Let’s talk about business values.
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Your values are the foundation of your online business. I’ve been running my business for nine years, and putting my values into action has been one of the hardest things I’ve done. It impacts a lot more than you may think.
When you’re living through your values and making business decisions through your values, it can completely drive your online business success. Not only does it impact your revenue, but it also has a huge impact on your happiness.
Our values allow us to differentiate ourselves from others and guide how we show up in our business and interact with others. In this episode of Art of Online Business, I’m sharing 10 ways your values can drive your online business success.
It’s not always easy, but you become so much freer in your business when you make decisions through the lens of your values.
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And. And. All right, my friend. Welcome to today’s episode of The Art of Online Business podcast. Rick, I’m already here. I want to talk to you about values today. And yeah, I know it’s kind of unfortunately become a super buzz word in the online space over the past couple of years. And it’s really unfortunate because they are the foundation of your online business. You know, just in January of 2023, I celebrated nine years of being having my online business and working through my values, not the process of coming up with them. But putting some of my values into action. And I’ll explain more as I get deeper into this episode here. But putting some of my values into action has been one of the hardest things I’ve experienced in running my business in nine years.
And like I said, I’ll explain more. As we get deeper into this. And so when you’re clear on your values and when you’re living through your values and making decisions through your values and all that stuff, it can completely drive the your online business success and not only the success from a revenue standpoint, all that stuff, but and even more importantly, your happiness in how you’re operating your business. So let’s just start with a little background. Why are values important? You know, I think we know the answer to that. It’s the foundation for decision making that we do both in our personal life and in our business.
And they guide how we show up and interact with people, interact with the world. As a business owner, our values allow us to, among other things, differentiate ourselves from other people in the space. And, you know, by clearly communicating the values that your online business stands for, you can attract customers who share those values and build a loyal following. In the process, and that was something I didn’t understand early on, oddly enough. And one of the big mistakes that I made with my values early on, because, you know, again, we always hear like, well, we need to have values. We need to make sure that we have clear values for our business.
Well, a one of the mistakes that I made was that I looked at it through the lens of, okay, I need to create values for how we outwardly. Show up in the business and or from the business, I should say, rather than these are our brand values. And this is it starts with how we how we operate as a team, as a business, and then go outward. And again, I’ll dive more into that as we go. But, you know, I had one word, answers to values. It was like, all right, you know, integrity, communication. I’m just making this like, blah, blah, blah. That was it. Like, all right, here’s my five values and it was just a word. And that’s a huge mistake.
And I’ll explain more why here. And just a second. So if you don’t have values, clearly, clearly articulate, being able to clearly articulate your values, what I invite you to explore your personal values, the values of your clients, the people that your ideal people that you want to work with, and then how they intersect. What’s the overlap there. And so, again, if you don’t have values, if you’re not clear in what those values are, I want to give you an exercise to find those values. And by the way, the credit for for this exercise goes to Erika Corday, who is the amazing D-I coaching consultant that I’ve had the privilege of working with. We did extensive work on values throughout 2021.
And so, by the way, if you’re looking for work in the DIY space, there’s no one better than Erika Corday. Erika, Corday. I’ll link up Erika’s website in the show notes for today’s episode. E. R. I. C. A. C o. U. R. D. A e. Erika Corday. Like I said, we did extensive work on, you know, my brand values throughout 2021. And so the first thing in this exercise is take like 30 minutes, however long. You know, this is not like, okay, I’m going to jot down for 10 minutes and I’m good. Take as much time as you need and just brain dump all the values that you feel are important to you.
And this is one of those things where it’s like it feels it sounds easy to do, but like when I did this, I was like, Oh, man, Like, I it took me a while to kind of get into it. So brain dump all the values that are important to you. And then once you’re done that move over to what are all the what are all the values that are that you feel are important to your quote unquote ideal people that you want to serve. So you’re going to be brain dumping and listing out all the values that you feel are important to you. And then a separate list of all the values that you feel are important to the people that you want to serve. And then what you want to do is look at both of those lists and essentially highlight which values exist on both lists. So there’s the intersection, like where are the intersection pieces? And you may have a ton of values that overlap, right? And that was something that that happened with me. I just had a ton of values that were important to me and I felt were important to the ideal people that that I want to serve. And so here comes the hard part, right? What I want you to do is whittle those values down to the ones that are most important to you. 3 to 5, like five, tops.
