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All right. Welcome to today’s episode. My friend, it’s Rick here. I’m flying solo today. Quajo is off on this episode here today. Today’s kind of a continuation of last Wednesday’s episode. In the last episode, we kept it pretty basic and talked about prompting, prompting ChatGPT, prompting Claude or another LLM to help you come up with ideas or generate something for you, whether it’s data or content or whatever it might be.
And that’s how most of us are using ChatGPT and BARD or whatever these days. And, and it’s awesome, right? It’s super, super helpful, but I want you to start to think sort of a step back. And a little bit more holistically about the opportunity that we have with these AI tools. Specifically, how do we use these tools and the prompting that I talked about last episode to actually accomplish tasks in your business?
That’s what we’re gonna be talking about here today. Workflows. And automations in your business using AI and tools to actually get stuff done. And last week when I was talking about prompting, I shared this hypothetical project of having chat GPT come up with ideas for variations of sales funnels that we could run.
And then we would ask it to break down the project. Okay. So it’s like we want to create a brand new funnel. Chat GPT, I want you to come up with three different potential sales funnel variations that we could run to sell. X, whatever the offer is, then once you settle in on one of the variations that it gave you, you can then ask it to break the project up into like daily or weekly or monthly tasks to accomplish the final project.
Hopefully it’s not monthly. Hopefully it’s not taking that long. But that’s a one off project, which again is awesome, and it’s super helpful to leverage AI to do those sorts of things. The real wins in your business, though, start when you’re stacking tools and capabilities together to create workflows and create automations that Remove the need to spend hours on certain activities every week or having your team spend hours on certain things that you do in your business.
So where do you start with all this? Well, I first want to start off with a word of caution, I guess. And this is something I definitely want you to consider as you start to use more and more of these AI tools. And that is the whole topic of data privacy. When it comes to data privacy in implementing these AI tools and workflows and automations in your online business, there’s a lot of considerations that I really think that you should make.
First and foremost, you want to know what the data privacy policies are with these tools that you are using. If something doesn’t have a data privacy policy, you know, a tool for example, I would be very reticent of using it. I’d be very skeptical about putting your data in there or passing data through that tool.
So once you’ve done that, you also want to make sure, and again, we never read the fine print, right? But when it comes to AI and these tools and any kind of data that we might be putting in there, it really is important to know how this data is going to be used and how it’s going to be collected and stored.
Making sure that it’s in a secure manner, you know, like encryption measures and access controls and data storage protocols and all that stuff. And really this is nothing new because we should be doing this sort of due diligence on any kind of tool that we are using where sensitive information might be put in there.
But we want to make sure that we understand the potential risks associated with sharing any kind of data with these third party AI tools or platforms. So again, the first step in that is once you’ve identified the tool that might make sense to help in your workflow or your automation is to thoroughly review the privacy policy and the practices of how they handle that data.
To make sure it aligns with what you are comfortable with. And again, if any tool that you’re interested in looking at, or you’re like, Ooh, that’s pretty cool. I could use that in a specific workflow. If it doesn’t have a data privacy policy in any way, that would be a red flag for me. So first and foremost, that’s data privacy.
Just be aware of that and make sure that whatever the policies are, that they align with what you are and are not comfortable with. So now that we have that out of the way, how do we begin to create these workflows in our business? The first thing I want you to think about is kind of a three step process.
And in the last episode, I can’t think enough and I continue to learn from her every single day is Rachel woods from the AI exchange. I’ve learned so much from her in a short amount of time. They have an amazing membership over there. If you want to go check that out, super inexpensive. I forget. It’s like maybe like a hundred bucks for the entire year or something like that.
Maybe they’ve raised the price at my telling her to raise the price. Cause it was so cheap, but anyway, check it out. So there’s kind of a three step process, right? So first of all, You need to understand what do you want to do? What do you want to accomplish in your business? Do you need to process your customer service emails every single day?
Do you need to create social media content in your business? Do you have a YouTube channel? And it’s a very intensive process to come up with ideas and outlines and scripts and all that kind of thing. Maybe you are a coach and you do coaching calls each day or during the week and that involves recording the call and then afterwards you put together notes or what have you and you put those notes and action items and etc into an email or into slack or however you communicate with your coaching clients.
