript because there is a limit to and it’s about ish 4000 words that you can put in there. Otherwise it’ll tell you that it’s too long, but you can put just put enough content in there. If you don’t have a podcast and you do videos, just use a transcription and put it into Chatgpt. If you have a blog post that you’ve written in your voice and your tone, put it into Chatgpt. Okay. And so tell it to please determine my writing style and then paste that into Chatgpt and hit enter. It’ll then start spitting things out like describing your tone, your speaking style. Et cetera. It’s really cool. And so then if you agree with the result that it gave you.
I would definitely copy and paste that result into an external doc, into whatever, you know, notes or clickup or notion or whatever, so that you can refer to it later when you want to write something. Now you have the tone, you know, your speaking style and your tone of voice that you can teach Chatgpt you don’t have to upload the transcript every time. So then once you have it, you can then tell it to use that writing style for fill in the blank like what you want to do next. So let’s just say that you need to write an email to your email list that introduces a you know, you’re doing a limited time promotion of your program.
Cool. So you’re going to use the same writing style that Chatgpt just learned. And here’s the thing. You want to tell it how you want it to act. And so you can say act as a fill in the blank. You are a whatever. Tell it how you want it. Tell it who it is. Tell it. It’s a conversion copywriter. It’s a podcaster. It is a Facebook ads manager. It is a doctoral candidate. It is, you know, a CEO. Fill in the blank. Whatever it is. You know, you are an expert gardener who’s the host of a gardening YouTube channel with millions of followers. You know, you’re basically setting the context for chatgpt.
Okay. And so in this example here, if we want to write an email to our email list introduces a limited time promotion for your program, you can say you are an expert conversion copywriter. Use the writing style that you just learned. Now you just now you tell it what you want it to do. Please write a sales email that I always say Please, By the way, I’m very polite with Chatgpt. I say please and thank you. Please write a sales email that shares a special promotion that I’m running and that clearly and simply highlights the values or the excuse me, the value and benefits of, you know, name of offer and then tell it what the audience is.
Okay. So the audience for this email is and this is where you’d want to hopefully you know who your audience is and you want to describe your audience. So again, this is another thing I have just in a doc that I copy and paste in. And so I would say online course creators, online business owners with memberships and online coaches. These online business owners have been in business for at least two years, are generating at least $100,000 in revenue per year, and most have small teams.
Right. And now at this point here, by the way, you could also add in pain points that your audience experiences, the challenges that they experience, and then also share what they’re trying to achieve, like where they’re trying to get to. The more information that you can give chatgpt in this instance here, the better the result that you’re going to get. A friend of mine put in a 1000 word prompt because they went so in depth in describing, you know, all of this information here about the audience and the pain points and so forth. And the result that it gave them was amazing because it was had more information. Okay. So once you’ve done those things, then you can continue the prompt share in the email. And like I wrote in a natural manner why they should enroll now using social proof, credibility building elements and a strong call to action.
Make the structure of the email easy to read and include bullet points. Right? No more than 500 words. That’s the other thing that a lot of people don’t think about is you can tell you can give chatgpt parameters in which to work. So I could say write no more than 250 words, right? No more than 1000 words like you can tell it the length. And let’s just say that you ask it to write 300 words and you’re like, Oh, I feel like it should be longer.
Go in the next prompt. After it generates the result, you can tell it. Please expand this to, you know, 500 words and incorporate more of and you just fill in the blank. Okay. And so once you’ve put that prompt in hit enter, I just hit enter on my desk. I just tapped my finger. I don’t know why I did that, see what the result is and further prompt it for, you know, changes that you want to see. So like one might be and this is how I normally say it, I say, okay, great, thanks. Now rewrite that email as if you’re talking to a sixth grader or something. Just something like that. Or you could say, okay, great, rewrite that email and please include more examples of and then you can fill in the blank. Okay. And so once you get it to a point where you’re like, All right, cool, this is I like this.
Now you can then ask Chatgpt to write you 15 subject lines for the email that would make your audience want to open that email. So now you have the email written, Now it’s generating 15 subject line options for you. Let’s just say you like number two of the 15. You can say, Great, this is how I always respond. Great, thanks. Please give me ten variations of number two. So now you have ten variations of the one that you like the most to choose from. So you have you now have an email. You now have a subject line.
And you’re good to go. And I say good to go, meaning, okay, take that email and then you can put in your own examples, your own stories, your own testimonials or what have you, but you’ve got the shell already done of the email and subject lines. Okay. Also, if you have a style of an email that you already really like, whether it’s from you or somebody else, you can copy that email, paste it into chatgpt and ask it to follow a similar format. Not copy the language, but ask, you know, follow a similar format of how the email is made up. Chatgpt really does really well with examples. Something to work with. So, for example, I had a call recently with one of my accelerator members and she was kind of stuck on how to prompt Chatgpt to write this sales email.
