Let’s talk TikTok.
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It’s been a little while since we have talked about TikTok on the show and in this episode of Art of Online Business, I invited one of my Accelerator members, Keenya Kelly, back onto the show to share what’s working with TikTok today, what she’s hearing from the people at TikTok, and how we can make video creation as easy as possible.
Keenya Kelly is the CEO of If You Brand It, a marketing and consulting firm in San Diego, CA where she strategically helps business owners understand the value of marketing their businesses online through video.
In 2020, Keenya decided to learn about the TikTok platform as a way to market her business during the pandemic. In just 12 short months Keenya has grown her account to over 400,000 followers and has helped clients reach millions.
Keenya has since worked with hundreds of business owners teaching them how to market their products and services using short-form video.
If you aren’t on board with TikTok yet, you’re definitely going to want to tune into this episode so you can see how powerful this organic marketing strategy really is.
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Tick tock is still so violently opposed in the online marketing space that you’re still just not seeing the things that we all see on Facebook and Instagram, which is a huge opportunity for the people that are quote unquote, doing it right. You know, like us, like we we do what we do and we teach or we teach. And if we would actually just spend some time putting content there, we would we would explode in a way that, you know, we we can’t explode on Facebook or Instagram that I love both platforms. I use them as well.
But there is such a there’s such a wide open market, I would say, for what it is that we do as content creators, as course creators and business consultant, because people just aren’t doing that. They’re. All right. Welcome to today’s episode, my friend of The Art of Online Business podcast, Rick Moretti here. And I thought we’d talk some tech talk. Today on the show, it’s been a little while since we’ve chatted about Tick Tock here on the podcast, and I wanted to invite my friend and accelerator member Kenya Kelly back onto the show to talk about Tick Tock. Kenya has about half a million followers on TikTok and this is what she does. She teaches female course or membership creators, coaches and consultants. How to use Tick Tock. To grow their business. And so I wanted to have her back on the show to share with all of, you know, what’s working today. What is what is she hearing from Tick Tock? Because she has a direct in with tick tock. And at the day that we recorded this, which this comes out on the 15th and we recorded this on Tuesday, what is today, Tuesday the seventh. So just yesterday, Monday, the sixth, she was on a webinar with Tick Tock and they shared what they want to be seeing on the platform, what’s working on the platform right now. So directly from Tick Tock, Keeney is going to share that with you here today. On the episode, I ask her specifically, look, how do we make video creation as easy as possible? Because that’s one of my hang ups, right? I
get so much going on in the business that I don’t want another thing to add to my my full plate, if you will, for my business. And so she talks about how do we make this as easy as possible to be getting videos on not only creative but on to the platform. She talks about how often we quote unquote should be posting on the platform.
And also for those of you listening right now who don’t really understand or aren’t on board yet with Tick Tock as a platform, the opportunity that exists, this is going to be for you because she’s going to talk about why we need to be on TikTok in terms of growing our business. And also if you’re already on TikTok and not seeing the type of growth that you want, this is going to be super helpful for you as well. Make sure that you listen to the end. Because the last question I asked her and her answer surprised me, to be honest with you. I asked her, what is one thing if you could give one tip, one strategy, one hack, one tactic, whatever it might be, to
somebody to make growing on TikTok and helping grow your business on TikTok even easier, what would it be? And like I said, her answer surprised me. So make sure you listen to the end. She shares what that answer is. So without further ado, let’s go hang out with Kena Kelly. All right, Kenya, we got to just. Just. We got to do it. We’ve got to peel the Band-Aid back off. We’ve got to just dive right back into tick tock. Yeah. And I love how before we even got going here, you said, Have you been posting? I was like, No, I have not been posting. And I said, You can give me a hard time about it when we start recording for sure. Yeah, I don’t know. Like, I wish I
had a good reason for you. I really don’t. I could make something up for you, but I don’t.
Yeah, maybe because this is it. Because you have to create content every single day or what is it? I think that’s what it is, honestly. I think I think that’s because I I’ve, I’ve gotten a system now where I can use AI tools to help me create the content in terms of like taking clips of me speaking like this just as an example, right? Like, yeah, I can do that, but I don’t
want to do like the whole all of my videos like that. Mm hmm. Do you know, like, I want to mix, mix it up and so forth. So I think that’s
what I’m like, Oh, another. You know, like just what other people think, too. Like, oh, another, another thing of content. However, and
I told you this a million times too, like I totally see the opportunity.
I think I need to do your challenge.
Yes, I think so too. You and the whole world.
Yeah, right. So before we even get into our conversation, you’re doing the three day TikTok for business Challenge. It’s coming up
when this episode comes out. It’s coming up, I think, next week. Right. Tell us a little bit about that.
