Out with the old, in with the new! I’m phasing out my old courses and rolling out new ones that better fit what course creators and coaches truly need today.
- Cut your lead gen costs in HALF with my $37 mini-course–NOW only $17!
- Visit The Art of Online Business website for Facebook Ads help
I share why I made the switch, the lessons I’ve learned, and how the new courses focus on actionable, simpler strategies that get real results.
If you’ve been thinking about updating your own courses too, this might just spark some ideas!
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Kwadwo [QUĀY.jo] Sampany-Kessie’s Links:
Speaker 1:
I’ll let you behind the scenes of why I’m discontinuing my old courses and the decision process that’s going on in my brain as I came up with my new courses, and hopefully this episode can help you if you’re planning out your offer suite or just thinking of offering some brand new courses, and if you have purchased one of my former courses and you’re like, oh my gosh, grangio, it’s going away. No, don’t worry, it’s not going away. I’m just not promoting these courses or making them publicly available anymore. So let me break down to you my old course suite and why I had that, but what is wrong with it, before I later on in this episode, tell you my new course suite and how it will help people. So my old courses they were related to my former business model, which was funnel fixing plus ads management, and I discontinued that business model at the end of 2023.
Speaker 1:
You see, a little bit of history about me is back in the throngs of the pandemic. Right after I was stuck outside of my 12 year home in China, I had to get two part-time jobs to keep food on the table for my family. One of those part-time jobs was working inside of a Facebook and Instagram ad agency and the other one was coaching inside of a high level group program, mastermind, for online course creators. Okay, so then I leveraged those two skills into starting my own business. Now, I actually could have gone either way. I could have become a business coach or become a Facebook ad manager. I chose to go the Facebook ad manager route, but after having looked in the back end of so many high level businesses we’re talking, maybe on the low end of so many high-level businesses we’re talking maybe on the low end 300,000 gross annual revenue and on the high end, 1.6 million in gross revenue annually and I was coaching these folks funnel strategy, sales strategy, of course, facebook and Instagram ad strategy. But after looking at their businesses and consulting them and coaching them to improve their funnel conversions, I had a really good grasp I still have a really good grasp on online course funnels you know, sales pages, email conversions and the customer journey between one course to another, that sort of thing and so it made sense at the time to have these courses.
Speaker 1:
The first one that I had come out with back in I believe it was fall of 2023, was the LeadGen Cheat Code, which I’ve actually, I still have this one, but I’ve rebranded it to Ad Account Expert. So let me explain. It was called the LeadGen Cheat Code because it was my step-by-step process for making great lead generation Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns right. But it was too broad of a course. It contained my Olympic gold testing framework to lower lead cost, but it also contained how to set up ad campaigns for lead generation or for sales, how to optimize those campaigns, all of the details that go into the options that you should be clicking and not be clicking, even like a troubleshooting checklist, my thoughts on what good ad creative looked like. Based on my, you know, three plus years of experience managing ads. Plus, you know some tips and tricks for making ad copy and tutorials about how to use ChatGPT to get you started with some ad copy while you infuse your voice into the ad copy. It really was quite expansive, but what I noticed was is people were only using same parts, certain parts, of the course, and they weren’t really completing the course. It was just too broad.
Speaker 1:
So the next course that I had in my suite was something called tripwire mastery, which was how to make a tripwire offer. Ie a welcome offer. You know that offer that sits on the thank you page of your free lead magnet. This offer is a paid offer, usually low ticket between $17 and $27. See, in my mind and maybe this is part of the problem is, when I created it back in fall of 2023, in my mind, I say that because I didn’t necessarily ask a ton of people, but in my mind, anybody who wanted to manage or sorry, run their own Facebook and Instagram ads to the lead magnet also would have wanted to figure out how to recoup some of their ad spend immediately, in some cases up to 40% of their ad spend, just by having a tripwire offer. So I made that course that taught how to design a tripwire offer that would. I made that course that taught how to design a tripwire offer that would sell and how to position it in between your free lead magnet and the core offer that you would sell. So I had the lead gen cheat code and then the order bump was tripwire mastery and the upsell. Well, let me back up before I say the upsell. Tripwire mastery some people got it, a good number of people got the course, but, again, not many people were using it and, interestingly enough, the testimonials that were coming in were all about the lead gen cheat code and specifically about how people were cutting their lead costs. Great, okay, the third course that I had, which lines up right with my funnel fixing expertise and experience, was called the funnel optimization blueprint and it had my spreadsheet in there.
Speaker 1:
To troubleshoot a funnel to look at like the key conversion steps. And when I say funnel for the uninitiated, I’m talking about top of funnel to bottom of funnel, where the leads come in, to how they convert into sales. You know that could deal with the opt-in page and how to optimize your opt-in rates, and then the thank you page and what you wanted people to do there. And then the email open rates. If you’re running a funnel, you know that had a webinar in it. Then we could talk about webinar show up rates and webinar retention and how to structure a webinar and then what happens after the webinar, like the sales emails, the open rates, the click-through rates, the sales page, the open rates, the click-through rates, the sales page. You know conversion rates, all of these steps and diving into that and then troubleshooting it if there’s something wrong there.
Speaker 1:
Well, that was the funnel optimization blueprint course and you know what. Not many people purchase that. So that was my old suite. Now. Now, although I no longer well old suite now. Now, although I no longer well actually I no longer do funnel fixing as a service, back in 2023 I did where somebody could come to me and their funnel. They wanted it to convert better and I would work with them on a monthly basis, you know, and I also did a lot more coaching to that end. But I’ve since shifted more to just focus and streamline by focusing on Facebook and Instagram ads.