To her email list and she had a really good prompt, but it was missing some key elements. We needed more about setting the context for how she wanted or who she wanted Chatgpt to be. Basically, in this case here it was really a conversion copywriter who is an expert in like her field. And so we changed that up, but then we changed it a few other areas of the prompt and it was probably it was like a solid paragraph for the prompt. And so we fixed those things and then we tried it and first first result, like she was blown away. She’s like, Whoa, this is so much better.
Like, this is amazing. I only have to change a few words here and add in a little bit here and there and like, this is good to go. Like, she liked the format. It gave her bullet points. It included emojis in the email. And it all we did was we just sort of tweaked the prompt, kind of like how I’m talking to you about this right now. And so again, this is where this is how to get the most out of Chatgpt is really learning how to prompt. And it’s it is it’s a journey like it’s you’re going to be it’s going to take a while. And anybody who says they’re like, oh, I’m a you know, I’m an expert prompt prompter. I don’t know if that’s even a thing.
Like this stuff’s always changing and we’re always learning how to improve our prompts. And so I would just recommend just practice with it. And there is a website, It’s called Prompt Vibes. Prompt And it has categories of different prompts like marketing, and it’ll give you all the prompts. You just copy and paste the prompts. There’s also a bunch of different chrome extensions for Chatgpt that have prompts built right in that are super, super helpful. But it really is about sort of the art of the prompt. Okay, start to get really good with it, start to get more familiar with it, practice with it. Example number two that I want to share with you.
So I was asked recently by somebody, how could they take their episode, their podcast excuse me, their podcast production in house? How could they, you know, what were the some of the things that they could do to bring it in house, you know, inexpensively.
So we start with exactly what I shared before. What are all the steps that go into creating an episode? What are all the steps and then what tools might help make those steps easier? So for a podcast episode, we need an idea for the episode, we need an outline, we need a script. I mean, some people use a script, right? Some people use outline, some people, some people use just riff, right? But let’s just say you need you have to have an outline or excuse me, you have to have an idea for the podcast episode and then you want to do an outline.
Okay, cool. So you want to generate an outline from that idea. Then from that, from the outline you need, you want to do a script. And then what else do you need? You need a title for the episode. You need to record the episode, obviously. You need to edit the episode. Most people have show notes for the episode and maybe some graphics, and then you need to, you know, when you’re done. When all that’s done, you post the audio and the description to the podcast host and also your website, right? So that’s where your show notes is going to go and your if you do video and all that, all that stuff. I didn’t I didn’t include video in this example here.
But now that you’ve outlined the steps, now you get to say, okay, cool, I got all the steps. What tools might help make these steps easier? And then you start to go through and now that you’ve outlined the steps, you can then start to go through and see where you might be able to use like chatgpt and other tools to make these steps easier and faster. So let’s go through this hypothetical use case here. Right? So what I was sharing with this person who asked me, okay, we have.
All right, let’s use Chatgpt, for example, for help with the idea. Once we get an idea, then we can generate an outline. Once we have an outline, if we’re if we’re, you know, if you’re scripting, then we can use Chatgpt to come up with a script and a title. So let’s go through that. What, what do we need to do to get this going? So let’s just say we’re starting with I don’t have an idea for an episode. Let’s put one, you know, let’s get some ideas going here. So I would first start out by pasting into Chatgpt the result that you got earlier about how it analyzed to get your tone of voice, you know, your speaking style and you know that sort of thing. So I would paste that into Chatgpt and say, I want you to use this tone of voice and speaking style in through everything that we’re about to write and then don’t hit enter yet and say now and now this is where you tell it who you want it to be, who you want it to act as.
So I would say in this hypothetical, okay, you are the number one most listened to podcaster in the world and an online business coach. Cool. So now I’ve set the context of how I want it to think. And now I want to add to that by sharing who my audience is. So hopefully, again, you’ve written out who your audience, a description of your audience and a doc somewhere, Google Doc or whatever it is.
So copy that, paste it now into chatgpt here. So you’re all this is all within one prompt. So I would say your audience is online course creators, online business owners with memberships, online coaches and then continue on. Et cetera. Et cetera. Et cetera. Describing my online audience. So once I have that, now, I say please generate 15 podcast episode ideas that I can use in the podcast. And I could literally leave it right there, but I could also give it some further. You know, refinement. And I could say, you know, in the topic of business mindset, organic marketing, building a team. Et cetera. And so again, be broad because then it’s going to come up with ideas within that category of whatever you just gave it. So now I would see what it came up with. Spits out 15 different episode ideas for me. And then I’m like, Oh, I like number three.