Yeah. So the challenge is three days is February 20th through to 22nd. And it’s basically for anybody who wants to learn to talk and
you still you just haven’t bite the bullet or you’re just like, I need somebody to talk to me step by step of what I need to do. And so
every single day I’m giving you the basics of tick tock all the way to the advance. You’ll see me on my phone, like showing you that
create a button, create a video. This way you’ll see me talk about content strategy. And then the last day you’ll hear me talk about the
different opportunities for when you’re creating content on TikTok, not just to sell your products and services, but how brands will
actually reach out to you for potential influencer marketing strategies. And so all of that happens in three days.
That’s a lot that you cover in three days. Yes. All right. Where where can people go to to register for that? And I literally I’m not joking.
I’m going to register for it. Yes. What’s the link? That’s a link to go to.
For sure. It is Kenya Telecom slash challenge.
Okay. Kenya Telecom slash challenge. I’ll link it up in the show notes for the episode today. But we just had a recent yet another
success story in accelerator from you are helping her a bit and I mean you you you know give advice and tips and all that stuff to to
the rest of the group as well. But she Laurie had been posting for a little while based on it not for very long and she did a video that
was a well known style of video and she was on vacation and she went from like what was it like 2000 followers, up to 16,000
followers or something like that? Literally, literally overnight in 24 hours.
Yeah, exactly.
And the last I checked, she was up to like close to 20,000 followers or or something like that. So this is something that you talk about
that it is completely possible to have this huge uptick in in followers. But I think there’s I think we also need to use caution there. It’s
like, well, don’t expect that. Yeah, right. What would you say about that?
For sure? So one of the things to know about creating on TikTok is, you know, if you’re putting out a message and your audience is
interested in that message, like TikTok is going to continue to push that thing out, which is why she gained, I think it was right around
18,000 followers now from a single video. But I always tell people that going viral is not the strategy for TikTok, because, you know,
when you go viral, it doesn’t mean you’re going to go viral to 100% of your target audience. You’re going to go viral in general. And a
lot of some of your audience is going to see it, but some people that are not your audience. And so that’s why in her comments, you
see people kind of like arguing back and forth with each other because some of them are not her audience. But the beautiful part
about it was that she went viral and she ended up having 8000 downloads on her podcast that week. So that told her that of all these
people that heard her, 8000 people chose to make a decision to click on what she had in her bio and start listening to her. Like to get
that on Facebook is going to cost her a lot of money.
Yeah, it’s a great point I forgot about that actually is like, yeah, we, we often think like, all right, great. We pick up all these followers
because the video did go quote unquote viral. I forget. Yeah. Was it like half a million views or something like that. But yeah, picked
up all these followers. They’re on Tik Tok and you know, we can argue all day long, oh it’s just numbers etc. etc.. But you’re
absolutely right. You know, Laurie has a very popular podcast in the teaching space and 8000 additional downloads during that
month as a result of this uptick on on Tik Tok. And if I’m not mistaken, I don’t know that she has I don’t know this for sure, but I don’t
know that she has her even has her podcast listed in her profile. And so that would tell me that people like actually when a couple
layers deep in order to in order to find the find the podcast, which is which is really good stuff.
Mm hmm. And that’s one thing that I love about it is like because when you reach your your people, they’re going to do whatever they
can do to connect with you. So whether you have a linked bio or not, you have your podcast listed or not, if they like you enough,
they’re going to find you. Because listen, we all know we can go and Google your name, we can go on Instagram, we can find you.
And that’s exactly what people do. If we if we have our stuff together and give people those options, that’s like there’s a story I tell all
the time of this lady who went viral in like 2020, and she was just highlighting a product that that like helps the bags in your eyes
shrink within 2 minutes. She didn’t have a link in her bio. She wasn’t even trying to sell it. And the product sold out internationally.
People were like, Where is this product? They found it and the company was like, What happened? And they were able to trace it
back to her because somebody said, Oh, we saw it on Tik Tok, so you just never know.
That’s so cool. It’s so cool. Now there’s people in the audience just like I know that in in your audience, there are some people
listening right now who. Don’t understand the opportunity with TikTok, where we’re kind of addressing a little bit of that right now. And
then there’s the other there’s another, you know, another group over here that is like, yeah, I understand the opportunity. Maybe I am
not yet posting on it like, you know, like myself, right? But yet. I or there’s the group that I understand the opportunity and is posting a
bit on there, but not seeing the results that they want. You know, let’s speak to that group that doesn’t quite. Understand the
opportunity that exists on TikTok. And I want to, before I kind of turn you loose on this, like I want to I want to go back to and repeat
something that we talked about when you were previously on the podcast. It’s always stuck with me. You said to me one time you
said, you know, there’s all this talk about, oh, Tik tok skews younger, etc., etc.. And that’s true to the to the point of we the people that
we see creating content for the most part on TikTok is the younger, quote unquote crowd, right? Hey, hey. But there’s this massive
population of, quote, older, you know, people on TikTok that are consuming. They might not be creating, but they’re consuming.