You know, one thing I see a lot of people like, I have ten values. Like, All right, can you list them all out? And they’re like, Oh, no, that’s too many. That’s the hard part is you got to whittle this down to what are the most important values to you and to your people that you want to serve? And then these 3 to 5 values are what become your brand values. But again, remember, it needs to be more than just a word. There needs to be context included as to what the actual value means in action. And again, this is a mistake that I made early on where I said, okay, my number one value is integrity. My number one value excuse me, my number two value is this. My number three value is this.
And it was just a list. Well, integrity can mean 18 things to 18 different people. We need to be clear on what the value means to us from from a personal level and from a brand. And then what does that look like in action? And so I’m going to share with you my I have five values. I’m going to share with you and I’m going to read what what each of these means. So number one is integrity, right? And that’s a buzz word. A lot of people say, well, integrity is like, I’m going to do what I say and what I’m doing.
Okay, great. But like, what does that actually mean? And so in our team, in our business integrity, as we like to say as a culture, it’s not just a set of actions, it’s how we operate. And so we use our core values as a lens of for our actions, not the other way around. Right? And so sometimes that means following through on a promise, like again we say, you know, we said we’re going to do something, we do it. Yes. And sometimes it means changing our actions based on integrity. You know, another thing we like to say is we actively seek to stay in alignment with our values, i.e., integrity. And we hold our we hold ourselves accountable in the process. And so that’s just sort of like the higher overarching what integrity means to us in our marketing. Integrity means that profit is not the only lens through which we make marketing decisions.
So, for example, we don’t lie or manipulate people in order to make a sale. We we strive to present our programs, our promises, our experiences, etc., as they are, not as we think our audience wants them to be. And we’re willing to sacrifice sales or, you know, i.e. revenue and profit. We’re willing to sacrifice sales in order to advertise, to work and coach in alignment with our values. What that means is if I get a lot of applicants for accelerator and some of them just aren’t within, they don’t align with our with my values and so I will decline.
I have the opportunity to decline that application for that reason. It makes it really, really easy. And so integrity doesn’t mean that we eliminate the wrong doing. It means that we authentically and openly strive to know better and and do better when, again, not if like it’s. This is going to happen when we get it wrong and we act in integrity and alignment with the people that we promote, meaning whether it’s an affiliate or whether I’m sending business somewhere to whatever and ads manager or tool or what have you. I’ll talk more about that coming up that we associate with that we support and that we sell to. And when we learn that a peer or a student has practices or values that cause harm in any way, that relationship is ended, ended regardless of the financial or social consequences that may result from that. That’s how important that is to me.
Now notice that’s one, two, three, four, five, six short paragraphs of what integrity means to myself and the business. And by the way, and again, I’ll talk more about this coming up. But like. When. When we learn that, you know, a peer or a student, as I just mentioned, has practices or values that cause harm, we get to make the decision is, do we want to have a conversation with that person? And it’s it’s a simple yes or no.
And this is part of why it’s been so hard for me over the past few years, because I’ve had to make a lot of those decisions, like, do I care to have that conversation? Because there were things that came up that. I because I wasn’t putting value. This sounds really weird, but I wasn’t. I wasn’t putting everything I’m doing in the business through the lens of my values. And so. I was I wasn’t seeing those things. And as soon as I started putting everything through the lens of my values, then I started seeing things and I was like, Whoa, wait a minute. And that’s where the decision comes up. Like, All right, do I want to have this conversation or do I not want to have this? Is it worth it to me to have this conversation? Is the relationship worth it to me to have this conversation? And it’s, you know, yes or no? And so same thing for you. Like if integrity is important and is a value like this is where you get to decide as well.
And a lot of it makes it even harder when there is a financial consequence for you, whether you know what, this student, for example, is not exhibiting the values that align with with you and they’re paying whatever monthly it’s that could hurt, right? Because it’s a financial repercussion of standing up and saying, you know what, This is not aligned with my values and it’s not okay with me.
So anyway, that’s integrity. So that’s the first value notice. That’s a hell of a lot more than just listing out the word integrity. The second value that we live by as advocacy. And so let me just explain what that means. And by the way, and I’ll talk more about this is like when you have these values, you’re always reminding your team. You’re always bringing these things up with your team so that it’s a constant for you’re keeping it at the forefront of your team. So from an advocacy perspective, we believe in using our brand, our resources and privilege to support, advocate for and protect people with all different life experiences, especially those from underrepresented and marginalized groups. So that’s sort of the overarching what advocacy means for me and the business.