All right, let’s see if we can come up with any other variations of number three. So I say, Great, thanks. Now please come up with three variations or excuse me, ten variations of number three. Now I have ten new variations of the one I like the most out of the original result. Cool. And I pick one of those to go with. Awesome. So now I say. Now please create a podcast episode outline from the topic and then I just copy and paste whatever topic I just liked from their list.
Now it creates me an outline. I might like the outline or I might want to expand and dig in a little deeper on the outline. So whichever way you want to go there, you can say, Okay, great, now you know, expand the outline a little bit more to include this topic or what have you. And it will do that once you’re happy with the outline you want to generate. If you work from a script, a lot of people don’t even work from a script. They just work from just an outline. But you might if you do work for a script, you could say, okay, great, now take this outline and generate a script for an episode.
And from there you can talk. You can tell it to be like, you know, you could test it. Say, I want a 30 minute script, a script that I could speak to for 30 minutes, or you could give it, you know, a number of words or whatever. This is where you want to play around with it. And then from there, once you have your script and you’re happy with it, then you can say, Okay, great. Now please generate 15 potential podcast titles that align with this script. Or I might say, okay, great, thanks. Now please generate 15 podcast titles from this script that would make people want to listen to this episode.
Then it’s going to give you 15 podcast titles. And the way I’m describing it, I mean, it’s just taken me five minutes to describe this. This is literally happening. You could get to this point right here from idea outline, script and title literally in less than five minutes. I mean, that’s even long. You can go really, really fast. So you’ve just done all of this in a matter of just a couple of minutes.
And honestly, the most time consuming part is copying and pasting from your external documents and then reading through the outputs and then changing the prompts a little bit to get to kind of get to the point where you where you really like it. So now once you have an idea, outline script title, then obviously you need to record it. So you’re going to record it. Now, if you really want to get technical here, you could you could use a tool like 11 labs, teach 11 labs your voice, which is very, very accurate, by the way. And you could put your script into 11 labs and it would record your podcast and your voice. Now, this is actually me, but I’m just saying, like, that’s possible, right? So you record the episode yourself. Then we need to do editing right now. With the editing, you could use a tool like Descript where you could go through and read through and you could literally look at the transcript and add things or delete them.
And it would also do that. It would also add to or delete in the actual audio. There’s also like Adobe Podcast, so there’s a lot of editing tools that make it really, really easy. So then, okay, cool. We’ve got our, we’ve, we’ve recorded our podcast episode, we’ve edited it and then we need to generate a show notes page. Well, take the transcript of your recording. You can use a tool like fireflies, AI Fireflies. Ai You just upload your audio, it’ll give you the transcript of the episode. You take that transcript, put it into chatgpt Depending on how long your transcription is you, it will limit how many characters you can put into Chatgpt. So I’m not going to get into it in this episode, but you might need to chunk the transcript into chatgpt.
But let’s just say that your your transcript gets you. You’re able to put it into chatgpt nicely and then you can literally tell it, say now, please generate, you can do it within the same chat in Chatgpt that you were just working from. You can say, okay, great, now please generate a show notes page from the following transcript. You could also actually do this with the script of the episode. By the way, if you don’t want to do the transcript, either way, it’s going to work. But you could ask it to generate the show notes page for you and you could say, Please include bullet points that highlight the most important takeaways and must listens from the episode or something like that.
Please also list out if it’s the transcript, please also list out the URLs that I mentioned in the episode. Okay, cool. So now we have a show notes page, right? For graphics. If you want to do graphics, you can use like Canva. Pro. Canva Pro is like $55 for the year, like $60 for the year. It’s very, very, very reasonable. All right. So we have. And then we just need to post it to our podcast host and to our website. Right now, there’s no to my knowledge, there’s no automation to do that. So you would just have somebody on your team do that. Now, this entire process, depending on how long you know your episode is that you record, you probably have the entire thing in an hour with editing.
If you’re going to be doing editing yourself, which I don’t recommend you do. So we just went from idea all the way through to a posted episode in an hour. And again, I hope that you are not editing things yourself, but I wanted to give you sort of an idea of what’s possible here just through using these tools. It’s pretty cool, right? So as it just sort of like an added sidebar here, when I’m looking for ideas, I’ve set up a simple little zap with between Slack and Chatgpt and notion.