Yeah. And so talk to us a little bit more about, you know, we don’t quite we don’t quite see the opportunity that exists with TikTok for
So I think that the number one reason people don’t see it is because, you know, we are we learned about Tik Tok in 2020 when
everybody was quarantined. And so people still have this view of Tik Tok as this this goofy, funny dancing app or just these funny
things that happen on the platform. And so that was their most people’s first introduction to Tik Tok. And then once we all got back out
the house, people haven’t been watching more videos on Tik Tok as it pertains to the generation that’s 30 and up, right? Or those
that are seeing Tik Tok, they’re seeing it from their kids or their grandkids phones. And because they don’t understand that the
algorithm is going to serve up that kid, what it is that they’re interested in. But just like I think it was last week, on Thursday, I spoke at
the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and it was about 100 people in the room. And I did what I always do, and I said, Stand up, if
you’re over 30, the whole room. I said, stay standing. If you have watched videos on Tik Tok, about 90% are still standing. I said,
stand up. If you have the app on your phone, about 70% still standing. Stand up. If you post content on Tik Tok, about 1% of the room
was still standing. And I said, here’s the deal. You are watching the content there. You don’t know how to pose and that’s why you’re
not seeing people like you posting. And so because like, it’s the same thing that happened on Facebook, like we were all we learned
about Facebook and the only way to have access to Facebook is you had to have a college email.
So when we all got access to it, we were all like, What is this thing? I would never post on this thing. I would never talk about my
business on this thing. And that’s for that is all we do is we communicate with our friends, we get the news there and we post and we
build our businesses there. And so the opportunity of TikTok is now you’ve got over a billion people that are downloading and being
crazily entertained on this app. And so the data has shown us that people are watching more tiktoks than they are Netflix and
YouTube at this point. And so when you look at it as a marketer, our our thing is like, how do we get what we’re doing in front of our
target people? And we know that the way that we do that is where are people playing? And people are playing. On Tik Tok. They’re
consuming and watching and and binge watching. On Tik Tok, but it’s for us to like get out of whatever we think that something is and
go, okay, let me not be one of those people that are like Blockbuster. I mean, I know it sounds kind of mean, but, you know, like we all
knew Blockbuster and we use Blockbuster. And then when Redbox came about, we were like, What is it? You can get a DVD at a
Walgreens outside of a Walgreens or CVS.
I saw a Redbox the other day, by the way. I was like, Whoa, I haven’t seen one of those things in years.
Yeah, they’re outside of like some of the grocery stores still.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
You know, and then when Netflix came out, we’re like, no, there is no way I would not go to the movies to see my movie. I’m going to
the movie theater. And now most people have not been to the movies in years unless you had to see something the day that it
opened. And so it’s the same thing that it’s happening with TikTok is it’s this place where people are spending all their time because
they can watch these little bite sized pieces of content and get their fix for the day for whatever that thing is.
I saw a video the other day where it was an ENT doctor, an ear, nose and throat specialist, and he was just I don’t know why I got
served it, but he was talking about if you’re congested in your sinuses and he was like, do this simple thing. He’s like, pinch the bridge
your nose and put your finger, puts a little bit of pressure over like, what do you like the just above the upper your upper lip right in the
middle. And I was like, okay, whatever. And so Amy, my wife, is we’ve had we’ve been working through colds in our house and she’s
been super congested. I was like, Well, hey, try this. I saw this on TikTok today. And she tries it. And I was just I was like messing with
her. I was like, I’m actually just kidding. It’s not really a video. I’m just trying to see if you would do it. And I was like, No, no, no, it really
is a video. And she’s like, Should I do this or not? I was like, No, no, no, I’ll try it. I really did see this on TikTok. She tried it. She’s like,
It actually worked. And I was like, tick tock, tick tock for the win. So, yeah. All right.
So. So there’s the case for we really should be on there now. And I want to kind of circle this back here in just a second where for the
people who understand the opportunity but either aren’t posting on there yet or the people who again, understand, they’re also
posting a little bit on there but aren’t seeing the traction. So regardless of sort of which, you know, group that we fall in, how how do
we make this as easy as possible on ourselves to create content, to try to, you know, take advantage of the opportunity that we have
before us on the platform for sure.