And then building a safe, healthy and inclusive community is a priority for our brand, which means we must exclude individuals that threaten safety, that threaten health or inclusion, and we won’t allow racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, fat phobic transphobic or any other phobic people into our programs on our podcast, or to work with us in any other form. We won’t collaborate with brands and individuals that do not value the lives of underrepresented and marginalized groups, and value alignment is non-negotiable in this area. And we will we will use our access, our resources, my platforms to welcome and lift up those from traditionally underrepresented and marginalized groups.
And you will set the stage and the microphone in my case, but it will be their voice that gets amplified, not ours. And we also make consistent financial contributions to causes that align with our core values. So whenever somebody joins Accelerator, for example, we we make a donation to one of the causes just and I list those out on the accelerator page like some of the the groups that we advocate for like for example, the Trevor Project, you know we’ve made lots of donations or the cooler project. So anyway, so this is one of those things where you might be hearing this right now and you’re like, Wow, I don’t like this. Rick doesn’t align with me and that’s okay.
And that’s why I’m sharing all this with you, because I want to encourage you to be super clear on your values. And when you are, you’re going to attract the people that align with your values and basically repel the people that aren’t aligned, aren’t in alignment. And that’s okay, right? It’s nothing personal. It’s just you get to make that decision because this is your business, Right? All right. So the third value is vulnerability for us. And basically, we’re comfortable with being uncomfortable. We’re willing to take radical actions, even knowing the consequences to create the changes that we would like to see in the world.
And this one really goes back to the first two of advocacy and integrity. We do fully understand this is hard work, but change takes time. I’m somebody that like, All right, I want this now, right?
Like changing something that you don’t feel is right is not going to happen over overnight. And this was something, just for example, that Erica Cordy had to constant remind me like, this takes time, this takes time and just keep moving forward and we’re committed to the long game so that we adjust, adapt to move on and will do so publicly if necessary. This is one example of I’m sharing very in-depth here about values and how to come up with them for your business. And I want to share with you ten examples of how values can be showing up in your business. And in just a few minutes, you know, we don’t shy away from opportunities to admit and amend for wrongdoing.
You know, I a couple of years ago, a lot of people, rightfully so, after the terrible George Floyd tragedy, they said, Rick, why aren’t you commenting? You know, why aren’t you commenting on that? And they were they were completely right. And they said, you know, we haven’t heard from you on this. Like we don’t even know where you stand on any of this based on your on your values. And like I came out here on the podcast, like, you’re absolutely right.
And so we welcome the opportunity to lead by example and show what’s possible with our business, you know, while supporting what we feel is right, even when and this is the hard part, even when this goes against traditional practice or culture within the online marketing space. This is this is the the piece right here that has been the hardest thing, because what I’ve found is that even when you know there’s stuff going on in the online space or whatever, it might be that. We know is not we know is not right. You know what I mean? There’s going to be people who still, regardless of how they feel about that value, it’s like. They they’re a fan of whatever company or our person or what have you. And what I see is so they sort of kind of like, all right, you know what?
It’s okay. You know? And so this is the hard part and this is like, this stuff takes work. And so, you know, we believe that, again, we we meaning my my brand, my business, myself, that when, you know, if we feel like we know better than, you know, what we’re like, ooh, something’s not right here. We, you know, we try and do better and we provide space to be able to make mistakes on the team in our programs. And we also facilitate conversations that without working around the work that needs to be done.
And our goal always is to create a safe space that encourages change and growth while not working with people who jeopardize the safety of that community of our community. And so so that’s the third one. That’s vulnerability, right? As you can see here, this is deep stuff and it’s super important. And that’s why it’s not like, oh, I’m going to I’m just going to bang this out in the next hour or so. Right. Like, I worked on this for months and then it’s like, all right, coming up with what these what these are like, and then it’s putting them into action. All right. And the fourth of my five values is kindness. We lead with kindness. We lead with love and care and everything that we do, even in challenging or stressful situations, we’ll work hard to treat each other with dignity and respect. We focus on solving problems, not assigning blame.