Speaker 1:
So, because, I should say, but because not all of the people in my business ecosphere are ready to hire an ad manager, I started thinking how I could break down the ads management process or what people needed to run successful ads into smaller courses that would give a very specific, tangible, more quickly realizable, if that’s a word, and this is where I came up with my current suite of courses. So at the beginning is the ad testing cheat code and that one similar to the Legion cheat code. I’ll be only a portion of the Legion cheat code and that one similar to the Legion cheat code I’ll be only a portion of the Legion cheat code. This one focuses exactly on my framework for testing ads and thus cutting down the lead costs and ads super easy to watch and absorb and you can get results in a week, right. So it’s kind of like a mini course, if you will, and I positioned it at like $37. So, again, more aligned with somebody who is just looking for a very straightforward result and not looking to take a course for two weeks before they get some results out of it. Also, inside of the ad testing cheat code, it’s not just my framework broken down in video format but I actually step-by-step record myself going through the process inside of some client ad account with all their info blurred out and everything. But if you’ve ever wanted to watch as an ad manager kind of bobs and weaves and ducks punches that like meta ads throws at them because it never goes as planned, by the way, it always seems perfect inside of a course. But real life ads management, you have to learn to read signals and you have to learn to readjust your strategy. Well, I kind of recorded myself doing that inside of this ad testing cheat code.
Speaker 1:
The next two courses I don’t know why I never came out with these earlier to help folks who are listeners to this podcast or who know me, you know through other collaborations, but they’re vaults. One is called the 2xROAS Ad Copy Vault and the other one is called the 2xROAS Canva Ad Templates, and it never occurred to me before. But well duh, I’ve been managing ads for years now and there have been client, like you know, ad copy that has done really, really well. So why didn’t I go over that copy earlier and templatize it and put it into a vault so that somebody who gets stuck on ad copy and I’ve coached lots of people one-on-one who just were stuck on ad copy needed help? Now that is an offer. It’s just an ad copy vault.
Speaker 1:
It’s straightforward. You know, you want to get some decent ad structure that’s templatized and you can just plug in your own information to it. Boom, that’s for you, right. And then same thing for the Canva ad templates. Those are a collection of some of the best ad creative graphics that I’ve had designed for clients over the years and then, of course, templatized. Plus I have a tutorial inside that shows you how to manipulate the templates and how to navigate the layers. And boom, if ad creative is not your forte, well, now you can kind of look for one of the you know 20 something different ad templates that fits your business’s style and plug in your own brand into it and there you go.
Speaker 1:
And, by the way, and it will sound kind of like self-promotion but I did some research and paid for some other Canva template packs man, were they generic, like my templates hands down way more valuable for the investment than the ones that I downloaded as I was in my research phase of how to create a Canva template pack. So I’ll just say that. So now I have this setup where, okay, everyone needs to cut their lead costs Everyone who’s running a lead magnet ad at least does and so that’s like the main offer, the publicly front-facing offer. And then the order bump is the 2x ROAS add copy vault and then the upsell on the next page is the 2x ROAS Canva add templates. Now there’s two more courses left.
Speaker 1:
I kept the Tripwire Mastery course because some people do need that and people were using it, just not tons. Because some people do need that and people were using it, just not tons. And I took the original big old sprawling lead gen cheat code course and rebranded it as ad account expert, because really that course is my brain downloaded into step-by-step tutorials to set up an ad account, not from scratch. I don’t mean create an ad account, I mean set up your campaigns and your ad sets and your ads and optimize all the settings, like I would for clients, and so it is more of an ad account expert course, and so I took those two and I and this is not my own term, but if you’ve ever met Shannon Matson or heard of any of her teaching, she has something called a secret upsell system. So, like, those two courses aren’t publicly available, but they are available via email upsell sequences after someone purchases the first course, which is the ad testing cheat code, and so I’ve structured these in a way where, so what I see is the biggest problem, which is high lead costs, can be addressed in a very accessible way, and see is the biggest problem, which is high lead costs, can be addressed in a very accessible way. And then there’s order bumps and upsells and then, like secret menu upsells that people can take advantage of based on their needs.
Speaker 1:
Now I am very much in the process of doing all this. Actually, my wife and I, since December, have been building out the email funnels and then working with a copywriter because copy is not our forte to improve the email copy and even the sales page copy and, as of right now, when I’m recording this. We actually just finished working with our copywriter for the second and a half session to redo emails and sales pages. So it’s all done, except for the upsell email sequence for the ad account expert. By the way, if you feel like this is a better you know suite of courses to help you’re like Kwejo, why didn’t you figure this out a year ago? Please DM me on Instagram link in the description below and tell me. I actually like just to talk with people. Maybe I’m not the typical Facebook ad manager robot, but all that is to say that this is the process I’ve gone to and the only thing I make available now or talk about is the ad testing cheat code.
Speaker 1:
And if that sounds like something, you need to cut your lead costs. You know 50%. Some people only cut their lead costs by 25%. I’ve had students send me testimonials. They cut their lead costs by up to 60%. I mean, think about that If you cut your lead costs by 25%. I’ve had students send me testimonials. They cut their lead costs by up to 60%. I mean, think about that. If you cut your lead costs in half, that means you can spend half the ad money to get the same amount of leads coming through your funnel that you had, or you can spend the same amount and double your email list that much more efficiently and quickly. So that course is $37, but it’s discounted right now to $17 because you’re a podcast listener and you can get that in the show notes below. This is where I’m at. That’s where I’m going. Hopefully this helps you strategize and think about your course suite. Take care, be blessed and until we see each other in the next one, well, take care and be blessed. Talk soon. Bye.