Flipping the Mic: A deep dive into my Mindset, Money and Motivation

Rick Mulready

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Rick Mulready         Rick Mulready        
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    Today’s a very special show, as it’s the big 200th episode of The Art of Paid Traffic! We’re doing things a bit differently today too, as I’m being interviewed in this one by my good friend, Amy Porterfield.

    You’ll hear Amy get down to business and ask me to share what my middle name is, the first concerts I attended and how I’m a coffee snob now (but wasn’t always), and much more.

    You’re going to hear the crazy story again of how I met my wife Amy, and what’s going through my mind as I’m getting set to become a dad for the very first time, as well as the influence my own dad has had on my life.

    I give the behind-the-scenes of starting a Facebook ads business, including what my motivation was back then and what my real motivation is now. I also open up about a health issue that’s brought me down in the past, and the story I made up in my mind about it, as well as my ongoing struggle with anxiety and perfectionism.

    If you tune in until the end of the episode, Amy even asks me what I predict my baby girl will grow up to do, and you won’t want to miss my answer to that one! A lot of what I reveal today are things that I’ve never talked about on this podcast before, and I hope you enjoy this special 200th episode of The Art of Paid Traffic.

    Want to win a 30-minute strategy session with me? I’ll be drawing one winner at random each month, and all you have to do is give me your feedback on this podcast over at https://theartofonlinebusiness.com/messenger, telling me what you’d like to hear more of – including topics you’d like to see covered, guests, style and frequency of the show!

    On the Show Today You’ll Learn:

    • What a typical day looks like for me and why I recently changed up my morning routine
    • How I set boundaries working at home, and a big challenge my wife and I have around this
    • The one thing I would do differently if I were to start my business now from scratch
    • The biggest fear I’ve had about my business and a major realization that I’ve had to totally change my mindset
    • What most businesses overlook when started to use Facebook ads – and a surefire way to lose money with them
    • What my ultimate purpose is now

    Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode:







    #163: Demystifying the Facebook Pixel with Rick Mulready

    #172: Getting Started with Facebook Ads: The List Building Series (Part 1)

    #173: Getting Started with Facebook Ads: The List Building Series (Part 2)

    #185: All About Instagram Ads with Rick Mulready

    #212: How to Hit $1M with a List Under 20K with Rick Mulready

    #217: Why You Aren’t Taking Action with Brooke Castillo

    The Ovia App

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