And we actively work to understand somebody else’s experience and perspective and to help everyone get what they need in the way that they receive or need it. And we make people based decisions, not only profit based decisions like we talked about earlier, and we work to foster an environment that’s fun, that’s encouraging, uplifting for anyone who interacts with our brand. And we also believe that respect from our students is something that is not a given, that it’s earned.
And we are always trying to do the work necessary to earn that trust from from you. And then lastly, collaboration. And for me, that is we are creative problem solvers. You know, we believe that there’s no one right solution or one like end all, be all person. We approach new problems or projects with creativity and initiative. We believe that everyone on the team has something to offer and has a voice, a voice worth hearing. We’re resourceful, willing to make suggestions, seek out new ideas, present new ideas. We sort of leave our egos at the door and we create a collaborative process where everyone is, everybody is heard. But at the same time, not every idea is going to be implemented.
And the goal here overarching is to create a brand in a business that aligns with our values and our vision. And we all work collectively on my team to that end. So notice I just went on for I don’t know how long that a good 15 minutes or so. Those are the values, those that’s pretty in-depth, right. And the reason that they’re in depth is like there’s no gray area for each one of those. And so the idea there, too, is you want to front and center. You want those brand values front and center. If you go to my website, which is a brand new website, by the way. Rick Mulberry dot com right in the home page.
When you scroll down, it lists all those values right then and there or the page it talks about my coaching. If you go to the my accelerator page, Rick Mulberry forward slash accelerator values are right there. They’re meant to be a filter. Again, if somebody comes to the site, somebody comes to the page, somebody listened to this episode and they’re like, you know, Rick, you are off your rocker. That’s okay. That’s all right. But it’s it’s also really hard to say that because we want to we want it’s like, wait, we’re building a business. We got to we you know, we can’t turn away anything that comes our way. The real freedom from our business comes when we’re comfortable doing that. They’re meant to be a filter. And so now once you have your values, you’ve done the exercise, you’ve you know, you flush them out, etc..
A great place to start with those values is asking yourself what will or won’t your brand do as a result of being aligned with those values? And so this is where I’ve put together a list of ten ways that values can impact your business now by not by any means. This is not an all encompassing list, but this is meant to get you thinking about ways of incorporating your values throughout your business. And I’ll tell you up front right now, some of this is not going to be popular.
And we’ll tell you I’ll tell you this right now. I’m also going to start off with the easier stuff and work towards the harder stuff. And also when I say easier, it’s also sort of the obvious things, hopefully.
So number one, that values should be impacting your business’s decision making. It’s very easy to make a decision when you have such clarity in your values. You’re like, Does this align with my values? Does it not? Right. So it’s like, all right, it does align. Then you start to explore further. In whatever the opportunity is. Does it not? If it doesn’t align with your values, boom. You just delete that. You just. All right, move it to the side. Keep going forward. So through your decision making, every decision in your business, I feel it should be made through through the lens of your values. Also, number two, how you spend your time. Through the lens of your of your values. Like is this. Whatever I’m planning in my schedule is this through the lens of my values? Maybe one of your values is I forget that I’m blanking on the word, but I want to have plenty of I want like free time to do whatever it is that I want is a value. Okay, cool. Well, obviously, if you were stacking your calendar from morning till night, every single day of the week with stuff that’s out of alignment with your values, like that’s just a super easy example.
But how are you spending your time through the lens of your values? Again, you get to make that easy decision then, and everybody knows this one. Everybody goes to this one too, and super important with your team, right? So through the lens of your values, values impacting your business in terms of team. So several different ways. Culture, right? By clearly communicating your your, your businesses values to your team, you’re helping create a sense of purpose and meaning for the people that work in your team, which can lead to a whole lot of other things, like greater job satisfaction, higher levels, engagement, you know, they’re part of something bigger than themselves. Et cetera.
So using values to create culture in your business, hiring is another one. Pretty straightforward. Hopefully on this one, Like you’re hiring people that align with your values. You’re not hiring people that don’t align with your values. Pretty straightforward, praising your team. So if you’ve got weekly team meetings, for example, especially when your entire team, if you’re if you bring your entire team onto a team, call every week and you’re praising somebody, it’s really powerful when you back that praise up. With whatever value or values that they’re exhibiting to to get that praise from you, because that way they’re making connections. So, oh, I did super well in whatever it might be.