Maybe that’s something that is a workflow. So that’s the first step. What is the goal of what you’re trying to achieve? What are we trying to do here? The second thing, the second piece of that is what are the steps to accomplish that goal? What goes into it? And this is where we need to get really granular.
And I’m going to talk about SOPs, everybody’s favorite topic here in just a couple minutes, but get really granular in breaking down the steps of how you accomplish something. Meaning if you’re a coach, for example, and you have coaching calls, the entire process from when Somebody is scheduling their call with you.
So you email them, they click on your link. They S they schedule a time like step by step by step. You want to break that down. So everything that you need to accomplish to get to that goal, all the steps that you need to accomplish. Then the third part of that goes back to last episode, is what are the special instructions that need to be given, i.
- what are the prompts that need to be given to an AI model, meaning ChatGPT, or Claude, or Bart, or… So, again, it’s the goal. Understanding what you’re trying to do. Then the second part of it is tasks, the steps that need to happen in order to accomplish that goal. And then third, this is going to be the more challenging part as we get more used to this, right?
Is what are the prompts? What are the specific instructions that we need to give to say a chat GPT in order to accomplish those steps so that we can accomplish the overall goal. Now, as I mentioned, in order to accelerate putting these workflows and automations into your business. You need SOPs, my friends, whether you’re doing what we’re talking about here today or not, you should have SOPs in your business, period.
But having SOPs already in your business is really going to accelerate this opportunity to create these workflows and automations. Before you also do any kind of AI automation or work for creating these workflows with tools in your business, I really recommend that you optimize your systems and processes in your business again, to accomplish a specific goal, optimize the things that need to happen in order to achieve that goal.
And then. Go and find tools in a tech stack. So maybe you have SOPs on how to accomplish something, but yet the SOP is outdated and maybe you have four or five steps in the SOP that are just not necessary anymore. And so you wouldn’t want to put that into a workflow because it can be optimized. It can be simplified.
So come up with the S. O. P. S. for what you do in your business and then make sure that they’re optimized. Then you can go through and start to create the workflows and the automations that we’re gonna be talking about. So everything that you do in your business needs to be broken down into step by step processes.
For those of you who do not currently have S. O. P. S. And even if a lot of you do have SOPs, kudos, my friends, nice work. It’s still a daunting thought. It’s a daunting task, right? To have SOPs for everything that you’re doing, but they don’t need to be such a pain in the butt in order to put them together, to create them.
What I want you to think about is whenever you’re doing something in your business or whenever somebody on your team is doing something in your business, Just click loom and start recording your screen as you are doing said activity even better talk through what you’re doing. Right? So like up here, I click on this and then I go to this screen and then I click on this and then I type in, you know.
Just screen record you walking through it. Then what you can do is you can have that screen recording that loom screen recording transcribed, so you can upload it to a tool like riverside. fm. They have this free transcription service now, riverside. fm forward slash transcription. So you can upload the video right there, get the transcription.
You can then upload that transcription. Into whatever tool that you’re using, whether it’s fireflies or you can even just put it right into Claude. For example, depending on how long it is, you can put it in the chat. GBT. I’ve done this with both chat, GBT and Claude. I actually got better results with Claude on this, but you upload the transcription into Claude.
And then you simply ask it to create an SOP and listing out all the steps that are discussed in the transcription. And there you go. There’s, there’s the SOP. So all you’ve had to do really is record yourself doing the activity. You can then shuffle that video over to somebody on your team and then they can take care of those other steps that we just talked about.
You can also use a tool like Scribe, which makes making SOPs super easy. I really like Scribe. You can make SOPs between written steps or you can do videos, you can input PDFs. It’s great. And it’s really helpful. Super easy to create SOPs. You need SOPs. You have an SOP library. I don’t care where you put it.
You can do something as simple as have it in a Google Doc or a Google Sheet. I’m moving mine into Notion, which I’m going to talk about more here coming up. Okay, so now that you have your SOPs, what I recommend that you do is I would start with a time audit, where you track everything that you do each day and how long each thing takes.