So one of the first things it’s really important for you to ask yourself how serious like do you really see this as an opportunity for
yourself? If you do see it, then you go, okay, I see it. Then what you have to do is you’re going to have to make a decision about
giving yourself a time frame. So I always give myself six months. I always say, I’m going to do this thing consistently for six months.
And that way I, in my own mind and with my team, they know this is what we’re trying for six months. The next thing you got to do is
you’ve got to choose like what is realistic for me in terms of your posting cadence, because a lot of people aren’t creating content on
top because they’re like, I don’t I don’t make content every single day and I don’t want to have to do this every single day. And so I’m
not going to do this on TikTok until I’m ready. But as podcasters, we usually put out at least one podcast a week, right? And so I
would encourage people to go, okay, let’s just start with once a week. And the same time when you’re recording your podcast, yes,
you can cut up your podcast episodes, but one of the things that I teach our clients is that once you finish that podcast episode, you
already have the topic.
You already have probably three or five bullet points you covered in that podcast. I want you to just take your phone. If it’s you looking
at your phone and recording or having a little desk tripod set up, and then I just want you to hit record and I want you to do one or two
short 32nd videos right there, right before you get up from that podcast. That’s going to give you one or two videos for you to be able
to post. And if you do that every single week when you’re recording your podcast, now you’ve got 4 to 8 different pieces of content
and then just start with that with posting those videos on TikTok. Now you do want to add by either the captions that are available or
you can add text on screen and just literally start there because if you if you don’t ever start on TikTok, you’re guaranteed not to have
success, Like you’re guaranteed not to have the success that Lori had or that I’m having. But a simple thing that you could do is what
you’re already doing, which is sitting in front of a computer. There’s a light on as a mic and all that.
Yeah, it is that. I mean, if I’m not mistaken, that’s really what that’s really a trend, if you will, or I don’t want to call it a trend in the
traditional sense on TikTok, but that’s really what the algorithm is. That’s that’s a better way to say it. I think that’s really what the
algorithm is favoring these days, is it not? Is is the educational. Yes. Entertaining. Right. But also educational type of videos like
teaching something.
Yeah. So it used to be where it was all music and dancing, but now TikTok is like, no, we want to we want to track people that are in
the older generation that can afford to buy ads, you know? So then their job is to perform to make the algorithm favor people that are
doing educational content and not necessarily music heavy type of things. And I am watching it works so well for me and other
people. But I was also just on a webinar with Tik Tok yesterday and they were talking about how one of the number one things that
are performing well on Tik Tok is storytelling. And what we do as marketers, we’re always telling the story, so we already have it
down and people are trying to get it down, but we already have it.
So I’m so glad you bring that up. One question I get all the time is because storytelling is something that we hear, just like you just
said. We hear all the time. Mm hmm. In terms of like, one, like we should be using storytelling. How are we telling a story in 60
seconds? Yeah, for a short form video, right? Sure. I know that. Again, that’s a question that comes up all the time.
Yeah. So it is a different way of doing things because we again, as marketers, we’re used to doing ten minute, 30 minute live
streams. And so it’s going to take a lot of practice. And this is why, like before you ever, like, hit, you know, record on your video, you
got to have whatever you’re 3 to 5 different bullet points that you’re going to hit and you’re going to have to practice it. And like we
talked about this yesterday on a webinar that so many people have to record the opening over and over and over again until they get
that thing down. That’s like me. Every time I’m recording a video and I’m hitting record, I’m like, Oh crap, that was too long. I have to
like, erase it. So sometimes it may not take me 45 seconds to do one video. It may take me two or 3 minutes because I’ve had to
rerecord it a couple of times because it’s too long. But in the grand scheme of things, if it takes me 10 minutes to do one video, that’s
less than a typical livestream that we all do on social media, but it’s going to take a significant amount of practice because we are not
used to short form content. We’re just not.
Yeah, yeah, it’s a it’s a different it’s, it’s a different art. Yeah. That we have to I mean, obviously very different from something like
we’re doing here, like you mentioned to do like a webinar or live stream, like podcasting, we can just, we can just talk. Well, you
mentioned like the, the beginning part of your video and having to rerecord that and stuff like that. I assume you’re talking about the
hook. Yeah, of the video, is that right? Can you kind of talk about that and talk about that for a second?
For sure. So one of the things about any short form video platform is specifically Tik-tok is you’ve got 1 to 1 and one half seconds to
capture somebody’s attention. One, because when people are scrolling, they’re scrolling for whatever it is that they’re looking for.