And so, by the way, with Zapier, I mean, it opens up all kinds of possibilities with all the integrations that Zapier has and also chatgpt. So what I do is I set up a just a channel in Slack so that if I have an idea about an episode or something I want to talk about, I just type it into that channel I hit return. So it’s kind of like I’m slacking myself.
But what that’s doing is it’s triggering the next action of sending that to Chatgpt and the prompt I’ve given in Zapier when I’ve set this up, I’ve given Chatgpt the prompt of, you know, again, I want you to act as audience. Et cetera. Please generate 15 potential episode titles from, you know, whatever this note or something like that. And then it auto populates in notion. For me literally within 60 seconds. So all I’ve done is I’ve just like, Ooh, I got an idea. So I type my idea into this specified channel in Slack and it’s just a private channel, right? It doesn’t go to the team. So I type my idea in there and then I hit return and then literally within I mean it happens within like 25 seconds. Actually, I have 15 title ideas in notion that I can go through and in notion. Now for those of you who do use notion or are thinking about using notion, they have AI built right into it now, which is really, really good.
So I could literally get it into notion and then I can flesh out all these things like I just mentioned an outline script, a title, show notes, et cetera if I wanted to. So that’s how I want you to start to think about this. What kind of automations can I set up using a tool like Zapier and bringing Chatgpt into your zaps into your workflow? It’s really, really cool. 011 little side note here, too. When you are coming up with the script, for example.
A really cool way that a lot of people don’t think about when using Chatgpt is you can chat, you can use Chatgpt to come up with metaphors or stories that are relevant to the episode that you’ve just outlined. So you could say, you know, again, tell it how you want it to act and then say, please come up with three different metaphors that I could use to begin this episode that are relevant to the outline or relevant to the script. And it’ll give you metaphors. Really, it’s very, very cool because remember, obviously when we use a story or a metaphor or what have you, it’s going to stick in people’s minds much mind, much better when we’re able to do that. So, okay, so that’s the second use case. Third use case that I want to share. And many of you have heard about this or probably already done it.
But you can use a tool between Chatgpt and Canva to come up with a month’s worth of social media posts. So, for example, if you want to create Instagram posts in a matter of seconds, you can do that with using Chatgpt and Canva. Really, really quickly. I mean, you can use Chatgpt to come up with, you know, a whole bunch of different captions or quotes or things that you want to say. Give it a topic, come up with, quote, whatever. And also don’t forget that you can when you’re generating results or you’re asking chatgpt to do something, you can ask it to have your results be put into a table. So it’ll give you the results in a table and then you can just copy those things, copy the results and put them right into a Google sheet. And then you’re off to the races with Canva because you can mass upload, you know, a whole bunch of things all at once into Canva.
And then Canva has a whole bunch of AI built into it now. I mean, we could go down rabbit holes upon rabbit holes here, but I just wanted to give you just I want to get your creative juices flowing on how you can use these tools in your normal workflow to make things a whole lot faster and easier for you. So that’s another one. Let’s talk about one more example, right? If you’re writing ad copy for your run, if you’re running Facebook and Instagram ads and you’re like, Oh, I hate running, I hate writing ad copy, use Chatgpt to write ad copy for you.
Seriously. Again, the more information that you that you use in the prompt. So I would say you are an expert at Facebook ads, manager and conversion copywriter. Please write three different versions of ad copy with the goal of, you know, getting them to click on the ad, and then you then that’s when you get the parameters, the the target audience remember their pain points, their challenges, where they are now, where they’re trying to get to your specific offer that you are sending people to from your ad, have chatgpt write that ad copy for you. You can use it to generate hooks for you. You could say again, you can do all that instead of saying write ad copy.
You could say generate 15 different hooks that I could test in my ad copy. But you’ve already given it a whole bunch of information and parameters from which to work. Meaning your target audience. You know, problems and what you’re going to be marketing with your ad, ET cetera. You can write ad copy and hooks and so forth in a matter of seconds. There’s also a tool called Ad Creative I ad creative AI, which are AI generated, creative ad creative for you.
So it’ll do that. It’ll create it for you. And of course, Canva has come such a long way and they recently announced all these new updates and AI inclusion and all that stuff in there where you can do things like text to image. So you could say create me a Facebook ad image of or that describes or shows and you can just describe it and it’ll generate an image for you. They also have thousands and thousands of templates in there too, for ads. So notice we’re just leveraging the tools that we have available to us to make these processes and workflows so much faster and easier. And then lastly, there’s another tool. I said that was the last one, but if you have a YouTube channel, for example, creator.