So, for example, if you start working each day at 10 a. m. and you work until 4. 30, well, this time audit should include everything that you did for those six and a half hours. Everything. Even, like, I stopped to take a break and I went for a walk, I went to get coffee, I picked up the kids, whatever it might be.
Put it in there. I recommend doing a time audit on a regular business days, quote unquote, not if you’re like traveling or if you have a webinar, for example, that you wouldn’t normally have do like just normal business days. I recommend doing it for like five to seven days. And again, you want to make sure that you’re tracking how long each thing takes.
overachiever on this activity, give yourself a score from one to five on your energy level. Doing that activity where you cannot give yourself a three that’s in the middle. That’s just, that’s too easy. So give yourself an energy score. Like what’s my energy when I’m doing this activity from there, after you’ve tracked yourself, you’ve audited your time for five to seven days.
Then you want to sort of categorize the activities that you are doing. I think I’ve gone through this on a whole other episode where. I’ve given you examples. I first got this from Perry Marshall’s book, the 80, 20 sales and marketing book, which is amazing. You’re basically allocating a dollar value to different types of tasks.
Like a 10 an hour task would be customer service, email, a hundred dollar an hour task might be writing an email or something like that. Then there’s a thousand dollar and 10, 000. The, the idea is to get you spending as much time as possible in that 1000 and 10, 000 an hour tasks. Level within your schedule.
So, once you’ve done your time audit, identify those quote lower level tasks, those 10 an hour tasks, that you should not be spending your time on as the CEO. Then, do you have SOPs for those tasks? We’re going to say, yes, I’m, I’m doing a Jedi mind trick right now, not in your head right now. So if you have SOPs, great.
If you don’t make sure you create them, then it’s a matter of seeing what kind of automation tech stack, if you will, that you can put together to do those tasks for you. And so don’t forget again, this term, I want to credit Rachel from the AI exchange with this phrase here. She calls it human in the loop, which I love because let’s not forget here that yes, we are trying to automate tasks with AI tools and different platforms and such.
We always still want to make sure that there is a human being in the loop to check work, to identify inaccuracies. If there is any. before anything goes out to people or released. So you want a human in the loop to review things. And then as you put together these workflows for these tasks, you want to repeat this process throughout your business.
And so the other way I would look at this as you’re doing this time audit is look at the four systems in your business that I’ve talked about here in the podcast. In the past, you’ve got your fulfillment system. Your marketing system, your sales system, your operation system. So your fulfillment system is so somebody becomes a paying customer.
What happens after that? And that’s going to be different depending on what offer they have. Purchased, right? So if they become a member of your membership, there’s a whole onboarding process and so forth. If they’re buying a course from you, there’s, you know, they give you their credit card, they become a customer.
Then that sets off a sequence of emails and events and so forth, where they get a login to your course platform, et cetera, et cetera. So the fulfillment system is what happens when somebody becomes a paying customer. What happens after that, that should be a documented process for each one of your offers.
And if it isn’t get on it, make sure that this stuff is documented, right? Because this is a huge way in which you’re able to get things off of your plate as the CEO. The idea here is to be spending your time however else you want. I’ve been talking a lot here on the podcast recently about thinking time and.
Not getting to a state of burnout, et cetera, et cetera. This is what we’re like. We’re simplifying our business. And this is an amazing opportunity that we have to do this. Using these tools. So after a fulfillment system, for me, that is the most important system in your business, because these are paying customers.
They’re already paying you money. Then we’ve got the marketing system. This is how we attract people to our business. What is your marketing system? And you might have different things there. You might have a podcast, you might have a YouTube channel. You might be running Facebook ads to build your email list.
You might be doing social media, et cetera. Again, you want to process for each one of those things so that again, you can start to break down. All right. What are all the tasks that go into running Facebook ads? What are the areas that I would love to, if I’m doing the ads myself. What are the areas that I’d love to get an automation on or help in accomplishing different things in that process of getting ads out that you’ve got your sales system.