And so the moment you pop up on screen, they are judging you in that video like that. And so this is why you’ve got to have whatever
it is. Your hook is like, for example, I have a video that my opening hook is is Tik Tok making people go viral, you know, or Tik Tok
making certain content creators go viral. And that literally is the scroll stopping what? And so, like before you create your hook, you
got to go, okay, what is the point of this video? What am I trying to get people to understand in this video? And then you make that
your hook and your hook could your hook could be the text on screen. Your hook could be what you say or your hook could be
whatever the expression is. And so sometimes my hook is me with this like, crazy expression or like something like that, like a sad
face. And when I do that, people are stopping going, Well, what’s going on? Or it could be an image because some of I’m petty about
my divorce and you’ll see this image of me and my ex husband, but he’s all whited out and you’re like, What is this about? And that’s
not a scroll stopping content.
Yeah. And again, going back to the it’s a really, really great point. And we just want to drive this home for everybody listening right
now is like, it might take you several takes, if you will, to get it down. I mean, I’ve been podcasting, for example, for since 2013, so
almost ten years now.
And I still, whenever I do like an intro after like this interview right now, I’ll do the intro for this, right. I might do seven takes of the intro.
Exactly. Even though I’ve been doing this for ten years. Like and so it’s the same type of thing. It’s just going to take practice and
really getting it down. Now, you mentioned, you know, storytelling, educational content. In the example that you just use for like is is
tik-tok making some creators go viral, you know, whatever that hook is. What’s the story there? Just to give people sort of like a
tangible example of that video right there that you’re talking about and what Tick Tock is saying yesterday to you on that webinar in
terms of, Hey, storytelling is what we want to see.
Mm hmm. So as it pertains to that video, it is like, so that’s the opening hook is tick tock, making certain creators go viral. Then what
happens from there is you’ll see me on a green screen and you’ll see an article that says Tick Tock has a heat button feature. So
then now I’m starting to walk people through what is the news saying? What is the media saying about all this? And I’m letting them
see some of what’s happening in the article to make them go, Oh my God, What? And then I remove the green screen and then I start
explaining it even more. And so like they get this first, like the they get the the the shock of the shock factor of what I said in the hook.
Then they see that the media is actually saying all this and not just my personal opinion. So I’m literally taking people on this journey.
I got them excited or upset or frustrated or whatever in the beginning, and then I’m walking them through and then I’m ending it with
and here’s why even that they don’t, you know, make your videos go viral. You still going to have success on the platform. So as a
marketer, I’m making people aware of what people are talking about and what TikTok could be doing, but also giving them the
solution that they don’t need, that they can still have success. And so that’s the that’s the storyteller. It doesn’t necessarily mean you
got to talk about the time your dog jumped over a cliff or whatever, but it’s just like taking people on the journey through the whatever
your point is, and it’s serving them through that story.
As somebody with cats, I love the fact that you just use dogs. Yeah, yeah. Example, they’re exactly that’s the whole green screen
thing. And having like an article, you know, sort of in the background and just giving your opinion on whatever that article is, is
something that I’ve heard is, is a really easy way to create content because you’re just riffing essentially on your opinion on whatever
that article is.
Yeah. Oftentimes I will find things that are just viral on TikTok, like there’s this controversy of this food critic and someone else or
whatever. And when I was watching that, people were giving their negative take on it. But I said, Let me give my business take on
what this means. And so I started off just same way everybody else did in a sense. But then when I gave my take, people were like,
Oh, this is great business advice, And people chose to follow me. And it had nothing to do with the controversy, but it had to do with
me as a business person giving my educational opinion as an expert. And so we get to take people through journeys like that, which
storytelling works so well. And one of the things that you want to have happen on the platform is getting people to watch your videos
all the way through and potentially loop it. And they can do that through a story.
Because the algorithm sees that as, Oh, this is, this is interesting content to that person. Yeah. And so kind of like, I don’t know,
raising the score, I guess, of that video or what have you.
Yes. Because then the algorithm because ultimately it wants people to stay on the platform. Yeah. Here he is. Sure. And if they’re
finding that people are watching this video, 75% all the way through and they’re like, oh, this is good content. We’re going to send it
out to more people that will probably be interested in this, and that’s going to keep more people on the platform.
And you will get as though as the viewer will get served more videos of that type of content as well.
Yep. And and yeah. So that that topic and me.
And that person right right right. Is did any did anything else come up on that call with tech talk that you just did yesterday in addition
to storytelling and what they’re looking for.