And that aligned with our third value or our first value of integrity or whatever it might be. And then others on your team are also seeing that. And saying, Oh, they’re connecting. That person is living through our values and they’re getting publicly public accolades here in front of everybody. They start to make to make connections, right. So praising your team through the lens of your values. On the flip side, it team performance. So if you have to put people on performance plans or if you have to let people go, for example. It’s very it’s it makes it very clear when the performance plan is through the lens of values. Like, all right, we’re not exhibiting set value in whatever is going on. Right. So not only for praise, but on the flip side of that, when there are performance issues, the. It makes it so much easier to link it back to your values. And so they’re like, Oh, yeah, I see that. Right. And then also for letting people go as well.
And so if they if somebody is continuously not exhibiting the values of the business, pretty straightforward that it’s not a good fit. Another way that values can impact your business is through your offers or your offer. Does your offer or your offers align with your values? Is what you’re including in your offer within the boundaries that are most important to you in your life.
And so it’s another thing that a lot of people don’t think about in terms of creating values or excuse me, creating offers, but does your offer or your off your offers? Correlate to your values. All right. For the Final four. Do I have. Did I have five? No. Oh, from the team. I had several in there, so. All right, so the next one, this is where we shift into the harder stuff. And so. Another way that your values are going to impact your business. In in my from my point of view is your relationships with vendors, with other businesses, with tools. What have you. And if you find that or if you feel like, you know, whatever tool doesn’t align with your values or another business, that. You are either currently working with or want to work with or what have you. Doesn’t align with your values. This is where you’ve got to make a hard decision.
And it really should be an easy decision. But I will tell you from experience, it’s hard because you might be you might have had a relationship with someone or something for a long time. And then, you know, then there’s the values lens shows up and you’re you’re now you’re sifting through, you’re putting everything through the lens of your values. It’s hard if you are cutting ties. If you are, you like, you know what? This does not feel good to me anymore.
And it might not be a popular. Decision of what you’re doing. And you’re not you’re not like, you know, like you’re not coming out and saying like, I am, you know, cutting this because of whatever, you know? I don’t think so because I feel like that’s very performative and you don’t have to make a big deal of it. But like, this is this is where it gets harder because you might have been in a relationship with a vendor or another business or another person or what have you, and it was super beneficial to you or your business or is or whatever. And so that’s where the real hard decision comes up where and again, I feel it should be easy. But I will tell you from experience that it’s not because you’re like, Wait, if I don’t continue this, this is going to be this can affect my bottom line. Going back to the values that I talked about earlier, it’s not just about profit. It’s not just about revenue.
It’s people first and the values first and being able to make that decision. I will tell you that this is way harder to do. When you’re earlier in your business, because then we’re always thinking like, Oh, man, if I if I don’t do this, then I’m not going to like it. It’s going to really affect my revenue. I won’t be able to make that revenue back up.
I’ll tell you this right now, that’s not true. But in the moment it’s super hard. The further along you are in your business and the more success that you’ve had, it becomes easier. But at the same time, it’s still so challenging, right? So again, values relationships with vendors, other businesses, other people. Another one podcast. Guess if you have a podcast or if you’ve got a YouTube channel or
what have you, and people are pitching you to be on your platform. All right. The first filter that we look at, aside from the all the terrible pitches, pitches, pitches with a P that we get is like, all right, do they align with values? They do they align with our values. And that’s a really like, boom. Nope. Okay. No. Like that one doesn’t even get entertained. Right? It’s like, Oh, yeah, they do. Okay, cool. And then you start to again.
It’s like a simple yes or no. And that filter, that lens allows us to explore deeper after the if it’s a yes. All right, cool. Align with the values. And and by the way, if people if you run a pro, like if you’ve got a podcast or or a YouTube channel where like people are reaching out and they’re emailing you and everything looks good on paper, or if you’ve got a coaching program or whatever, and people apply to work with you or you know, or people are maybe not applying, but they’re signing up for a call with you or like a sales call, for example, everything could look good on paper, but you or your team need to have a process in place for how you do that.
More in-depth research. Go to their Instagram page, go to their website, like dig into it, where I had somebody recently where they applied for Accelerator and it was straight up not a good values fit because of the research that we did from the application. Everything looked good on paper, but then when we dug into it, we’re like, No, it’s not a good it’s not a good fit. And so podcast guests. All right now. If you and this is and so the next one is being on other podcasts or deciding not to be. And I think that this is a really hard one because if you want to be like, let’s just say somebody who has a huge podcast invites you to be a guest on the show, right?