So we’ve attracted people to our business. Then what is the process for getting them to become a customer? So you run an evergreen funnel, you run a live workshop, you do a webinar, you have an email marketing fund, whatever those things are. This is your sales system. And again, document and create a process and system for how you do those things.
And then finally, this is your operation system. And that is what are the systems and processes and team that you need in order to support the other three systems that we just talked about in your business. And so I’d recommend starting to go through each one of those systems in your business with the process that we just talked about, right?
First, get those 10 an hour tasks off your plate, if you will, and even the 100 an hour tasks. That’s what we’re trying to do. And if you’re like, okay, I’ve started to do that. Great. You know, maybe it’s calendar management or your email inbox or what have you. Start with those things. Get those things off of your plate.
And then you start to move through the rest of your business to see where it makes sense to create these workflows and automations. There’s so many tools out there for, like I just mentioned, your email inbox or calendar management for your email inbox. I mean, you can use things like shortwave.
Superhuman Outlook has co piloted that. I think they’re still rolling it out and Google in their suite. They’re coming out with more AI capabilities within the workspace and so forth. There’s lots of options there. Then when it comes to calendar management, there’s tools like Reclaim and Clockwise and Sunsama and Motion.
And I just learned like two weeks ago that Google Calendar has a version of. Like Calendly that is part of Google calendar. I had no idea. So there’s all kinds of solutions, right? To make this stuff easier or for your email inbox, if you don’t want to go use one of those tools. You could just set up a workflow yourself, connecting tools like Zapier with your Gmail connected to chat, GPT connected to Slack.
So here’s what that could look like, right? So an email comes into your email inbox and Gmail. This is all a zap, right? Like the zaps are created. You’ve created a workflow in Zapier. And again, this is one example. There’s so many different ways to do these types of things. So you get an email in your email inbox, then it gets zapped over to chat GPT.
And the prompt that you’ve set up for this specific workflow is to generate three potential email responses. Chat GPT generates those, then it gets zapped back to Gmail and those three potential email responses are put in your Gmail drafts. Then again, you get zapped over in Slack to let you know what those three responses are, or you could just have a message that says, Hey, important messages come in.
We, you know, however you want to, to, um, customize that message coming into Slack, but that’s what we’re talking about here. And this is an example of a tech stack where we’re stacking different tools to accomplish something. And notice that we’ve just used things that we, people use all the time. Zapier, Gmail, chat, GPT.
And Slack, are there more ways to accomplish that? There’s a ton of ways that you can accomplish that. That’s just one example. And in Zapier, you are putting the prompt together. You’re giving it tone of voice, et cetera, et cetera. And then once chat GPT creates those potential responses, then those responses go into your Gmail draft folder.
So that they could be reviewed by someone or by yourself before the message that you maybe like, Oh, I like number two, the best copy that one, edit it slightly to however you see fit, and then you send it out. There’s been a whole automated process here to come up with a potential response so that you don’t have to take that time to do that.
You can create different folders in your Gmail such that this workflow only pulls emails from said folder. And Gmail, and you can do a lot with Slack in these workflows. And I’m going to tell you about another one coming up here in just a minute. Here’s another thing you could do. Like I mentioned earlier on, maybe you offer coaching calls and putting together all the notes and the action item after your calls is time consuming.
Well, you can use a tool like fireflies. ai, which I’ve talked about a long time ago here on, I think it was back in April on the podcast here. So fireflies. It is a transcription, but also has AI built into it. It gives you a summary of the call, gives you action items, gives you like the sentiment of the call.
It does a lot of cool things. And so you could have Fireflies attend, quote unquote, the coaching call that you’re doing. And then after that call, Fireflies is already transcribing that call. It’s summarizing the call for you. And then you can ask it to come up with action items and whatever deliverables are.
The tool, Firefly, the AI tool is doing the work for you in terms of the post call notes and wrap up and such. So, how cool would it be to create some form of workflow there where you have the call, Firefly does its thing, then there’s a connection with Slack, which you can do, again, I believe it’s through Zapier.
So whenever you’re using Zapier, by the way, where you’re working through the API of these tools. And so Fireflies does its thing with your coaching call and then summarizes, et cetera, et cetera. Then that could get zapped over to Slack where you have like a review channel. All those things get sent over to your review channel.