Ml I think it’s creator I think it is, but it’s a YouTube video title and thumbnail view ranker. So you put your title into creator along with the thumbnail that you’ve generated and or you could do a bunch of them. That’s really, that’s like how to get the most out of it. Put in a bunch of titles, put in a bunch of thumbnails of a video and creator, the AI in their tool there will compare the thumbnails and titles and see which will it’ll predict which one will get more views on YouTube before you upload it into YouTube. So the AI is doing the predicting for you. I mean, there’s so much you can do with this stuff, my friend.
I mean, if you hate email, you can use Zapier and Chatgpt to summarize the emails that you get and slack the summaries to you. Meaning let’s just say you get 50 emails a day and you’re like, Oh, I don’t want to go through the emails. Well, you can create a zap that connects, you know, Gmail and Chatgpt. And if you want, if you want Slack or if you want it sent to Clickup wherever, well, you can use Zapier to connect those tools so that whenever you get emails into a specific folder, for example. It will, you know, trigger the zap. The email will go over to chatgpt. It’ll summarize the email and then it will slack you a summary of email. You mean like, how cool is that? You know, some people like hate writing responses to emails. Well, you can use Zapier in your Gmail and Chatgpt to generate three potential responses to an email.
So once you get an email, it gets labeled and whatever you can just say like call it, have a folder like called Chatgpt or something and all new emails that you get go into that folder. Well, it’ll you will get, it’ll create draft emails for you with three potential responses to the email. So that way you just go in there, pick the response that you like the best, you know, update it accordingly, add whatever you want to it and boom, you’re done.
Now this you won’t even have to use. You won’t even have to do, you know, set up all those steps necessarily. You can use plug ins. Now, at the time of recording this, which is March 31st, Chatgpt rolled out plug ins about a week ago. But it’s only an alpha. It’s not even in beta yet, as I mentioned earlier in the episode. And it only rolled out to like 500 users. You had to be on a wait list. And then those 500 users, I have no idea how, but I got the plug ins. I was on the wait list and I signed up for the wait list pretty early on. And I do have the plug ins right now. So one of the plug ins is Zapier.
And so you can do all these things, for example, right within Chatgpt, meaning like summarize emails or, you know, generate three potential email responses. You can set all that up right within chatgpt. Now, I’m not going to go into plug ins fully in this episode here, but just suffice to say that it’s really cool what you’re going to be able to do and this is going to change the entire landscape of. You know, tools and an app store. I mean, think of it like this. Chatgpt is building essentially their own app store, essentially like it is going to be game changing. But right now it’s only an alpha.
But it is coming and it’s coming very quickly. So as you can see here, the power of what you’re able to accomplish in your business with Chatgpt and AI, it’s really up to your imagination. And as I’ve talked about here in the podcast not so long ago, I really encourage you to try to keep up with what’s going, not necessarily keep up. I really encourage you to educate yourself, start educating yourself on. Everything that’s going on. And it’s a lot. Yes. And as I mentioned before, one resource that I highly recommend is a membership. And I’m going to have the founder on here. I think in the next episode, I think Rachel Woods, co-founder with her sister Kristen, and it’s called the Exchange. And it’s very I think it’s like $12 a month and is outstanding. And it’s a great way to keep up with the conversation of what’s going on in I.
So and when you if you do happen to sign up I am not an affiliate but I think I do get like $6 credit or something like that. Let them know that you heard from me. But yeah, I definitely recommend that you start to educate yourself on all this stuff and start to use your imagination. Like, what could I how could I speed up this process or make this process, you know, a whole lot easier and faster? Ask yourself, what would you love to see if you could get off your plate and automate it and then follow what I’ve shared with you here today in sort of the process from thinking from the end in mind and working backwards as you start to put the pieces together.
Cool. All right, my friend, hope you got a lot out of this one. Went pretty deep on a lot of different topics here. But I think that it is you know, you absolutely can speed up and make things so much easier for you in different marketing use cases. And I just scratched barely scratched the surface here today because I don’t want to make this too long of what you can do with Chatgpt AI tools and so on. So make sure that you check out the show notes for the episode here today. Because again, I talked about a lot of different links. I’ll link them up in the show notes for you to go check out. And thanks for listening. I appreciate it. If you haven’t already, please leave a quick rating and review for the show over on Apple Podcasts. It takes like ten seconds to do that. It’s also a very big help for the show here.
And also make sure to hit subscribe on Apple Podcasts or if you’re listening on Spotify or what have you. Click that follow button so that you don’t miss any episodes I’ve got coming your way. Thank you again, my friend, for tuning in today. Appreciate you. Until next time, be well. I’ll chat with you soon.