And you think that there’s a values alignment. Awesome. Here’s the hard part. And this is what I. This is what I think that you should do. But like, obviously do whatever you feel is best for you is look at other guests that that person is inviting, inviting on to their show. And do those you know, do the those people that are coming on to that show. Do their values align? Because if you if you’re like, Oh yeah, I think there’s a values alignment with with host, but you’re like, oh, all these other guests over here.
Definitely out of alignment with values for, for me specifically. And you’re like, Oh, well, screw it. It’s a great show for me to be on for the business. I’m going to you are going to get grouped into. Whether we want it or not. All the other guests. Right. And so there is there’s a conflict there of values. And and this is one of those things, my friend, is really hard to do. But, you know, this is something that I really encourage. If values are important to you and you want to be living your values through the business and leveraging your values to make decisions in your business, this is one of those things when you’re being a guest on other shows, if you are, it’s not just the host, it’s other people that they’ve had on the podcast.
And again, this is not an easy thing because it could be amazing for you. Right. And that’s where the decision comes up. Likewise with the next thing and this is the last example I’ll give you again, this is not all encompassing. There’s a whole bunch of other opportunities to be looking at through the lens of values, but like affiliate partnerships. All right. So similar to like, relationships with a vendor or a business or a person or what have you.
You’re not promoting somebody that doesn’t align with your values. Now, that’s pretty it’s pretty straightforward, right? But here’s the thing. There is somebody who you feel like is saying all the right things. You’re like, Yeah, I don’t align with those values. But then there. Doing affiliate partnerships for other people or other businesses or vendors or what have you, and those other people, other business, other vendors like their values do not align. Like it’s like, wait a minute, what’s going on here? That is like we’re talking depth here of what we’re looking at. And again, this is the hard part of being willing to go into these depths of looking at at the values beyond just, oh, this person is asking me to be an affiliate for them. Is their values alignment or I’m looking for an affiliate partnership, you know, like partner like, all right, this person would be great.
But, you know, out of values alignment. Okay, cool. But now it’s wait a minute. This is somebody or someone some some thing or business or vendor or whatever that I look up to, but then they’re promoting somebody else. And or another business or what have you. And like, there is complete values misalignment there with what’s important to you. For me personally, big Red flag. And so it’s kind of like saying one thing and doing another, right. And so, again, this is where we get really deep into values.
And it does get harder to be making decisions in your business through the lens of your value. But I will tell you this and I tell you this from experience over all the work I’ve done with this over the past several years is you become so much freer in your business when you’re making decisions through this lens, through the lens of of your values. And again, it’s not always easy, but for me personally, I think it’s the right thing to do. And again, a lot of you, if you’ve made it this far in the episode, you might be like, Rick, you like, I completely disagree with you. You’re saying all this stuff like, no, like I can’t even see. That’s okay. That’s okay. In fact, I’d love to get your thoughts if you want to shoot me an email or DM. Dm. Dm me on Instagram at Rick Muller on Instagram or Shoot me an email.
Rick at Rick Mall Radio.com. But you know, this is one of the things that that that I work with our excited members on when they’re not already doing it because I feel so strongly that. And you don’t have to go have all the depth of the five or maybe you have three and you’re like, These are the three that are most amazing. Also, like live through those values, whatever those three are, and you just create so much freedom for yourself in the business.
And yes, you will attract a whole lot more of the people that align with you. And now you’re working with people that align with your values and you’re like, All right, I’m so much happier in what I’m doing. And there you go. As a result, the revenue is coming in, so it just kind of comes full circle. So thank you for listening to this presentation. Appreciate it. But I wanted to do this episode four for a while. And there you go. And again, if you’ve got comments, you’ve got anything you want to chat through or questions or what have you or you want to apply for, to to coach with me on your business, what we help you do inside of our accelerator coaching program.
Is help you grow and scale your business through the lens of your values while working a whole lot less right. So many people want to come. Some so many people who come to work with me, they’re like, Yeah, the business is going really well, but I am working way too much. Amazing. Let’s fix that. That’s what I help you do. So it’s application only Go to Rick Mulroney dot com for accelerator if you want to shoot me an email Rick at Rick Military.com. Thank you my friend, for listening to today’s episode. Appreciate you. Until next time be well. We’ll chat with you soon.