And all you have to do is like check again, human in the loop. To make sure that you’re cool with everything. And then maybe from there, like my one on one coaching clients, they’re in my Slack because we talk via Slack. So I can just copy and paste that once I’ve done any kind of edits, I need to right there in Slack.
So all that post call follow up and note taking and all that stuff is already taken care of so that you can be way more present on the coaching call. Right? Like. I don’t just made me think so I used to see this therapist at the health insurance that we have here in San Diego and I remember being in a session the entire time that I was talking this person was typing the notes glancing over at me.
But that would be it right back to the keyboard, right back to the monitor, just typing all the notes from what I was talking about, I felt no connection with this person versus when you sit down for a therapy session, for example, and they’re facing you, yeah, they might have their notebook and they might take a note here and there, but they’re facing you actively listening.
This is sort of that version where you were able to be fully present. You’re not like typing and taking notes and stuff like that. So this is another very easy workflow that you can set up in your business to really help you out. You can also do this in another way. If you didn’t want to get a tool like Fireflies again, using Zapier, you could have the video file.
Maybe you’re doing zoom or for example, and you could set up an automation where it gets put into Google drive. Right. From zoom, the video file goes into a Google drive folder. What have you, then it’s zapped over to whatever transcription service that you’re doing. That transcription then gets put into chat TPT or Claude for summary and action items.
And again, that gets zapped over to Slack for you to review human in the loop. So there’s lots of different ways again, to accomplish these things. Speaking of lots of different ways, like, I mean, and I mentioned this before I’ve used notion for, and this is not an ad for notion. I just love notion, but I’ve used notion for years and years and just off and on, but towards the end of, uh, right before I came back from sabbatical, I really started using them and I’ve really gotten into, and I’ve really taught myself a lot, but notion has built in AI.
You have to pay for it. It’s like 10 bucks a month or something like that. And you can get it with their free plan, but it’s awesome. So there’s just so many things that you can do with it. And so, for example, I might have an outline, I’ll give you an example of how I used it. So I outlined this episode here of everything I’m sharing with you right now.
And then I just asked the AI inside of Notion, which is Claude, by the way, and which is Anthropic, that’s the company. So I just asked the AI inside of Notion, take all the content that I’ve given you. This is an outline for a podcast episode for online businesses. Please generate 15 podcast titles that would be engaging and make people want to click open and listen or something.
Like I forget what the exact prompt was. Boom. 15 amazing potential titles right here. I didn’t have to leave Notion. Could I do that inside of another tool like chat TPT or what have you? Absolutely. But I did it right inside. So I’m more efficient doing it this way, right inside of a tool like notion. Now, again, I’ll talk about this here again.
Like ClickUp has its own AI capabilities, but I’m just loving. It’s just very intuitive. And frankly, ClickUp, for example, are built off of the same type of functionality. That notions had for years. So anyway, that’s what it’s been really helpful. Another thing that maybe you find another activity in the business that you’re like, Oh, I just hate doing this.
And I pay a lot of money to have this done. That is social media content. Well, there’s all different types of tools that you can use to help with the creation of social media content. So maybe you want to write a blog post. Maybe you want to write a LinkedIn post. Maybe you want to write Instagram posts.
Maybe you want video content. That is a full length, longer form video cut up into short form content that you can use on TikTok or Instagram Reels or what have you. Well, there’s lots of different ways to do this. So for example, let’s just say that you create a longer form video that’s going to go on YouTube.
Well, you could have that video transcribed, then that transcription again, like, kind of like I mentioned before. This would be set up through Zapier or through a tool like make. com, something like that. This can all be automated where the video gets transcribed, then kicks over to one of these AI models like ChatGPT or Clod, asks it to create 30 social media posts from this one piece of content.
Please give your output in table format. And then that can be kicked over, for example, over to Slack or to Google. Sheets or what have you to give you a notification that these need to be reviewed. Then you can have an automation set up that once things are approved, they get put into your social media posting tool, whatever you’re using.