So it was storytelling and I can’t think of the other things. They talked a lot about hooks as well, and they talked about a lot about
visuals. So one of the things it was like three different creators were on there and some of them play characters. And so like, you
know, you would think as a creator, as a marketer, that we can’t play characters. But Laurie, the reason why her video went viral was
because she played characters, she played she played one teacher and then she played another teacher or I think was a parent and
a teacher. And so we have all seen it to where people are playing to different people. It’s the same person and we know it’s the same
person. So people like it’s a story. People are now drawn into a story, but it’s also two different characters. So sometimes I will act like
someone who wants to use TikTok but is frustrated or doesn’t know how to do things. And then I’ll present myself as an expert and
people get to watch this like dialog happen on the screen between the two people. And I call it to Laurie the Erica Kohlberg method,
because she’s someone who, you know, millions and millions and millions of followers just by doing that, you know, as a lawyer,
they’re professional field, you know, just by doing the two person characters. And so if you’re somebody and you’re like, I want to
make creative content on TikTok for business and potentially go viral, then the two character thing is a really big deal or takes up
right now.
So two things that pop up for me right there. But the first thing I want to address is it sounds like a lot of work to create a video like
Uh huh.
True. Not true. You get. Or is it basically the same kind of answer? It gets easier the more you do it.
Yeah. So the thing is, is that it’s actually pretty easy because right now you can see me in this shirt, but I have another shirt on the on
the other side of this computer. And so literally what I would do is I would just record it in my camera. I would like have this shirt on
and I would record the three things I’m going to say I recorded and then pause a little bit, recorded pause a little bit. Then I would
change clothes and I recorded pause, pause, pause. Then I would just take both of those clips and just put it into Splice and then just
make it. This one happened, then this one, this one, then this one. So I don’t necessarily do it inside of TikTok, and it can sound
complicated, but again, like you said, it does get easier as you go along. But I didn’t use to do any of this, but I just learned that, oh,
this is actually pretty easy. But also not only have those videos done well on Tik Tok, but I’ve reposted them on Instagram reels. They
do great there. And then our ads tape uses them as ads. And so I’m like, the method works like on all the different things. So I’m like
that one time that I spent a little bit more time editing that video is now helping us on all platforms and in our ads.
It’s a great point because why do they work well on ads? Because it’s looks like the type of content that’s native to the platform where it’s running.
And so you mentioned like you would put it together in Splice and you could also share it on Instagram reels or stories or what have
you. We’ve also heard that it hurts us or with the algorithm, when we don’t create something in Tik Tok or take a video on Tik Tok and
share it over to Instagram or what have you, what’s your what have you seen? What’s your take on that?
Yeah. So okay, so what I’ve learned is that any time you create a video in Instagram or intake tag that there is something called
metadata associated with the video. And so when you upload each video to the different platforms, they know where it came from
versus if you do it in your camera roll, it’s fine because then I just take it onto each platform, use their text on screen, add sounds or
whatever, and then I have incredible success. Now, there are some people that have had success reposting tiktoks and reels to each
platform, but majority of people are having the most success when it is native. But if if you already know that you want to repost these
on all the different platforms, then just 100% start in your camera roll. That way you don’t have to deal with all that. You don’t have to,
you know, recording all the different platforms.
Just make it as easy as possible at first to get momentum to get you’re going.
Exactly. Or if you have an editor, you can just do the do the initial I mean, we have an editor too. So I do some of my initial recording
and I just give it to the editor and I say, okay, I love the style of X, Y and Z, and then they are able to edit and do all the things.
The other thing that I thought of when you were talking about that was I’ve searched on online business, for example, on Tik Tok, and
nine times out of ten I get sort of the. Get rich quick sort of stuff. The nothing against it, but like the dropshipping, you know, sort of
businesses and again, nothing against them or anything. But like that’s what comes up and I’m bringing this up because as online
business owners, I feel like we have a huge opportunity to kind of like even still write to kind of like set the course well, not set the
course, but just take advantage of this opportunity where I don’t see a ton of content on the platform in terms, of course, creators,
membership creators, coaches, consultants, that sort of thing. Have you seen something similar or is that just what I’m seeing on
No, like, like the thing about it is like Tik-tok is still so violently opposed in the online marketing space that you’re still just not seeing
the things that we all see on Facebook and Instagram, which is a huge opportunity for the people that are quote unquote, doing it
right. You know, like us, like we we do what we do and we teach or we teach. And if we would actually just spend some time putting
content there, we would we would explode in a way that, you know, we we can’t explode on Facebook or Instagram that I love both
platforms. I use them as well. But there is such a there’s such a wide open market, I would say, for what it is that we do as content
creators, as course creators and business consultant, because people just aren’t doing it. They’re.
Do we use hashtags? How do we deal with or how do we take advantage of SEO on the platform?