All this is very possible. And with some thought, right? It’s not like. Click three buttons and you’re done. You have to put this together. But that is a very common automation and workflow that a lot of online businesses are putting together. My goal here is to give you some different options. So this is another one to accomplish that exact same thing.
So you could use a tech stack of Google Drive, Zapier, Chat GPT, or Cloud. You could use a tool like Chatbase. Which allows you to create custom chatbots with no code. You don’t have to be a coder or anything. It’s very, very simple. And Slack, again, Slack is the human in the loop piece of this. And then, it gets kicked out to your social media scheduling platform.
Like, how cool is that? So, for example, you’ve got a transcription inside of Google Drive. Then, once ChatGPT or Claude.
It gets created into social media posts. Those social media posts get put into chat base and then the social media posts are also sent over to Slack for your approval. And where the chat base piece comes in, and I realized that this is getting a little bit more advanced, but again, my goal here is to give you some different, I want to get your creative juices flowing to let you know that this stuff is possible.
So chat base would be like. You could go in there. Once you have the content that chat base is reading off of. So you can say, right, 15 Instagram posts about said topic and chat base will kick that out for you. How’s that? And then again, you can get sent over to Slack for approval. Once approval is given.
Then goes out to your social media platform. So there’s so many things that you can do. There’s tools like munch, there’s all kinds of video tools, right? For editing and AI expansion within videos and all that other kind of stuff. I would say as far as cutting up a full length video into several Tik TOK or Instagram reels or what have you.
I would say munch is probably the best bet, but even still, I think it needs a lot of work still. Like there’s a lot of times where it pulls clips that are not relevant and there’s no context to them. So you can’t, I don’t think anybody’s done a great job with, and it’s hard, right? I’m not saying like, this is an easy thing to do.
I just wish there were a solution right now that accomplished this. If you know a tool that is doing a great job for you and taking a full length video. And cutting it up into short form pieces of content and doing a really good job with it. Please send me a message over on Instagram at Rick Mulroney and let me know.
So, yeah, so going back to sort of. Outlining that tech stack there of creating that social media. So the transcription is sent to chat GPT, depending on how long it is. If it’s longer, Claude allows you to put longer form content into it. So I would probably use Claude in this one. So then the AI generates X number of social media posts based on whatever prompt that you have.
Set up and then those posts can be exported to a Google sheet. Once that happens, you’re then notified in a Slack channel. Again, maybe this is your review channel in Slack that you’re notified in that channel that, Hey, you’ve got posts in the Google sheet to approve. Again, this is your human in the loop piece of the workflow.
And then you can set up an approval there in Slack or even in Google Sheets that can then trigger a zap over to Canva to create images. For example, once that’s happened, then you can go back to another checkpoint. And Slack, and then it gets shipped over. And once it’s approved, it goes over to your social media scheduling tool.
There’s all kinds of ways you can do this. My friends, you can also incorporate, like I mentioned, chat base. So this is a tool that allows you to set up those simple chat bots where this would allow you to really simplify that process that I just. Took you through and so that you could just simply use a workflow or a tech stack like Slack Zapier and chat base.
And then you ask chat base to create the social posts for you. But again, you always want to keep that human in the loop for the review process. You can create this workflow inside a tool like make. com again, there’s lots of different options that you can do. And this is why hopefully by now that we’re 40 minutes into this conversation.
You see why the most important thing of all this is to make sure that you’ve optimized your processes for how you do these types of activities in your business so that you can then find the AI tools and the tech. To be able to accomplish these things. So talking about notion, I have a stack right now where it’s a zap.
So in Slack, I have a channel specifically for YouTube video ideas. If I have a, just an idea of a YouTube video, I put it in this Slack channel that triggers the automation. So it zaps over to ChatGPT. I ask it to generate 15 potential YouTube video titles for this topic that I’ve just put in there. Once it does that, it kicks it into a table inside of Notion, and then I can go into Notion, select maybe the top three that I like.
And there’s an automation that I’ve set up inside of Notion for that where it will generate an outline of that topic. So not only do I have fleshed out topic ideas at this point, I have titles. And I have video outlines, and then from there, I could have all right inside of Notion. Again, I can have the outline for the video turned into a script for the video, all inside of, uh, Notion.