Yeah. So right now, TikTok now has the opportunity where you can do up to 2200 characters in your description. And so what you
want to do is before you ever post your video, you’re going to want to do a quick search. So you want to search like, let’s just say
podcasting or how to podcast. And what’s going to happen is once you start typing in the words, you’re going to see a dropdown
menu and it’s going to tell you exactly what people are searching about podcasting. So then instead of you writing out whatever
description you were going to write, you want to use one of those top the descriptions or type things that people are searching.
Because once you are the number one person in that search, every time somebody types that in, you’re the one they’re going to find.
So I always before I write my description, I’m doing a search and I’ll write how to X or whatever it is people are searching from there.
I’ll then I will use some hashtags and the hashtags that I’m using is not going to be monetize the talk or take top course or whatever.
It’s going to be the people I’m trying to attract to that particular video. And so mine will be female business owners or a female
coaches or the email course creators, or I’ll use those hashtags to try to attract those people to that video.
But then I will double down on my keywords. And so keywords, again, it’s from when you did an initial search, so it could be
podcasting for fitness, podcasting for whatever your your, your keywords is, and you have up to 2200 characters. And what I have
experienced is that every time I take the time and do that with the description and the keywords, the video not only has success, but
then if your video starts to rank, you’ll start like, for example, you can go back to that video, you post it, let’s just say a day later and
up top you’re going to see a search box. And in that search box, if you are ranking, you’re going to see how to create a podcast like
and you’ll and that’s how you know this video performing well. So if you go and search how to go live on TikTok or how to something
on TikTok, a lot of times you’re going to see me in the when you search for those videos because I have intentionally made sure that
we’re ranking with SEO by the search terms.
Gotcha. Okay. I love that. I love that. All right. So I have to ask, are you using AI in any way? Oh, yeah. To help you with this process?
Oh, chat GPT is like the life saver. Like at first I was like I couldn’t figure out what was going on with it. Yeah, but nowadays I am
because I’m busy running my business and just living life. And so periodically I will go in to chat GPT and I’ll say, give me 2525 short
video topics around, take talk marketing for business and then I will say regenerate and I’ll say for business for women and then
regenerate for course creators. And I have all these topics and it doesn’t mean I’m going to do all the videos, but instead of me
coming up with them, I’m like, You do it. And you know, that’s why that was a month. That is nothing with the amount of time we’re
going to save. Let’s go.
So it gets you going. It gives you starts, start to give you some ideas. Let’s just say it kicks out ten ideas for you. And you’re like, Oh, I
love three of those. And so you’re going to use three of them, maybe rework them a little bit. You do you like drill down deeper? Do
you go for like bullet points to say or a script or a description, or are you going that level of depth in it, or is it more so to kind of help
you get going with the topic ideas?
So right now it’s is to help me go with the topic ideas. However, we have a second assistant that we brought on and one of her roles
is going to be writing blogs and writing content posts for like our Facebook community. And that was one of the things that I had as
that’s what she’s going to do with GPT if she’s not going to have the topic, but she’s going to have the actual bullet points and then
once she has those bullet points and she’s written these really good blogs, then I will stop searching for my own topics and I’ll go in
and take those bullet points because eventually she’s going to learn how I do things and all that. And that’s just going to make our life
a lot easier. But for right now, I’m just using the topic.
It’s a great I mean, it’s I’m so glad you’re bringing that up as far as like, how are you going to use an assistant? Because you can
literally get it to a point where the assistant is doing the research on tick tock as far as search terms and so forth and leveraging AI
like a chat, GPT, for example, to come up with ideas and then doing the bullet points. So all you have to do is just literally record the
video and then your part is done. Yeah, very similar to like this podcast here I sit down, I record, I’m done like, you know, the team
that takes care of the rest. As we wrap up here, you’ve dropped a lot of amazing like tips and tricks and things to be doing and things
to be thinking about here. If you could only give one piece of advice. One. Like, amazing, whatever. I will use hack strategy, tip,
whatever it is that you want to do. What would it be?
Well, live stream.
Like a lot of people. Just do not use tick tock alive like you have the quote unquote young people doing random things on live stream.