And again, as I mentioned earlier, like, ClickUp now has AI capabilities, which you can use in their automations and so forth. So it doesn’t have to be ni You know, a lot of this is tool agnostic as long as the tools have these AI capabilities, or at least can connect to other tools. So how cool is that?
This one talking about here, like notice at the very beginning, we talked about like a sales funnel project to come up with ideas and create a project plan. This stuff, what we’re doing here is we’re solving reoccurring things that happen in our business and simplifying it way down. So again, the idea here is to free up more of your time.
So that you can be spending your time on higher level activities or reading a book or hanging out with your kids or going for a walk or whatever it is that you want to do. That’s what our goal is here is to really redefine efficiency through AI and these tools. That are coming out now. And again, the, just to kind of reiterate the important element to all this is to understand what the process is for what you want to accomplish.
Then it’s about what prompts might you be able to chain together to create your desired outcome? Cause you can do a lot of this also in. You know, open AI is playground in there. We haven’t really talked about it cause that’s a bit more advanced, but you can do some prompt chaining inside of a playground that gets you to these outcomes on some of these activities that you’re trying to do, like a social media captions and all that different types of stuff, all right there within one tool, or again, it’s like, all right, what combination of tools, i.
- your tech stack might you be able to use to accomplish. X or whatever task again, just to give you another idea for content creation. You can use a tool like go Charlie. Go charlie. ai. There’s all kinds of different options here. By the way, I would not recommend doing any kind of yearly or annual sign up for these tools because stuff changes so quickly.
Do monthly, start out with like a free trial and test it out. If you’re doing webinars in your business, you know, I’ve talked about Tome, everyone talks about Tome. Another one that I really like is Dektopis. Like our deck to PUS, I think that’s the better way to say deck to PUS D E C K T O P U S deck to PUS and then Tome.
Right? So these are AI generated presentations. Like you put in the topic and a little bit about, you know, your speaking style and, and how you teach all that stuff and it’ll generate the slides for you. But then again, you, then you go in and sort of edit stuff for your, but like, it’s doing a lot of the work for you.
And so the other thing that you do, that you do want to think about here. Is to look at your existing tools that you’re using right now and see if they integrate with other tools, like we’ve been talking about here today. And as we wrap up here, so a couple of final things that you do want to be thinking about is once you set these workflows up and these automations, it’s not a set it and forget it because your business is going to evolve and scale.
If you want it to. And so these workflows. May need to be adjusted in accordance with how your business is evolving. So I would recommend that you regularly test and you monitor your workflows to make sure they’re functioning and working as you want them to identify any kind of issues or anything like that and then make any kind of necessary changes.
And then obviously lastly, like I know I keep saying lastly, cause I just, I can talk about this stuff forever. Once you have this down and once you create your first workflow, and if you have a team, the idea there is to train your team how to use these workflows, right? Ensure that they understand the entire thing and the entire system and how to troubleshoot things and where to find support.
And all that sort of thing. What this can also do is you can empower them to be creating these workflows in your business for you. That’s ideal because you’re the CEO, right? Your team likely is going to need training on these things. And so this can be part of their normal weekly responsibilities. You know, they have learning that you can allow them to do.
It’s like, all right, this week you’re finding five AI tools that can accomplish. X. I want you to summarize them. We’re going to talk about it on our Monday morning meeting. So. Let’s see what we come up with. So that’s going to be sort of like the final step. Once you’ve started to put together a workflow is like, all right, teach your team how it works so that they can take it over.
And then you continue to work your way through the business, freeing up your time again, so that you can be spending your time on higher leverage activities like rest and doing whatever else you want, thinking, selling, whatever it is that you want to be doing. That’s the idea here is where we want to be redefining efficiency through AI in your business.
That’s all today, my friends. I appreciate you listening. If you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed this one. We went pretty deep on AI. I love talking about this stuff and, uh, got more announcements coming your way here too, in the not so distant future, more about AI and using these different tools and workflows in your business to help you out.
So thanks for listening. We’ll see you in the next episode.