But I am obsessed with the livestream platform on TikTok, and here’s why. Okay, first of all, you can use stream yard now and you
can go live on Tik Tok and all the different like you can go live on Instagram to all one on one feed. But not only that, when you go
live on Tik Tok, your live stream doesn’t just notify everybody that’s following you, but your live stream goes into what’s called the Tik
Tok Live Center, where someone clicks instead of live center. They can scroll to see what they want to see, and now they can see
you. But then live stream is also on the Tik Tok for you page. So when someone is scrolling for content that they want to watch, here
you are showing up on on the feed. But also over the weekend I got notification that there’s a widget now for Tik Tok live to where on
your iPhone you can have a widget in the upper left hand corner that says King and Kelly is live right now on Tik tok if that person is
following you So Tik Tok is incredibly doubling down on what is happening on on the live platform because they want people to stay
on the platform. But it’s the only social media, the only one that is showing it on a live feed where people don’t follow you and drawing
them in like, I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been live on Tik Tok and I watched my Apple Watch just go off. People are just
buying, buying my course or buying my child. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. And these are people who just met me because
of the FIP.
So, number one, have you done a video about that yet? About like, hey, for iPhone users, make sure you download this the Tik Tok
widget for going live so you don’t miss any of my live videos.
Now it’s on my list of things to do. I’m going to do it now. So I just thought about it.
All right. All right. And then like so so people could hear that in. And like, what comes up for me is like, I hardly I have like 100 and
whatever ten followers on there. And I would say like 90% of them are crap. Like, I mean, like just bots or what have you. Yeah. Do I
still want to go live? Yeah, even though I don’t have any.
Yeah. So you can’t go live until you get 1000 followers. Once you get 1000. Then you get the last dream, you know? Then you get
the last dream option. Yeah.
Okay. And don’t think I didn’t. I don’t think I missed that. You laugh at me for the number of followers I have.
Oh, right, right, right, right, right.
All right. So. So live stream. Like, what are we doing on that? Are we teaching Just like we would a normal video? Obviously, it’s
longer, it’s live. Like, what are we doing on a live stream?
Yes, I cheat, teach my TikTok live the same way I do my Facebook and Instagram. And here’s the crazy thing, because most people
aren’t doing that. I am like, I am like, it’s like I am Oprah when I’m like, I’m giving this stuff away, but it’s like, this is what’s normal to us.
We build our business on Periscope, live, Facebook live. We built our businesses there when we all first got started. And so when
you’re on live stream, it’s a whole it’s it’s mind boggling the amount of people that are not getting the information. And so if you’re
there, you’re like, you’re saving the world.
Okay, I love it. I love it. All right, live stream. That is your that is. Do it. We should do. Oh, I think the same thing. I’ve heard the same
thing for frankly, for for YouTube. Right. Doing going live on YouTube and then growing the channel. You can take that video and cut
it up. And there’s other pieces of short form content repurposing and so forth.
But when we go live on, so we use graveyard and we go live on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok all at the same
time because it’s like if you’re going to go live.
Get the watch time hours on YouTube too.
Might as well amplify it. Yeah, I love it. I love it. So it’s Kenya Telecom forward slash challenge, is that right? And tell people again
what you’re going to be teaching during the three day challenge the dates and why they need to be there for sure.
So the three day challenge is going to be February 2020 first and 22nd, and I’m going to be walking you through, first of all,
understanding short form video, understanding TikTok. And then each day we’re going to walk through pieces of the app, a video
creation. And at the end of each night, I will give you a challenge, go and do this. And the whole goal of it is to help you get started
and get consistent. And so each night it’s basics to the advance. And then the last night is what we’re talking about, revenue
strategies of use selling on TikTok, but also you partnering with brands if you want to. And it’s going to you’re going to find yourself
going like, why didn’t I do this sooner? Because I’m a I’m an easy teacher to learn from.
Yeah, I love it. I love it. You Well, I’ll link it up in the show notes for the episode here for today. Kenya, thank you so much for coming
back on. Keeping us updated here. Continue to give me a hard time for getting these videos up. You have my full permission to
continue. They’re laughing at me, at my followers. I get it. I would laugh at me too. It’s all good. It’s all good. Thanks, Kenya, for
coming back on.
Taking so much.
All right. Hope you enjoyed this one with Kenya. Hey, if you would like to get my help in growing and scaling your business while
working a whole lot less in your business, reducing the number of hours drastically. If you’d like me to coach you on that, if you’d like
to get help from other like minded online course or membership creators, online coaches who are all doing big things in their business
as well, then I want to invite you to apply for my accelerator coaching program. This is application only. I don’t take everybody who
applies and this is an opportunity to get my direct hands on help in terms of 101 group coaching and a mastermind experience all
wrapped up into a six month program. That is my accelerator coaching program. So if you’re an established online course or
membership creator or online coach and want to get help from me, just go over to Rick Muller Radio.com for its accelerator. You can
learn more about the program there and then fill out the short application and look forward to reviewing that application when you
submit it. Thank you as always, my friend, for listening to today’s episode. I appreciate you. And until next time, be well, we’ll chat with
you soon.